Logic apparently not a job qualification

Ray LaHoodAccording to the Journal Star, Ray LaHood is still contemplating applying for a job for which finalists have already been chosen:

“I’m still considering the decision,” said LaHood, a Peoria Republican.

Asked how that could be, given that the search committee has selected its finalists to be interviewed shortly at an out-of-town location, LaHood responded, “I just told you where I’m at with it.”

Presumably, LaHood is also still considering a gubernatorial run for 2006. I wonder what he’ll decide?

7 thoughts on “Logic apparently not a job qualification”

  1. But the moron will still win another term or six in Congress.

    Which says just as much about the voters as it does about the moron.

  2. JW: Whatever beefs I have with Congressman LaHood, he is certainly NOT a moron, nor is he unintelligent. I’m thinking he was blindsided by the news and that BU never bothered to contact him about the process.

  3. Well, some people think Bush isn’t a moron either.

    I guess it’s just a matter of how you set your moron scale.

  4. Athough there are those (Phil Hare comes to mind) that might be a close case, I doubt very much that you get to be a COngressman, let alone President, by being a moron. Ray is a very bright guy who used to be a very hard worker. For whatever reason, he is unhappy being a Congressman.

  5. Then he should resign and find a job where he would be appreciated by those who would be happy with whatever skills he may have.

    And he can take Bush and Cheney with him.

    Just not to BU.

  6. You know though…I have heard even some local GOP folks rambling about their growing lack of confidence in ole LaHood. Maybe if the Dems can run someone against him who isn’t DEAD, maybe LaHood doesn’t win a next term…and then frogs flew out arse!


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