Gordon: Krupa “living in a glass house”

Another salvo in the battle of the bad attendance records, this time from the Jehan Gordon camp. From a press release:

Gordon Blasts Krupa for Living in a Glass House & Not Meeting her Own Attendance Standards

PEORIA, IL- Candidate for StateRepresentative Jehan Gordon (D-Peoria) condemned her Republican opponent Joan Krupa for releasing information she knew to be false in an attempt to purposely lie to the voters of the 92nd district. In Wednesday’s release Krupa claimed that Gordon had missed 40% of the Pleasant Hill School Board meetings since she joined the board. According to the school board records this is false. Gordon’s attendance record show’s that she was at 11 of 15 regularly scheduled school board meetings. During her own time as a Peoria County Board member, during a comparable one-year period (the same standard that the Krupa campaign has used), Joan Krupa was absent from 25% of the meetings held between April 14, 1992 and April 13, 1993.

“It is unfortunate that my opponent has decided to ignore the real issues that the people of our district care about and instead released a statement that she knows is false,” Gordon said. “Joan Krupa has called character a major issue in this campaign but in the first test of her character she has shown that she is willing to lie to the voters in order to gain a political advantage.”

Last winter, in a personal letter to Gordon and again during Wednesday’s Peoria Chamber of Commerce forum, Krupa pledged to not go negative. One day later Krupa’s statement was released attacking Gordon with false and misleading information. Krupa’s campaign chairman Wednesday stated that missing more than 5% of meetings was an issue; he clearly should have an issue with his own candidate.

“When Krupa says it’s a betrayal of trust to miss meetings, she’s really talking about herself,” Gordon said. “According to the county board records Joan missed 25% of her own meetings in a one-year period. Joan is a hypocrite for trying to apply standards to others that she can’t live up to herself.”

A statement released by Bob Neal and Pat Carroll, president and vice president of the Pleasant Hill school board called Gordon a valued member of the school board who has dedicated her career to helping the students of Peoria county.

Gordon is the Democratic nominee for 92nd district State Representative. For more information, contact Jehan Gordon at (309) 673-9292 or at info@jehangordon.com

In a related press release, the president and vice president of the Pleasant Hill School Board defended Gordon. They issued this statement:

President Bob Neal and Pleasant Hill School Board Vice President Pat Carroll Regarding Joan Krupa’s Misleading Statements

On Wednesday, Joan Krupa released a statement claiming that Pleasant Hill School Board member Jehan Gordon has missed 40% of the scheduled meetings in her time on the board. This is a lie. According to our records, Jehan has attended 73% of the board’s regular meetings.

Jehan has shared with us that during her time on our school board that she has also worked as the student retention coordinator at ICC and often time her responsibilities to the students do not fall between the hours of 9am and 5pm. Her dedication to ensuring that every student receives the help they need in order to juggle their responsibilities of family, work and school is very admirable.

It is unfortunate that Joan Krupa has decided to try to divert the attention of the voters away from the issues that matter most to our families and has instead decided to run her campaign through false, negative attacks. After stating at the forum on Wednesday that she would not use negative campaign tactics, Joan Krupa immediately started doing just that by attacking Jehan personally and by lying about her record. I would hope that the voters of the 92nd district can see this for what it is.

Jehan is a valued member of the Pleasant Hill School Board. Her record of working with the students of our community both at ICC and at Manual High School as a volunteer mentor shows her commitment to the education system. The endorsements of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, the Illinois Education Association, the Peoria Federation of Teachers and the Illinois Principal’s Association show the support and faith that those who work with our children every day have in Jehan’s ability to stand up for the students of our area.

Bob Neal
President Pleasant Hill School Board

Pat Carroll
Vice President Pleasant Hill School Board

15 thoughts on “Gordon: Krupa “living in a glass house””

  1. I find it interesting that Gordon is alleging a bad attendance record for Krupa in a one year period when Krupa was on the County Board for two terms. The rest of her terms, must not reflect a bad attendance record or obviously Gordon would release that as well.

    Sounds to me like Gordon is cherrypicking the facts while Gordon fully admits to missing at least 27% of the meetings during her tenure on the School Board. The numbers for Krupa during her whole tenure is much more admirable.

    As I understand it, both of the County Board Chairmen during Krupa’s terms on the Board are endorsing her, one a Democrat and one a Republican.

  2. It is notable that they had to go back as far as 1992 to find a 25% absentee-ism rate. First, you have to wonder if records from that long ago are correct and second, it is obvious they delved back into old work records and cherry-picked a time period and a criterion from a long, diverse, and distinguished work history. It’s the classic “Hey look over there…” maneuver designed to deflect attention away from her (Gordon’s) attendance records as well as the no-shows at the debates last week.

    As far as the letter from the Pleasant Hill School board, they are the last people who should be pointing fingers for bad behavior as it is their institution that is responsible for handing out inconsistent and incomplete data in response to FOIA requests. I’m sure the Krupa and the Gordon campaigns will be awaiting their apologies.

  3. I agree with the “get to the issues” sentiment. I agree with whoever said(I think it was Diane)that the providers of the FOIA information need to apologize and clarify their data. Aside from that, both Jehan and Joan have now been put in positions to defend attendance records. This is verifiable data–so let’s get the facts out there and be done with this argument. Of course, there will be the temptation to present the reasons and/or excuses for each absence, etc. However, as election day draws nearer, the time should be spent on issues. I know that I plan to attend at least one, if not two events when Joan and Jehan have been invited to speak–I hope that the attendance issue will be put to rest by then. I’m not saying that the issue was not relevant–just that it’s had its day and it’s time to move on.

  4. They really need to put “none of the above” as an option on the ballot. Krupa was stupid for not checking her own attendance record before firing off this attack. Gordon is cherry-picking her data, and this in no way excuses her no-call, no-show at one of the scheduled debates. That seems to confirm a pattern of behavior.

    I don’t know that this is completely a distraction from the issues, Tulip. I think it is rather important that our elected officials show up for their duties. Sounds like both candidates have a problem with that.

  5. Hurry hurry hurry… get in line to defend the old white woman!
    While I couldn’t care less if the while school board stayed home, THE POINT IS that Krupa thinks bad attendance is a character flaw… well
    He who smelt it dealt it!

  6. anyone else get the feeling that “kcdad” is really a nerdy 13 year old with sinus problems, greasy hair and bad skin?

  7. No they don’t both suck.

    Gordon was caught red handed with a horrible attendance record that showed she doesn’t really care about that school board.

    The rationalizing of her attendance record is outrageous. It’t not like Gordon didn’t know when school board meetings were held when she went on the school board. If she knew she didn’t have time, she should have been responsible and taken a pass on joining the board.

    Her history of not showing up and lying about it is continuing. Why Ms. Gordon did you leave the Kiwanis in limbo waiting for you to show up only to find out you didn’t have the decency to even call??????? You lied when you said you called. Exactly who did you call to cancel and when? What made you suddenly unavailable to debate?

    What does a desperate candidate with bad character do when confronted with the facts? Accuse her opponent of doing what she did.

    Knight you are wrong. Krupa didn’t have a bad record to check on. Gordon made the accusation with no proof and contrary to what the Democratic Chair Sharon Kennedy has said bout Krupa’s dedication as a board member.

    Next thing you know, Gordon may well accuse Krupa of shoplifting and faking a degree. Doesn’t make it true, just stirs up dust to divert attention from Gordon’s proven trail of bad character.

    Gordon’s entire time as a school board member flunks responsibility. Krupa didn’t transform Heartland Clinic by not showing up. Krupa has an outstanding record on the county board and this is vouched for by the person who was chairman and a Democrat at that.

  8. Krupa also promised to stick to the issues and then immediately, without provocation, descended into character attacks and mud-slinging. Being a “hero” of one sort or the other doesn’t excuse bad behavior. That applies to John McCain and Joan Krupa. Krupa’s the one who brought the conversation to this level, not Jehan Gordon.

    I just checked Krupa’s site, and she has yet to respond to Gordon’s counter-charge. It should be easy enough to confirm or deny Gordon’s charges regarding her attendance. If Gordon is lying, that’s another strike against her … and she’s already got 3 or 4, IMO.

  9. Knights stick together. You are correct of course, which is why I agree with you.

    Krupa’s attendance record in Peoria is no better than Gordon’s.

  10. In the news today, Krupa said she filed her own Freedom of Information Act request for her own attendance record. If you call the courthouse they will tell you that takes 2 weeks to get back.

    Krupa released exactly what Gordon’s school responded to in a request for Gordon’s attendance record. Gordon admits to missing 27% of meetings. You know any other public official with such a poor attendance record as that?

    So when the county responds to Krupa you will see a side by side comparison.

    But some other side by side comparisons can be made right now with irrefutable facts:

    Gordon shoplifted. Krupa has never been arrested.

    Gordon had to pull an ad in the primary because it said she graduated when she didn’t. Krupa has both a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree. (So Gordon already has a track record of lying in a campaign).

    Gordon did not pay her legal fines for shoplifting for 8 years. Krupa never had a fine.

    Gordon did not pay her series of traffic fines, including driving unlicensed, for a few years. Again, Krupa never had a fine.

    Krupa attended all the debates. It was Gordon who didn’t show up.

    Good character vs. bad character. Springfield is ruled by bad character. The people of Illinois need people of good character.

    If you dismiss everything above you are extremely biased and deserve dysfunctional, corrupt government.

    Don’t let Gordon continue to deceive you.

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