14 thoughts on “King of the hill?”

  1. This is becoming a major problem around the city even without the political signs. There are advertisements of every kind at virtually every major intersection in the city, five for instance stuck in the ground at Glen and Knoxville on the south side as you head east. It cheapens the city in my view, and those who put them there should be fined just as vigorously as parking meter violators are.

  2. You’re correct! This picture was taken looking at the northwest corner of the War Memorial Drive and Allen Road intersection.

    Now, I doubt the candidates themselves climbed up that hill and put those signs in, and I think just about every candidate is represented on this hill, so I’m not trying to criticize one candidate over another. Just trying to provide a public service reminder that their signs are illegal, and frankly, ugly, too. Let’s keep America beautiful! 🙂

  3. Ha. That’s pretty funny. Ya know, it’s more difficult when the shoe’s on the other foot… “War and Allen… I think… hmm… yea… I’m almost sure… probably…”

    There’s a house on University, just south of I74 that has just about every sign possible in his yard, political signs, for sale, for rent- I think he’s a sign collector.

  4. I was wanting to put a big sign up that says “All these suck!” or “Don’t vote for any of these!”

  5. Well, when the election is over, then sanp a picture and see who’s signs remain. Also, all those little white signs that seem to pop up on city right of ways…”Cook’s Fast Cash Store” and others similar. Those are the signs the city should crack heads over. Remember the guy who sold ads on bus benches??

  6. The city could make a little change if they made a law that all yard sale, garage sale, for sale, for rent, etc., signs were only allowed up for just so many days unless done by someone licensed to do that. Signs taped to or nailed to utilitiy poles are illegal, as are those on public land and nothing makes me madder than to go to a yard sale on a Saturday or Sunday and find out it was three weeks ago and they didn’t take the sign down. Nasty, torn, dirty, crooked signs deface property and the neighborhood. And the political signs are getting ridiculous and they are a danger to traffic. If you are trying to get out of a driveway or intersection and the signs are up you can’t see oncoming traffic. The whole stick up sign stuff is getting way out of hand. Just my two cents worth.

  7. When I put my sign in this location I received permission from Mike Landwirth, I believe. My sign was on his property, not on public property.

    I suggest calling Steve VW at the City Public Works Dept. and ask that all signs on public property be picked up.

  8. Yes, let’s get our panties bent out of shape over a victimless crime. Political signs are part of the culture and the political process. Unless someone’s property rights are violated, or someone can’t see to make a turn (obviously NOT the case here), then this is no harm/no foul, as far as I’m concerned. This city has problems far beyond some stupid campaign signs.

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