Hardees: “Skin to Win” in Fast Food

Hardees Cup

I went to Hardees today to buy a Coke and was served it in this cup, featuring Sports Illustrated swimsuit model Vanessa Lorenzo. So now their cups have suimsuit models on them, and their commercials have women (most notably Paris Hilton) feigning orgasm over Hardees burgers.

Here’s my question: when is Hardees going to jettison what final shreds of respectability they have and go all the way? I mean, we all know where this is going. Pretty soon they’re going to start painting their fast food restaurants brown, covering the windows, and putting up the “18 and older only” signs. That way they can have topless order-takers and soft porn printed on the cups. Their breakfast menu can carry the ever-popular “Smut ‘n’ Eggs” to really appeal to those 18- to 24-year-olds. And all carryout can be discreetly placed in brown paper bags.

As Hardees would say, “That’s hot.”