JSEB weighs in on Schock

Aaron SchockWell, I predicted that the Journal Star wouldn’t show that editorial cartoon that was unflattering of Aaron Schock. I was wrong. Not only did they print it, they also published a scathing editorial of Schock’s foreign policy blunder.

Of course, Karen McDonald’s piece on Schock’s admission that he made “a mistake” was full of quotes from experts who thought he could overcome this setback and still win the nomination. “Though Schock’s statements undoubtedly damaged his campaign for the 18th Congressional District seat, area analysts say he can recover,” she reported. The article ended with this upbeat take on the situation:

“Everybody’s going to stumble, it’s how a person reacts to problems that really can demonstrate character,” [UIS prof Christopher] Mooney said. “If a candidate has a problem and then bounces back from it, it shows that they’ve got strong character and will be more likely to succeed in the long run.”

See? Sure he may have been mistaken about how his foreign policy could spark World War III, but, darn it, he’s got character! He said he was sorry — quit pickin’ on him! He’s so cute!

7 thoughts on “JSEB weighs in on Schock”

  1. I think that most of the people who are all over Schock were very unlikely to vote for him anyway. For those who actually are going to vote for a candidate (and not for whoever the Democrat party nominates, be they dead or alive), this is way overblown. You might also recall that the Chinese threatened to nuke Los Angeles a few years ago. Guess Americans didn’t see that as provacative (or didn’t care if they carried out their threat?).

  2. The photo of the 3 Stooges in the paper today is indicative of what this has become. Aaron looks like he’s 8 years old, and is on the defensive because he’s half of John’s size. He’s also suffering from motion sickness, after riding that nuke through the sky for several minutes. John looks like a choir boy on steroids, about to laugh out loud because he put a raccoon in the confessional. And, Jim McCono-whatever just looks like a tired business hack, trying to figure out how he’s going to bamboozle the crowd into thinking he’s responsible in part for the “robust” economy in Central Illinois. They’re all trying desperately to figure out the best time to put on their Ronald Reagan masks.

    In the meantime, Dick Ver-SOCH-ee is still sleeping in his bus parked at the gas station on Sterling and War Memorial. He’s worn out from counting his stock options, and from trying to figure out which end is which on his bottle of Italian Red.

    This is the 18th District, folks. Welcome to La-La Land.

  3. Choir boy on steroids? I think that’s being a little generous, he looks more look he grew too tall at a young age and never quite figured out how to hold himself.

  4. Agreed Prego. They couldn’t have come up with a stupider looking photo of Huey, Duey and Louie if they tried. I laughed outloud when I saw it this morning.

    And did you hear audio of their debate: Apparently one of the biggest problems facing this country isn’t our failing schools or health care system or the war but it’s: SECURING THE BORDERS!!!! GRAB YOUR PITCHFORKS HERE COME THE ILLEGALS!!!!!

    Somewhere Lou Dobbs sheds a tear of joy.

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