Journal Star shamelessly defends secrecy in government

The Journal Star Editorial Board had this to say about the recondite Kellar Branch Corridor Corporation, created by Tom Leiter:

Leiter’s group was never formally hired by anybody. But it’s not as if he acted without the knowledge of the governments involved, whose elected representatives had by majority vote publicly endorsed this rail-to-trail conversion, and who could have asked him to stop at any time over the last couple of years. Some feel he gave the impression that this effort was being done pro bono; he says he did volunteer his personal time, as did others, and that his organization is merely recovering its expenses, which includes work done by his law firm and by outside counsel. The risk of borrowing the money for the escrow account is his group’s, not local taxpayers. Leiter got the job done here when all other efforts at breaking the gridlock had failed.

The whole editorial is one long ends-justifies-the-means argument, with this paragraph being the apex. According to the brain trust at 1 News Plaza, there’s nothing wrong with having a third-party organization do the public’s business in private — so private that not even our elected representatives knew what was going on. It’s okay to have that organization then come to the public body and ask for reimbursement of $1.25 million in expenses after the fact, when the line is abandoned, the railroad companies paid off, and it’s too late for the elected representatives to say “no” without putting the whole plan into legal limbo. Basically it’s okay to have third parties obligating taxpayers to the best deal they can secretly haggle.

…as long as the newspaper agrees with the end result, of course. It’s not hard to imagine how much ink would be spit onto the editorial page in outrage had this kind of chicanery been done for a project with which the newspaper disagreed. I guess when the newspaper is opposed, it’s corruption. But when the newspaper agrees, it’s just “the way the sausage is made.” Ho-hum. It’s just the way politics works. Nothing to see here; move along!

The fact is, this is bad public policy. Even trail supporters see it. As much as they want the trail, they aren’t in favor of obligating taxpayers to an underhanded payoff to get it. The public’s business should be done in public. Sure, there are times when councils have to go into closed session — but it’s still the elected public representatives who are deliberating in those instances, and any final action to expend money still has to be done in open session. What we have here is a deal that was done not by elected representatives entirely in secret, with the final price tag revealed at the end of a process that is past the point of no return.

The Journal Star has sunk to a new low in defending this kind of deceitful tactic. It doesn’t matter if they’re for the trail or against it, this process is wrong and should not be condoned. They’re a newspaper, for crying out loud. The fourth estate is defending secrecy in government! Journal Star Editorial Board, have you no shame?

11 thoughts on “Journal Star shamelessly defends secrecy in government”

  1. “Journal Star Editorial Board, have you no shame?”

    Short answer: no.

    Why do I have a feeling that at some point Gail Thetford hugged Tom Leiter?

  2. I am thinking that the Star’s [owners] ultimate goal is to declare bankruptcy and call it a day. They are critical of fed, state and local govt on one hand, then they turn around and all but condone Leiter’s questionable involvment with the ….’trail.’


  3. And why do I still say that, if a impartial legal authority took a hard look at this whole debacle, there’d likely be some indictments resulting?

  4. Vonster,I tried to get two of our Representatives involved in that.Aaron and Jehan,I asked for assistance from them to make sure it was done through the proper channels.You can tell how well that went.The way it looks now, in a couple weeks the wrecking crew will be tearing apart my backyard along with the rails.The city and the Park dist told me a couple weeks ago when to expect them.I hope the Mayor sleeps well at night after saying this was done openly and above board,what a croak.

  5. Neither one of them is well enough ensconced in their position to risk stepping on any toes. And don’t forget the Heights mayor is complicit in this sleazy deal too.

  6. PJS isn’t really a newspaper, it’s a propaganda rag. It long ago ceased being a newspaper, like most of the American media.

  7. Plus the taxpayers involvement in the planned PRM is more than the $34,700,000 million that is now being collected as a result of the passage by 400 votes out of 30,000 cast, approving the “Facility Tax” Referendum.

    The City gave taxpayer owned land to the PRM land with other committements totalling over $18,000,000 according to City Manager Scott Moore in an email to me.

    Plus the the State, ($5,000,000 paid in increments) the Federal government and $600,000 pledged by Peoria County totaling well over $10,000,000, all taxpayer dollars.

    Do not be surprised if the County Board votes to increase the $34,700,000 to a flat $40,000,000. I believe that is what Peoria County Administrator, Patrick Urich, is hinting and Lakeview has already made the outright request.

    The PRM shows approximatley $2 million cash on hand and the endowment should be $14 million according to Bank President, Doug Stewart. And are all pledges good?? Over $1,100,000 cancelled between June 30, 2007 and June 30, 2009.


    On the last fund drive,it is claimed $400,000 new money was raised. I asked, cash or pledges? The answer, PLEDGES

    What taxpayers have to look forward in Peoria is grim. But we will be “world” classs and a tourist destination bringing in 400,000 NEW visitors a year many of them coming up or down Kellar trail…… We better hope so and be prepared for the traffic jams.

  8. This trail is money that does not need spending. Additionally, whomever is responsible for the tree cutting decided to cut and dump the trees on our land. Who should we contact for the cleanup?

    Signed: Tired of wasting our taxpayer money.

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