It’s very clear, HRA taxes are here to stay

Peoria Civic Center logoAltogether now: “…Not for a year, but forever and a day….” How do I know?

Though the latest phase of revitalization is nearly finished, the overall effort isn’t complete. [Former board chairwoman Rebekah] Bourland said she envisions replacing the building’s glass arcades and adding a more user-friendly entrance from Monroe Avenue.

“The Civic Center is a work in progress,” she said. “To really do ourselves justice, we need to be thinking about the next step.”

Of course, they’ll be able to pay for these and other “next step” improvements out of the Civic Center’s profits… er… hmmm… I guess there aren’t any profits, are there?

In time the Rockies may crumble
Gibraltar may tumble
They’re only made of clay
But HRA taxes are here to stay

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