Let’s get r-r-ready to RUMBLE!!!

Wrestling picTonight, at the same time the City Council was meeting, the Civic Center was hosting WWE wrestling. Not a big deal, except for one little problem: both events were using wireless microphones and there was a bit of “interference.”

Specifically, we in Peoria could hear the wrestling event in the background during the meeting on TV and radio and, better yet, millions of people got to hear our city council meeting in the background of the nationally-televised Smackdown! All over America tonight, confused wrestling fans are Googling Lori “Blackbelt” David….

I have to say, the wrestling underscore really made the council meeting more entertaining. I wonder if they can work that in every week? Maybe they could get Michael Buffer to read the consent agenda….

One thought on “Let’s get r-r-ready to RUMBLE!!!

  1. I am so bummed to have missed this! How funny! LMAO! I can just see Gary Sandberg in a Mexican-style wrestling suit! And the lovely Ms. VanAuken walking the numbered card around the horseshoe!

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