Liveblogging the City Council 11/3/2009

I’m here, but a little late, so I’m afraid I missed the beginning of the meeting. It’s 6:48 now.

Communication from the City Manager and Finance Director/Comptroller Requesting the Council to PROVIDE DIRECTION to STAFF Regarding the PRELIMINARY FY2010 – FY2014 FIVE-YEAR COMMUNITY INVESTMENT PLAN (CIP).

There apparently was a relatively large handout given to the council before the meeting which I don’t have, which makes it difficult to follow the discussion.

Regarding the Community Investment Plan (CIP):

  • There’s a bridge in Springdale Cemetery, and the repair of it is in the budget as a capital expenditure for next year. The motion was made not to fund it. That motion passed unanimously.
  • Councilman Spears (4th Dist.) is now talking about the Gateway Building Plaza. He doesn’t want to see it replaced with granite.
  • Councilman Spain (At-Large) says they only got their booklets about a half hour before the meeting tonight. He asks administration if there are any non-essential projects or any that are not essential for 2010 and could be put off. Mayor Ardis agrees. Mayor says he didn’t get booklet at all.
  • Councilman Sandberg (At-Large) asks about a bridge on Sheridan Road and why we were funding (until the vote) a bridge in Springdale Cemetery, but not this bridge. Rhetorical question.
  • Councilman Jacob (At-Large) asked about a state grant.
  • Councilman Sandberg says he doesn’t know what we’re getting for the $2.7 million allocated for the Glen Oak School Neighborhood Impact Zone. He’s committed to the project, but he wants to make sure we’re reinvesting in the new vision of this area and how it ties into the East Bluff, not just replacing concrete. “It’s not just ‘put it back the way it was.’ Integrate it into a new solution that will stabilize and bring people back into the East Bluff.” He made some disparaging remarks about the Columbia Terrace project, basically saying that all we did there was put it back the way it was, instead of implementing the principles of New Urbanism (traffic calming, pedestrian friendliness, form-based code, etc.). Council Member Van Auken (2nd Dist.) took umbrage and said they did more than just put it back the way it was. Councilman Riggenbach (3rd Dist.) thanked Sandberg for his remarks and then proceeded to thank a number of other people, including former third district councilman Bob Manning.

Motion to receive and file by Van Auken; seconded by Turner. Motion passes unanimously.

Communication from the City Manager Requesting the Council to PROVIDE FINAL DIRECTION to STAFF on CLOSING the REMAINING FY2010 BUDGET DEFICIT.

No wage concession agreement reached with Police Benevolent union or AFSCME. So, there’s still a budget gap of $642,597. The City Manager is recommending that 22 positions be restored at a cost of $1.1 million, creating a larger deficit. Floor is open for deliberation.

  • Councilman Spain moves to accept the budget as presented with concessions identified, seconded by Councilman Irving (5th Dist.). In other words, not restore the 22 positions as recommended. Sandberg is concerned that the motion includes refinancing debt, which will only cost us more in interest, which is exacerbating the problem; thus, he will be voting against the motion. Councilman Montelongo (At-Large) clarified that in the next couple of meetings, the council will be looking for ways to close the remaining budget gap. Motion passes 10-1 (Sandberg voting nay).

Floor is open for comments concerning the budget.

  • Charles Williams — Concerned about the Peoria Police Department. We have all this crime. Why do we need to provide a Tahoe for the Police and Fire chiefs? Why do we need a captain on duty all night? We have crime all around the city, but we’re cutting officers? We need 20-25 police officers. We need to raise taxes to pay for it. We need safety. What is the Police Chief doing? He needs to account for what he’s doing. He’s also upset that PAWS funding was cut.
  • Lavetta Ricca — [Missed what she said; sorry.]
  • Savino Sierra — Unions need to sacrifice.

Ardis announces that this is the last meeting for Economic Development Director Craig Hullinger. Recognizes Hullinger for what he’s done for Peoria, and praises him for living in Peoria, and he looks forward to working with him in the future. Ardis also recognizes Captain Baer (sp?) who retired. Recognizes newest captain, Captian Mitchell, and welcomes him to their administrative team.

No executive session. Van Auken/Irving move to adjourn. That’s it. Short and sweet.

4 thoughts on “Liveblogging the City Council 11/3/2009”

  1. Atten: Council Person Spears_
    Granite is a finite substance and it is a noun. It does not develop.

    I recognize I risk sounding petty and perhaps like a broken record, but our city council people do not have a command of standard english. They sound like hicks.

  2. My son’s comment was in reaction to Ardis’s response to Councilman Sandberg
    I agree- Ardis is as condescending to Sandberg as Ransburg was to Ardis.

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