League of Women Voters targets gerrymandering

League of Women Voters logoFrom a League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria press release:

Illinois redistricting, “ILLINOIS JOIN UP — REDISTRICTING ON THE SQUARE”, will be the subject of a special morning meeting of the League of Women Voters of Greater Peoria on Saturday, November 18th at the Lariat Steakhouse, 2232 W. Glen, Peoria, IL.


League members have been studying the [redistricting] question for about a year, and committee chairman Dr. Elliott Murray, with Jim Thomas and Bruce Brown, will present an overview of the committee’s work and a proposed action plan for change.

The presentation begins at 9:30 AM, but a buffet breakfast ($10.00 which includes tax and tip) will be available at 8:45. Please call Bill Hall at 309-691-4706 if you plan to have breakfast.

Bravo to the League of Women Voters for tackling our heavily gerrymandered Congressional districts.

7 thoughts on “League of Women Voters targets gerrymandering”

  1. I printed this announcement out – indeed, gerrymandering needs to get gone. I’ve been reading about Iowa, which has computer generated districts – Go Iowa with the progressive and fair districting. Don’t know what kind of factors it’s based on, population? Geography?

  2. There’s been a lot of it from both sides, and I don’t like it mine any more than yours, Von. Seriously. DeLay was the master of it in Texas, and now it’s going to bite him in the ass harder than anyone!

    I like Iowa’s system as it appears totally neutral. A freakin’ computer decides the system.

    Here’s a fairly objective link: http://www.centrists.org/pages/2004/07/7_buck_trust.html

  3. Minorities will call any attempt to even the field racist – you know that don’t you? They have a divine right to artificially created minority majority districts. Try taking them away. You’ll have Al Sharpton so far up your butt……

  4. @Von, so we should leave the disfunctional districts as they are?

    Let’s change the districts so they make sense and don’t gerrymander and piss off a bunch people on both ends.

    They’ll eventually get over it.

  5. Ray Lahood for a 7th, 8th, 9th………………………term.

    What the HELL! Does anyone know where I can get an application to become a Ray LaHood intern?

  6. Guy: My point is that trying to de-gerrymander the racially manipulated districts will be like walking into a shredder. It’s likely to not be politcially feasible.

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