Highlights of upcoming Council meeting

There’s a city council meeting this coming Tuesday night, Nov. 27. There are a few noteworthy items on the agenda:

  • Public Hearing on 2008 City of Peoria Budget. This is your chance to tell the city what you think of the proposed budget, and what changes you think should be made.
  • Heart of Peoria Housing Market Survey. The Economic Development Department wants to hire a consultant — Tracy Cross and Associates — to “determine the market for housing and mixed use development” in the Heart of Peoria area, including downtown and the warehouse district.
  • Kellar Branch resolution. Patrick Nichting is carrying the Recreational Trail Advocates’ water by bringing their resolution to the council floor. This resolution was written before the STB handed down their recent ruling; now that the STB has ruled, the resolution is moot, and should be disregarded.
  • Ordinance requiring drug dealers/users be evicted upon first notice. Third District councilman Bob Manning and at-large councilman George Jacob are requesting that Peoria adopt an ordinance similar to one in Evansville, Indiana. “This ordinance requires property owners, who are given notice that illegal drug activity has occurred on their premises, to evict the tenants responsible for the illegal activity or otherwise abate the nuisance.” The hope is that this will cause landlords to act quicker to get rid of drug-using and/or drug-dealing tenants.

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