I could have been the Peoria Pundit

Really.  I had the opportunity to steal Bill Dennis’s domain name this morning when he accidentally let it expire.  Wouldn’t that have been a riot?  All of Bill’s thousands of visitors would have brought up peoriapundit.com like they usually do and — surprise! — the Chronicle would have popped up.  Imagine my hit counts!  I would have been king of the Peoria blogosphere!

For a day, anyway.  Then there would have been riots, I would have been hanged in effigy, and angry mobsters would have kidnapped me and held me hostage in a dank corner of a Kingspark Mobile Estates trailor until I transferred ownership of the domain back to Mr. Dennis.

3 thoughts on “I could have been the Peoria Pundit”

  1. I am sure there are more than a few people in Peoria who would have liked to see ANYONE else with that domain name.

    Seriously, my registrar was still holding onto it. Had you tried to buy it TODAY, you would have been told that the name was unavailable.

  2. Normally most domain sellers are required to hold a domain for 30-45 days after expiration. Had Bill been that lapse in his renewal, then you would deserve the PeoriaPundit domain…

  3. Guys, thanks for the primer on domain expiration protocol, but this post was just a joke, okay?

    I can just hear you guys the first time you heard the “why did the chicken cross the road” joke. “Seriously, farmers keep chickens in pens and it would be very unusual for a chicken to just be out next to a road, but if they were, they’d only cross if there were food on the other side, and . . . .”

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