Heart of Peoria Commission votes to stay city-appointed

The Heart of Peoria Commission (HOPC) this morning unanimously approved of the Mayor’s plan to appoint HOPC commissioners to other city commissions including the Planning, Zoning, and Traffic commissions. However, it is also asking the council to maintain the HOPC’s status as a city-appointed commission. After carefully considering the pros and cons of continuing as either a private advocacy group or a public city commission, the HOPC members felt the city’s interests could be best served by remaining public.

The issue is scheduled to go before the City Council on June 5.

5 thoughts on “Heart of Peoria Commission votes to stay city-appointed”

  1. Wishing you the best from Kansas City, Missouri. We are also advocating for Context Sensitive Solutions and the New Urbanism.

  2. Hell…there goes the party! Being absorbed into other commissions that can stifle the HOPC agenda. Great decision my big a _ _! Everytime I think Peoria has a worthy ‘political’ body, the few, the proud, the snooty stamp on it.

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