Losing faith

I have lost all faith in the voters of Central Illinois. No, not because Obama won. Not because Dick Durbin got reelected. Not even because Kevin Lyons got reelected, although that did push me to the brink. But the thing that pushed me right over the edge was this election result:

Jehan Gordon (D) 18,829 53%
Joan Krupa (R) 16,390 47%

I consider myself pretty open-minded. I can totally understand why people would vote for Obama, Durbin, Schock, Lyons, etc. I may disagree with many of those choices (and I do), but there are logically defensible reasons to vote for them nonetheless.

But Jehan Gordon? Seriously? I can’t think of one single solitary reason to vote for her. Not one qualification. In fact, she’s easily the most unqualified candidate I’ve ever seen in my life. I have a number of Democrat friends who voted for every other Democrat on the ballot, but couldn’t bring themselves to vote for her. Yet 53% of voters cast their ballot for her.

For the love of Mike, why? Have you people completely lost your minds? Did you do even the most rudimentary research on the candidates before casting your vote? Like reading their bios, for instance? Or are you so partisan that you would vote for any name with a “D” behind it, no matter how unqualified they are?

I honestly cannot believe she was elected. IT BLOWS MY MIND!!! What is wrong with 53% of you voters?

81 thoughts on “Losing faith”

  1. Why is anyone shocked by politics anymore?  I’m a Democrat and voted Obama-Callahan-Krupa-LaHood; guess I was 1 for 4.  But is it really that shocking that folks would vote for Gordon?  Her record wasn’t an issue for me (I didn’t think we should be rewarding the IL Dem party).  Take a look at Alaska — Ted Stevens was just convicted of 7 counts of misdeeds (official misdeeds, not just a 7 year old shoplifting case) and I just heard he is up by 3400 votes!!  So, it’s not just a “black” thing.

  2. I live in a neighborhood of Peoria that is predominantly white and of mixed age.  Older people live there because they think the performance of 150 is not an issue for them.  In reality, of course it is, when they go to sell their house and don’t get the price they want.  The families with children attend Catholic schools or Peoria Academy or Washington Gifted.  More and more of my friends the last few years are making the decision to switch their children to Notre Dame after finishing Washington rather than attend Richwoods.  I think many believe that Richwoods has become too dicey, plus the overall tone of the District is so gloom and doom – who wants to be a part of that anymore.

  3. I know Joan Krupa ran a great race and she should have won , but it was a democrat yr . Ms. Gordon is in office due to our new President. You see people talk about a change , but its just a word . But we will see what Ms. Gordon will do . We the people in the 92nd district are the ones who lost. When you do call her office , i hope you will get the awesome service we have been used to .

  4. Mamma,
    During the campaign, I had occasion to call Jehan’s office. She answered the phone herself and was quite helpful. She also came to my house and was just so, what’s the word? “folksy.” Genuinely. It was no trumped up, made up Sarah Palin one-liner folksiness. It was just true human contact folksiness. That’s why Jehan won this election. She connected personally with people in a way Krupa couldn’t do.

  5. Mamma Hen,
    I hear you!  I feel like we the people of the 18th Congressional district are the ones who lost!   Is that weird or what?!?!?

  6. I read this entry on Nick Silver’s 538 blog and immediately thought of CJ’s post on the Gordon victory. http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/11/did-talk-radio-kill-conservatism.html

    Not just CJ, but many commentators on the Gordon/Krupa contest seemed to feel that we should just accept their decision that Krupa was the superior candidate. They used vague statements about honesty and integrity. They did not present a thorough, persuasive argument. Neither did Krupa for that matter. They just stated that we should agree with them that Krupa had more integrity than Gordon and thus we should vote for her.

    This is very smart: http://www.fivethirtyeight.com/2008/11/did-talk-radio-kill-conservatism.html

  7. Tulip — I wrote this post after the election.  Not quite sure whom I was supposed to persuade at that point.  And as for issues of honesty and integrity, I think this post gives more than enough reason why I believe Jehan shouldn’t have won.

  8. I can’t think of one single solitary reason to vote for her. Not one qualification. In fact, she’s easily the most unqualified candidate I’ve ever seen in my life.

    So why bother? You site “this post” which only restates what Jehan has already revealed. She fessed up. Who among us hasn’t committed youthful indiscretions? George W Crack head got elected. Bill “didn’t inhale” Clinton got elected. Gore maybe toked but didn’t get elected nonetheless. Obama did inhale and said so up front. He got elected.

    Just deal.

  9. Yes and they all committed those singular acts many DECADES before being elected. Gordon on the other hand committed a handful of offenses within the last few years, lying about her degree happened DURING the campaign, and didn’t bother to do anything about them until deciding to run for office. Not exactly a good comparison, try again.

  10. I believe her campaign lit said she had “graduated.” This was true, as she had gone through the commencement ceremony. She never said she had the degree, which she was one course shy of.

  11. Tulip — The definition of “graduated” is not “gone through the commencement ceremony.”  The definition of “graduated” is “received a degree or diploma on completing a course of study.”

    Also, my post did not restate what she had already revealed.  She never stated she had blown off paying her fines for seven years.  What exactly does someone have to do for you to find them dishonest?

  12. CJ sez
    “What exactly does someone have to do for you to find them dishonest?”

    Be a person of poor character.  Do you think Jehan, 27, in November 2008, is a person of poor character? After my personal meetings with her I must say no. After her public statements about her views for supporting the middle class, I must say no.

  13. Yes, I think Jehan, 27, in November 2008, is a person of poor character.  After finding out that she blew off paying her fines for seven years — over a quarter of her lifetime! — and then paying them only after her crimes became known to the media, I must say yes.  After finding out during her campaign that she lied about whether she had already graduated, I must say yes.

  14. “I believe her campaign lit said she had “graduated.” This was true, as she had gone through the commencement ceremony. She never said she had the degree, which she was one course shy of.”

    Wow, any non-delusional person would have to really take a step back after reading that and ask whether or not that line of thought is consistent across all of Gordon’s supporters. If so, I can understand how she duped everyone into voting for her.

  15. “What exactly does someone have to do for you to find them dishonest?”

    – Maybe ‘fix’ mommy and daddy’s taxes?????

  16. …on three different occasions to claim to be from respectively rural Minnesota, a farm in Dunlap and “urban” Peoria (and not the son of wealthy Doctor)? …to promise to pay a bill that you expect will never be issued?

  17. “What exactly does someone have to do for you to find them dishonest?”

    I think most all teenagers could admit to dishonesty, poor judgment, and maybe even forgetting or refusing to pay a fine. What matters is what happens in the here and now. Jehan isn’t stealing, passing bad checks, or driving unlicensed today. She won’t, let us all admit,  do these things in the future.

    I am a forgiving person.

    I love Bill Clinton, despite his missteps. He cares about the poor and the sick. Today, he is making a difference in the world. Obama made poor choices as a troubled youth. I love him nonetheless and strongly believe that he wants to serve the entire nation – rich and poor – as best he can.

    What I can’t tolerate is meanness and smallness of heart. You can be perfectly perfect, unblemished. But if you don’t understand the complexity of the human spirit. If you don’t love people as they are instead of trying to remake them in your own image, I lose tolerance.

  18. Tulip — What happened in the here and now was that Jehan still had not paid her fine while she was running for office, then paid it only when it was about to come out in the media anyway!  How redhanded do you have to catch someone?

    I’m a forgiving person, too.  But that doesn’t make Jehan trustworthy.

  19. But do you really believe that she is not trustworthy enough to represent us in the Gen Assembly? Is she going to steal from her fellow representatives? Is she going to lie to her constituency? I don’t think so. What is it that you fear?
    I have said before that perfect candidates don’t exist. Who is you perfect candidate?  Schock? Sarah Palin?

  20. Tulip:  How true, none of us are perfect.  I do not think that CJ is fearful about anything, just concerned that that her MO will follow the same course in Springfield that she has already established in Peoria.

  21. I asked this question a long time ago and no one has answered it.  How long can fines go unpaid in Peoria?  If Jehan hadn’t paid the fines when she did, what would the next step have been and when? 

  22. Sorry, I had to delete a couple of comments.  If you want to “out” someone you think is in the closet, please do so on your own blog.  That kind of speculation will not be allowed here.

  23. Thank you C.J. for keeping the standards of your blog above the hateful bashing of ones orientation.

  24. C.J. I apologize for posting information that is not “common knowledge”. I neither speculated nor bashed anyone.  I have no problem with anyone being Gay, Straight or Asexual. I stated what I know to be true from personal experience.

  25. It’s okay, kcdad — I didn’t think you were bashing anyone (although that’s apparently how Lancer took it).  I was just removing the comment because the person to whom you referred hasn’t publicly declared their orientation.

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