Hinton’s contract up for renewal Monday night

Peoria Public Schools Superintendent Ken Hinton’s employment contract comes up for renewal at Monday night’s school board meeting. No doubt it will be approved. But how good of a job do you think he’s doing?

Hinton’s current (2007-2008) contract includes some specific performance goals for the 2007-2008 School Year. They are included in “Addendum B.”

Superintendent’s Goals
2007-2008 School Year
    1. Increase the percentage of students making AYP and decrease the number of schools not making AYP
    2. Complete and implement the Restructuring Plan for Manual High School
    3. Identify what the Achievement Gap is in District 150 and develop strategies to address the gap as it pertains to race and class
    4. During the year, put together a team to address the over-identification of minority students and delivery of service for special education
    5. Put a team together and implement strategies to improve the academic performance, programs and structures of the high schools
    1. Meet budget projections to stay on target for balancing the budget
    1. Develop a performance based evaluation instrument for central and building administrators
    1. Develop a plan for the Board and achieve community consensus for an alternative school
    1. Develop for all staff a series of professional development opportunities on improving customer service
    2. Develop a communications plan to improve the District’s image in the community

Obviously, I would have no way of knowing if he’s met all of these goals since several of them deal with the internal workings of the district. Nevertheless, since he’s a public servant (and the highest paid one in Peoria, City Councilman Bill Spears reminded us recently), I think it’s fair for the public that pays his salary to assess him on the basis of what we do know.

So, starting at the top (1.1), has the percentage of students making Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) increased in the 2007-2008 school year? Well, we don’t know yet, because school test results generally come out in the fall. However, those test results are public information once they are released, so we can look at past performance. From 2005 to 2007, the percentage of students meeting and exceeding standards has indeed increased a little each year:

Year Reading Mathematics
2005 54.3 55.6
2006 57.1 64.4
2007 57.6 66.0

Even though the overall scores are up, in order for the district to meet AYP, “they must achieve the goals in all eight of the sub groups – White, African-American, Hispanic, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American, LEP, Students with Disabilities and Economically disadvantaged,” according to District 150 Director of Research Bryan Chumbley at the Sept. 17, 2007, school board meeting.

Mr. Chumbley reported on the progress of the District, we did not make AYP for the fourth consecutive year. Five out of eight subgroups are making AYP in reading and 7 out of 8 subgroups are making AYP in mathematics. The district saw modest increases in five subgroups in reading and modest increases in seven subgroups in math.

What about the second part of that goal? Has the number of schools not making AYP decreased? Well, yes, but not because the schools started making AYP. Rather, it’s because the school board has simply been closing failing schools. This year, they closed Loucks (which hasn’t been meeting AYP), so voila! The number of schools not making AYP decreases by one. Quite an ingenious way of meeting that part of the goal.

Goal 1.2 has to do with the Manual High School restructuring plan. That’s been completed and implemented, so that goal is met.

If Hinton has done anything about goals 1.3 through 1.5, it must all be internal, since I’ve seen no information on those items being reported in the press, and I’ve heard of no call to the public to be involved on any of the teams he’s tasked with putting together.

Goal 2 regards fiscal responsibility. Because of a projected loss of $1.4 million in revenue, Hinton had to come up with a way to “meet budget projections.” He decided to do it by (1) closing Loucks Edison, (2) cutting the school day for primary students, and (3) delaying the purchase of new school buses.

Goal 3 is also internal.

Regarding goal 4, is anyone aware of any plan or “community consensus” for an alternative school? I can’t find anything using the terminology of “alternative school,” but perhaps this goal is being met by Hinton’s research into charter schools or a math/science academy for the Renaissance Park area. Still, even if there is some study or planning going on, there’s certainly no “community consensus.”

Ah, goal 5, a “culture of customer service.” One of the things that has gotten lumped under here over the past year is the Pacific Institute training. Freedom of Information Act requests also get reported under this heading at each school board meeting. But it’s clear that Hinton has created no communications plan at all, let alone one that “improve[s] the District’s image in the community.”

And that last point is Hinton’s biggest downfall. If there were better communication, if parents felt like their concerns were seriously being considered, and if a spirit of collaboration existed between the board, the administration, and the parents, I think most of any superintendent’s weak points could be looked upon with more grace. But when parents are treated like adversaries, they start acting like adversaries. No one wins in that scenario; and the ones who suffer the biggest loss are the children.

So, let’s see that communication plan, Mr. Hinton. And please give it to us directly — not through the press. Direct talks would be a really good first step.

47 thoughts on “Hinton’s contract up for renewal Monday night”

  1. 2016 N. Wisconsin Ave., Peoria, William O. and Deborah Sturdivant to Peoria Public Schools District 150, $78,000.

  2. Goal 1. STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT Regarding students in Special Education, please be aware the District’s special education population is over 25%of the whole student population. This is far above average. It is imperative parents of students with special needs understand that the District hired an incompetent Director of Special Education. She, herself stated she has had five Traumatic Brain Injuries. Count them, FIVE. She has no people skills, no communication skills, and leads by fear and intimidation.

    Most people in the special education division state “I just try to fly under the radar with her and stay as far away as I can.” Ken Hinton and other central office administrators have refused to listen to employees (administrators) who have worked in special education for 10 – 30 years that there is a very serious problem with Dr. Mary O’Brian. She YELLS at people, STOMPS around the room PULLING at her hair, cries, SLAMS her hand on the table, and then puts on an act in front of Board Members using a very soft quiet voice (kind of like Hinton).

    There is a very serious concern with the over identification of special ed students, but Ken Hinton KNOWS NOTHING about SPED and Mary O’Brian is too scattered brained to be able to make a plan. SPED administrators and SPED teachers are quitting (moving to other positions or other districts) because of Mary O’Brian. She does not respond to emails or phone messages and can not run a meeting because she can never remember what issues are being covered. I assure you with this woman leading SPED and Ken Hinton allowing her to, there will be no gains.

    Just know, it’s the SPED population that is disregarded and ignored in District 150. The District takes advantage of the parents with special needs and only caters to the ones that know the law and will follow through with a lawsuit. I promise you it is the low income and the minority students/parents in SPED that get taken advantage of in District 150. Please, start digging into the SPED department and you will find staff not performing well because their boss, Mary O’Brian, is a tyrant. This woman was a professor at ISU and I am sure she looked good on paper, but she is a theorist NOT a practitioner. She taught special ed at ISU, but she does not even know the laws regarding SPED.

    Goal 3. QUALITY STAFF Regarding hiring quality staff, one BIG reason principals do not go through the agony to “fire” staff, is because the District hires back people who have been previously fired! The time and the stress involved firing a union employee is grueling. But if the person happened to be a friend or relative of Ken Hinton or some other administrator, they were hired back.

    Many people are seeking employment outside the District because of the leadership of Ken Hinton and other central office administrators. His quiet voice fooled many for a long time, but not anymore. His leadership is through fear and intimidation also. And if he doesn’t stop repeating his sentences over and over about being a hometown boy that went to Manual HS, I think I’ll be sick.

    And they want to change the culture of the District? They need to look at themselves first.

  3. How is the vote taken for his rehire? Is it done publicly with a vote we are allowed to view on television or is it done privately before the public meeting starts? I have not heard any grumbling that he will not be rehired, so I fear we are in for a long haul. Also, do they have to give him notice before the vote?

  4. ImaSwede,
    King hinton has no need to worry about his job, nor does his court jester cahill. This bunch of BOE wimps are clueless! (Yes and that includes you Stowell struting around in Kroger’s this last Friday with your phone stuck in your ear after getting out of your new black Mercedes Benz!) This BOE should have given them both notice long before now that they intended to kick their sorry butts to the curb. No, it will be another asinine “kiss my butt since I AM KING HINTON”!!! Why you Peoria taxpayers don’t demand that arrogant hinton be shown the door just amazes me! What is it that you don’t understand why the previous BOE would not EVEN give hinton an interview? Also why doesn’t someone ask the previous BOE in PEKIN why cahill is no longer there? Why did cahill have to find a job at a district near Chicago only one fifth the size of district 150. Doesn’t any of this compute to you???

  5. one-feral-kat, interesting! Someone told me after District 150 hired Guy Cahill that as soon as he left Pekin things got better. They would not elaborate.

  6. OFK – It must be very frustrating to you to look into your mirror. Your bitterness makes ALL of your opinions suspect, at best. Technology enabled me to field Mrs. Akeson’s call while shopping and still get home in time to make dinner. Also, it’s not new. It’s a 2005. I haven’t agreed with a lot of what the administration has put forward, but progress is being made.

  7. I want to hear what Beth Akeson thinks of all this since she once ran for this board and I voted for her.

  8. Jim Stowell, please take note on Mary O’Brian. A survey was taken a couple months ago regarding staff morale in SPED. Did the Board members see the results of that survey? Mary O’Brian reduces people to tears on a regular basis, this is not right. You can Pacific Institute people to death, but it will never help unless the ones in charge start treating others with respect. People should not be “afraid” or “fly under the radar” of someone. People do not perform well under those circumstances. Believe me when I say people are afraid to speak up about what is going on in SPED and when there is over 25% of the students in SPED in the District, someone better start investigating. Pleeeeeeeease!

  9. With CJ taking a break I’m sure he would want someone to emphasize the importance of being respectful to each other. I appreciate Mr. Stowells willingness to address our concerns. If people continue to lob anonymous cheap shots at other individuals our concerns will not even be considered.

  10. Diane,
    I see you still have a problem with anonymous blogging. Oh well. Sometimes “cheap shots” are necessary. Seriously, isn’t that what politics is all about? One_Feral_Kat may have his ‘issues,’ but he does ask some interesting questions, questions that few people seem to know the answer to.
    Lets be fair though. OFK’s “bitterness” may make all of his “opinions suspect.” In the same light, suger coating and buttery ‘let’s keep the peace’ speaches don’t cut the mustard either. I would rather trust a person who speaks from both heart and mind then someone who has a silky tongue. “Progress?” From an extremely, extremely sub-par school district, to an extremely sub-par school district is NOT progress. Dist 150 Super may be a tough stressful job, but that is why Hinton makes the big bucks. Imrovement in the district should be IMMEDIATE! Not measured in inches, but leaps and bounds.
    Let OFK rave. Sometimes it is good to know how people really feel.

  11. I seem to recall Hinton didn’t want the job to begin with and wasn’t qualified for it,(certification -wise), so why would this man of integrity accept an extension or renewal of his contract?

    Didn’t he already retire?

    Was it with 150 and not letting people retire??? haul back in… give them another job… are there really that few intelligent, capable people in the entire district???

  12. I agree, cheap shots do no good, but if you are somehow affiliated with the district or have any inside information anonymity is key, otherwise that information will stop flowing.

  13. Actually Hinton was mad because he was not considered for the position. Now, how can someone be considered for a superintendent position when they do not even hold the proper certification? Somehow he thought he should have gotten the job without the proper credentials. What is wrong with his thinking?

    Has anyone questioned how Hinton was able to have so much time off in the fall and still get paid? I assure you he did not have enough sick days to cover the amount of time he was off. But he got his money.

    Also, he states having the Chinese teachers for another year will not cost the District any money. Helloooooooo, they live in the houses on Prospect for free!! The District provides all their transportation. The District pays all their utilities and upkeep. Ken Hinton should be called on the carpet about this. He bought those houses behind the public’s back, then spent 1 Million dollars last summer to fix a few up for the Chinese teachers. Now tell me what is right about that.

    He does not understand the process as far as building new schools. Anyone who has taken a class in educational administration focusing on “building and grounds” would not be making the mistakes this man is making. And he wants to hire a consultant (his friend) on top of it! The district has plenty of smart well-qualified people, but they are continuously discounted by central office. You would be surprised about what goes on over there the public does not know about.

    One more thing, Hinton must just want to visit/vacation out in California because it is financially irresponsible for him to pick LA for visiting Charter schools. Get on-line and look at the GREAT Charter schools in Chicago, Illinois. They are doing great things about 2 1/2 hours away from District 150.

    Why is the Board not questioning any of this wasted spending?

  14. Couldn’t they rent apartments for the Chinese for a lot less than $1 million dollars?

  15. New voice, I’m all for the the free flow of ideas and information, and I am on the record for freely criticising and questioning the D150 administration. I doubt that Mr. Hinton would describe me as a “smooth talker”

    I’m referring to cheap shots such as “Jim Stowell getting out of a shiny new Cadillac with a cell phone attached to his ear” or, “Diane is a distracted SUV Mom who wants enhanced baby sitting for her children.” Nothing will destroy the credibility of a position faster than meaningless insults such as these.

    As far as the anonymous nature of these types of comments- would these individuals EVER say something like that to their targets face? Of course not, or they’d likely be punched in the nose. Anonymity makes people 10 feet tall.

    I believe that the blogosphere can be a vast resource for information and its dissemination, but if it is abused, it ruins this form of expression for everyone.

    My hunch is there are a lot of unexpressed opinions from lurkers who see some of the 2:00am bar room mentality of the blogs, and are unwilling to submit a valuable opinion fearful that they, too, may become a target to the boundary-less commenter with a different opinion.

    I believe that the Peoria Journal Star possesses a similar philosophy, because they have now required an authenticated registration process before you can comment.

    I predict that this will vastly improve the quality of their comments, as well as give the public an opportunity to dig deeper into some of our local issues and hopefully begin to solve some of our problems.

  16. Diane,
    I agree. Insults, poorly developed comments, etc. are not and should not be on the menu. I also believe, as per OFK, that it was a Mercedes Benz Jim Stowell was seen getting out of [not a Cadillac]. I can see the problem many people in Peoria have with what they perceive as the wealthy/political elite that has forever controlled [and ruined] Peoria. I do not know Stowell, so I cannot comment on his character, etc.
    People who cannot control themselves while blogging…should stay of the net. Things may get a little heated, but it is very rare to see someone writing on C.J.’s site get out-of-line.
    The Peoria Journal Star editorial board is a waste of time. This may sound like another conspiracy theory, but I know for a fact the Star has often pulled written eds from their web site for no good reason. You are doing a good job with Dist 150 battle. Do you really own an SUV… with gas
    $4 + a gallon? UUUUHHHHHMMMMMMMMMM.

  17. Diane, I have to disagree with you to a point on this. We have people who don’t vote in a primary election because they do not want others to know which party they are with. If you stop people from being anonymous I feel they will not participate and some have excellent information. We just have to use our common sense and weed out the bad ones from the good ones. If a person would use their correct name they could face retaliation because the people in the administration do not want us to know the correct information and sometimes they only want to feed us bits and pieces. There are even times when we do find out about a plan it is in place and too late for an opinion. I feel the Journal star and others would like to regulate what information we get. We do not want to find ourselves back in the stone ages blindly following a leader’s opinion who is in authority.
    ps. A good example is the way the school board voted on the 45 min reduction plan. I am afraid we will have to have a lot of luck for the board to rescind that plan, because they are not using common judgement.
    Just my opinion.

  18. New Voice, Ummmm, it’s a mini van ;). Is that just as bad?

    RED, I’m not against anonymity per se, just those who cloak themselves in it to spew hatefullness as if it is a recreational sport.

  19. “We have people who don’t vote in a primary election because they do not want others to know which party they are with|

    All city and school board elections are non-partisan so no one can use the excuse that they have to pick a party. I do agree that some people post without using their real names for various reasons. Me included.

  20. Again, I don’t have a problem with people not using their real names…. utilizing one pen name and sticking with it is usually sufficient.

  21. I do insist that people use a valid email, and that they don’t bounce around with more than one “handle.” Some folks a while back were making multiple comments from the same IP.

  22. Diane:

    IMO, the new PJS policy has had the exact opposite effect, i.e., the comments were much more coherent and meaningful before.

  23. Diane and CJ know who I am…. if I add something they don’t like, they know how to get in touch with me. It’s their blogs, I feel they have a right to know.

  24. nontimendum, no offense, I can’t stop laughing at your comment. I would cut and paste some examples of the coherant and meaningful PJStar discourse, but CJ would ban me from his site for good 😉

  25. lovekids:

    You posted – summarized – re: the Chinese teachers:

    (1) they live in the houses on Prospect for free!!
    (2) The District provides all their transportation.
    (3) The District pays all their utilities and upkeep.
    (4) Ken Hinton bought those houses behind the public’s back,
    (5) then spent 1 Million dollars last summer to fix a few up for the Chinese teachers.

    Curious about (5) — did the BOE approve the expenditure of one million dollars to fix up the Prospect houses?

    Did I miss this on a BOE meeting agenda?

    Thank you for your help.

  26. Karrie:
    Regarding #5, I was told from reliable source(s) that the cost for refurbishing the houses on Prospect for the Chinese teachers cost (almost) $1 million dollars. I can not reveal my sources. However I promise you these people knew. I asked the same question, “Did this go through the Board?” They said it would’ve had to. I never looked it up until today and the archives do not go back that far. It would of had to of been last spring or summer. The district always spends money during the summer for building and grounds upkeep. I am unsure if the money that went into the houses was listed specifically or in group expenditures. I will look on ISBE at the district’s budget to see if it reveals anything.

    I believe some of the Chinese teachers may have gone through Driver’s Ed at the District’s expense also. And Hinton says it will not cost the District to have the teachers here next year. Why does the Board believe him and why do they not question him more? They are working for us, not Hinton. Do they not see a pattern with this man?

  27. Lovekids – Your sources aren’t even close. I don’t recall that refurbishment costs were over 40K. Refuting all of the incorrect or incomplete information posted here would be daunting. I do appreciate you sharing your thoughts.

  28. Still $40 K is an awful lot of money for refurbishing these houses, whereas rent would not have even come close to that.

  29. Jim Stowell

    First I have to say my sources are in the know. Maybe they were wrong; they may have been including salaries. The public has a right to know how much money was spent. I understand there was some overtime pay also. Can you tell us or at least tell us which week’s Board minutes we can read to find out the exact amount? Regardless, this was money spent on top of the purchase of the homes, which was done inappropriately. As far as sharing “my thoughts”, what problem do you have with me? I think highly of you. It’s the administration I am worried about. Obviously, I am not the only one that thinks so.

  30. Jim Stowell

    Oops, sorry I misread that you DO appreciate me sharing my thoughts. If I am wrong about something please share. I want you to know I love Peoria and District 150. But it makes me very sad regarding some of the decisions and things going on in the schools. I feel Ken Hinton tries to intimidate people and sometimes people back down from him. But I really liked the way you, Butler, and Parker questioned things last night. It is appreciated. Did the Board see the results of the SPED dept. survey?

  31. I’ll try and get costs of refurbishment, but the bigger picture is that the cost, stipends, and other incidentals for hosting our Chinese teachers is nominal relative to the impact they have had and good will we have fostered. Time frame was around last June. SPED, like a lot of functional areas, is undergoing significant change. Questions are being asked and expectations are being made. I think your friends are considering all of the costs for our Glen Oak purchases.

  32. Didn’t Hinton visit China? I could be wrong on that, but if he did, did anyone else go. I think those figures should be included. We have Chinese people here in Peoria that speak English and Chinese. In fact, isn’t there an organized group that brought over Mrs. Anna Chennault? I know they are not all from China, many are from Korea and other areas of Asia, but what a wonderful resource! I personally know a woman living in Peoria who speaks perfect Mandarin because that is the area where she was raised and she is married to an American man, so her English is perfect also.

    It is not that I have a problem with new languages being taught in our schools. I am, in fact, thrilled about it. I just feel it could have been done without spending so much of our money.

    And, Joe, I also appreciate your votes and your questions!

  33. Imaswede, I’m pretty sure that Hinton went along with Spangler and possibly others. If this is incorrect please say so but I’m pretty sure at least Hinton and Spangler went to China.

  34. Impact and good of having Chinese teachers???? For whom? Caterpillar? Walmart? The Dollar Store?

    Let’s teach our children English before we try and teach them Chinese culture.

    And as for anonymous blogging.. the voice of people like Hinton get heard… no matter what they have to say, it gets heard. How else can the “people” be heard from? Call our school board members and ask for an appointment? (what was the response? Oh yeah… I don’t have to listen to the people, I listen to the district 1250 Administration)

  35. lovekids, Thank you for the link!

    kcdad, I agree our children should speak English, but I also support learning other languages. I really resented Gorenz’s snide remark at one of the board meetings after several children had finished their Chinese performance when he said, “I don’t understand why people were so against learning Chinese.” I thought, it isn’t the fact that they are learning the language, it is all other the crap that went down.

    Honestly, I believe having Chinese taught in the schools is excellent forward thinking. That country practically owns us. Besides, have you never heard you keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Or how about, always know the language of your enemies? Anyway you choose to look at it, I don’t have a problem with the language being taught, but I do have a problem with the way money was spent on their housing, etc.

    There are so many Chinese people in America, I don’t understand why our Admin have to go to China. Do Admins from other districts go to France and Spain before they find teachers? This goes along with the trip to LA. Get thy arses to Chicago and Madison or Milwaukee… and share cars while you’re doing it.

    Stop eliminating our educators and wasting our money on travel. The board is not behaving responsibly and neither is Admin.

  36. I spoke with a former Principal and Administrator yesterday, and his reaction was… “Geesh, what are they thinking? Common prep time is a joke! The in service faculty workshops are a joke! Less time in the classroom… oh yeah, that’s what will help the students!”

  37. How soon will it be before we are buying off Hinton’s contract and hiring another Superintendent?

    Nothing changes in politics… except the names

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