Happy belated blogoversary to me

It’s hard to believe, but my blog started three years ago — April 15, 2005, just a couple of days before my son was born. How time flies!

The last line of my first post was, “There’s always plenty to talk about in Peoria.” Hope you all are still enjoying the discussion.

8 thoughts on “Happy belated blogoversary to me”

  1. Today through a fluke I happened across something really great happening May 2nd.

    The local Young Professional Organization of Greater Peoria is sponsoring a luncheon with Rebecca Ryan as the featured speaker, see details through this link: http://www.peoriachamber.org/goto/EngageIllinoi

    Rebecca has written the book “Live First Work Second” and today I bought a copy and within a couple hours I am ¾ of the way through. http://www.nextgenerationconsulting.com/index.cfm/fuseaction/events.eventdetails/calendarID/9864

    This book speaks to all of us who care about our city and its future. I urge all of you, who believe Peoria can be a better place, to get a copy and please read it.

    I hope there is still space available to get tickets to listen to her speak. Richard Florida wrote her book’s introduction and I agree with the reviewers who have said “fasten your seatbelts…” I think she has a powerful message for cities like ours who have for too long been run from the top down.

    I would be interested in knowing if you agree with her assessment of why some cities have a difficult time becoming “cool cities” and I can guess from the comments usually posted on CJ’s site most of you will agree she has hit the mark when it comes to Peoria.

    I don’t know who is responsible for bringing her to town- but please accept my kudos!

  2. And thanks for being THE blogger in town who checks his facts and gets his opinion at least based in fact and not on emotion.

  3. No, not all bloggers make things up, only those bloggers that are Cub fans. tehe tehe

    Thank you CJ,……………Time goes fast when you are having fun and thank Billy also inspite of your sports team preference deficiency.

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