17 thoughts on “Latest news on the death of Michael Jackson”

  1. And DeRosa goes to the Cardinals.

    An absolutely perfect “icing on the cake” ending to this Cubs year. Pathetic.

    At least the Cubs still have Milton Bradley.

  2. It is sad that this little boy never had an opportunity to grow up. It is sad that he was a victim of both his father and the entertainment industry. It is sad that many people “worshiped” and idolized him. It is sad that many people got very rich enabling his destructive behaviors.

    The saddest was WMBD’s Greg and Dan show having some ignorant redneck comic on the show Friday and the three of them making fun of his death, insulting blacks, women and everyone who isn’t a white man.

    I met Michael when I was in Los Angeles. He was a shy, quiet, insecure little boy then and I don’t think he ever changed.

  3. kcdad, you are right. Michael was a shy, quiet, insecure little boy. He was also an abused child. His father was a tyrant, bully and vicious alcoholic. I, too, knew Michael and he always treated me with great respect and I appreciated that. I am disgusted at the way the media has treated him throughout his life and even worse now at his death. Anything for sensation in news type. He wasn’t perfect, nobody is. But inspite of all his faults there was some good in him and there are a lot of children that got the best of medical treatment because of his paying their bills. As the old adage goes, those that live in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. I am sorry as a humanbeing he is dead, but at least he is out of his painful life.

  4. Kcdad: I only listened to part of the Greg and Dan show–I agree with you, but I don’t think that would have happened if Greg had been there. Also, I agree with you SD. I wasn’t a Michael Jackson fan, but I appreciate that many loved his music and him. No matter how much one might deplore the entertainment industry (and there is much to deplore) or even Michael himself, each of us has probably grieved the death of some entertainer in our life time–some entertainer that was part of our youth, etc. I think that we can allow those who loved Jackson and his music the same right to feel a loss.

  5. When all of the hyperbole has died away, there will be no denying the musical genius of the individual.

  6. I liked his music and there is no denying his talent. I don’t even mind a tribute or two. But I just feel like the media is going way overboard with coverage, to the point that they’re ignoring (okay, that’s hyperbole — let’s say “grossly under-reporting”) major legislation that was just passed by the House (Waxman-Markey bill) that will impact people’s lives. And where’s the coverage of major events in Iran and Honduras?

  7. Yes, and the governor of South Carolina is grateful for the Jackson news glut.

  8. You just watch the news in the future. Dear old dad Joe Jackson is trying to be the good guy now and he is only out for the bucks he can get. Throw in Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton and they are going to call for a monument to be raised to Michael and the public to pay for it. And you can bet they are going to be lined up to fill their pockets by wringing every drop they can get out of Michael’s death. The leeches. Why can’t they just let those that want to grieve do so in private and let the man rest in peace? The three I mentioned didn’t give a rat’s petuti for Michael, only what publicity they can wring out of him and his memory.

  9. Thanks Billy. I thought some people here had a sense of humor. Guess not. MJ died and that is sad. I own the “Thriller” album, liked “Billy Jean”. I hope MJ rests in peace but I also hope he doesn’t suck down news cycles for the next 3 weeks.

  10. Emtronics… if you are not a part of the solution, you are the problem. What is funny about pedophilia? What is funny about Michael’s tragic decent into self destruction?

    You like laughing at jokes about “retards” and “cripples”, too? How about jokes about rape? Har de har har.

  11. Don’t forget that Michael was also a victim of child abuse, along with his siblings. That isn’t funny either.

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