Martha Ross says race is the reason she was not elected D150 Board President

Regular commenter PrairieCelt has taken the time to transcribe Martha Ross’s comments at the end of Monday night’s school board meeting. I’ll let her words and the words and those who spoke after her speak for themselves.

Ross: I have a few words to say to the Board and the public – whatever public there might be, it really does not matter. I am going to name this It Is Time.

It is time to come together around what it going to take place and how we are going to move forward in educating our children in this district.

It is time that I came to terms with the fact that there is always going to be a divide based on black and white in this community. Nobody wants to talk about race but that is what it is about – it is about race. We know that because it was set up over 300 years ago.

And it is time also, that I realize that making all the Board meetings and making all my committee meetings over the last seven going on eight years, going to all the Board meetings and doing what I am supposed to do, is not going to make a difference in the way I get treated, and I feel I have been really slighted by some of my colleagues in giving me the opportunity to serve. It would not matter – it is not because I don’t have the education because I think I have more formal education than many of my colleagues and it is not because I don’t have the abilities to fulfill the presidency, particularly because I have served on local, state and national boards, sometimes in the presidency role or the chair of the committee role.

So I say it is time, in my opinion, for African Americans especially to realize that this plan to divide us has been put into place over 300 years ago. And we have to look at this and come to terms with this and see how we are going to address this.

A few of us have been provided privileges, meaning African Americans have been provided privileges, to get ahead, and what did it cost us to get there?

For my tenure on this board, I have expressed over and over why I don’t vote for expelling children, yet my colleagues choose to denigrate me in public because I voted the way that I voted.

And you have a Code of Conduct that talks about each persons vote should be respected – I would think that would include me.

During my tenure on the board, I have voted based on how I felt about the issues relating to the students in this district based on information I have received from the administration and research I have done myself.

During my tenure on this board, I have tried to ask questions at the board meetings that would inform the public. Some people say they are stupid questions or dumb questions or silly questions however you want to term that. But I have tried to ask questions so that it gave the public information about our business which is their business – the taxpayers.

I am unclear why members of the board find it necessary to attempt to degrade or deface my character to make themselves feel good about their own free-will decisions because whatever you decide to vote on is your free will.

I dont think you have to – and I brought this up last year – I don’t think you have to degrade another person to justify the decisions you make.

I am not happy with people doing that – you don’t have the right, it is not fair – again, you do not have the right to do that. That, to me, could be illegal or at least unethical.

But people who say that this is not about race – I cant think of it being any other way except that it is about race. We can cover it up, we can avoid it but when you tell people that these are the reasons why I am not going to vote for this person, I think you are degrading my character and I don’t appreciate it.

I am fully capable of being president and maybe you, Dr. Gorenz, don’t want to be in a team role – maybe the only way you can function is in a leadership role – I don’t know. I don’t know what the reasons that many people think that I am not capable of leading this board are, but I am capable and nothing anyone is going to say is going to make me feel that I am not capable.

There has always been a division and will always be a division and no matter how many hoops you jump through or how good you are, you will always going to have that divide.

But somehow – if we sign a Code of Conduct or an agreement – we should at least look at that agreement and say, okay, lets live by it – not just on paper.

So I don’t need to be in a presidents or a vice presidents role to do what I do or what I have been doing all these years, whether you think what I have been doing is valued or not, I think it is valued. I spend my time.

And, again, I just wanted to make that statement that I really don’t appreciate it and it is not fair and I will not accept it.

Gorenz: Any other comments? Mr. Stowell.

Stowell: Well I have to take exception because if she is saying her colleagues have done – I certainly don’t feel as I have done anything. I chose tonight the best leader who I thought was for this board. I meant no personal affront to it Mrs. Ross and I meant nothing, there is not a thing in me that made race an issue in this, and you smirk.

Ross: Yeah.

Stowell: There is no thing at all that I brought into this . . .

Hinton: Let me say this right now. Let me say this right now

Ross: Excuse me . . .

Hinton: Well wait. Let me finish, let me finish.

This is – I need to refocus us, everybody has their right to make their comments and say what is in their hearts and in their minds. But there is an outside entity that would love to see this board and this effort be fractionalized and I returned to this district to see to it that that did not take place because this is about the children. This is about the children.

I am so proud of this board in the sense that so much effort and focus has come about because this board being willing and more than able to stand up and make some changes and do what needs to be done for the children.

Now the only way, the only – where – this place where this conversation is going to go is a place where it becomes a controversy for the next 6 months, which is going to take us away from our focus and our direction.

We have overcome major obstacles. Tonight we heard about Skills U.S.A. Today or tonight Mrs. Spangler made the suggestion that is going to save some kids life that we talk about drug testing for athletes.

Tonight we’ve talked about starting a new program, a Math Science Technology Academy that will prepare many of our kids for the future.

Tonight we have talked about major entities like the Ag Lab and universities working with us and collaborating and going forward.

The comments have been made, the statements have been made, and if we need to say anything else then we need to say what is good for our kids, what is good for this district, what is good for this community.

Now it is time to go forward and we are going forward and this does not need to be, so I am very proud and very pleased that the strength and the courage that is in this board to stand up and do some great things.

Now I am just going to close by saying there are some very big highlights that I consider a part of my career and being able to serve kids, parents and teachers tonight is one of those nights in the sense that it does not seem like it is a big thing as far as providing time for teachers to get better at what they do, but I will tell you without a doubt you have improved the lives of thousands of kids and hundreds teachers. Thats what you guys do. That is what you do.

We don’t denigrate and we don’t become contentious, that is not what we are about. We are about doing what is right in this community and for this district.

So with that being said, I mean if there are other comments they can be held until a later date.

Gorenz: I would accept a motion to adjourn.

Stowell: Second

Gorenz: Thank you

58 thoughts on “Martha Ross says race is the reason she was not elected D150 Board President”

  1. PrairieCelt, thank you for this! and CJ thank you for putting it front and center.

    I supported Mrs. Ross for President and felt she was deserving. I feel she is in touch with what is happening in our schools and I agree with her vote concerning expelled children and the fact that they should not be left to their own devices when they need to be in a controlled environment where there are adults who care about them rather than running around the streets of Peoria. District 150 should have provided an alternative school for these students years ago.

    Many will say she pulled the race card, but in this instance, I stand by her.

    I think she may feel alone at this point, and if it is true that her colleagues were talking about her behind her back, she has every right to be upset and voice her opinion.

    If you support her, please let her know.

  2. What was Stowell seconding —- Ken Hinton’s motion to adjourn? It is all so strange.

    The public can listen to ten or more minutes of Mr. Hinton preaching to us several weeks ago and Mrs. Ross waits until the end to speak and Mr. Hinton shows disrespect and talks over and stiffles Mrs. Ross’ remarks.

    It would appear that the BOE just voted to make Mr. Hinton the new BOE President in addition to his superintentent’s responsibilities.

    Wonder if gorenz will seek a fourth term next year?

  3. I anticipated, correctly, that Ms. Ross would holler ” racism ” if she wasn’t elected (District 150) president! Can SHE prove that race is the reason she wasn’t elected? If not, Ms. Ross should be careful not to make such a slanderous claim.

    I’m concerned that the school board vote appears, somewhat, racially-divided. Such divisiveness isn’t good for Peoria’s, embattled, school district. Regardless, Ms. Ross’s accusations sound like that of another ” sore loser ” . And, to think SHE could have been the next school board president!

  4. Karrie, you are absolutely right!!! The people I was watching the board meeting with said the same thing! Hinton is now BOE President????

  5. Ross has failed in her duty by declining to vote on issues, including the Glen Oak School issue. This is not about race,but about being evaluated on deeds.

  6. District 150 Advocate and Conrad, last I checked, you were not one of the four names called when the vote was taken. Unless you spoke with either Mary Spangler, Jim Stowell or Debbie Wolfmeyer, how would you know what their reasons were for voting how they did? You can no more prove race was not a factor than Mrs. Ross can prove that it was. You are not in their minds so you can’t prove their intent. Nor can prove if what they say is truthful or not. Now if they were to be judge by circumstantial eveidence, (4) four White votes for Gorenz and (3) three Black votes for Ross. That sounds racial to me.

  7. Em: Just asking — have you seen Gorenz in a school or other board members in schools?

    Also, what qualifications does Gorenz have that make him a leader when he did not even follow the correct procedure for closing the meeting? Please provide us with a list of the accomplishments under Gorenz’ tenure — just asking.

    And you do not find it even curious that the BOE changes its longstanding pres/vp selection process when a black gets in line to be the next president? Very strange so we will just agree to disagree.

  8. Why yes I have, mostb recently at Peoria High. Mr Gorenz has more qualifications than Mrs. Ross although that doesn’t make him the best choice either.

    The rules were changed and Mr. allen (black) served as president.

    You all call this board racists or at least the ones that didn’t vote for Ross yet how do any of you know exactly what was going through the minds of other board members? The only one to site racism was Mrs. Ross. She has done it before. Who here is the mind reader? I have had a talk with 2 Board members before this vote and both gave their reasons why they were voting the way they did and race wasn’t one of them. So now what? Do we have someone who just isn’t qualified in the eyes of her peers or a sore loser?

  9. Em:

    Thank you for your response. Nevertheless, you still (IMO)continue to skirt my question every time about what has Gorenz done which shows leadership or what has been accomplished during his tenure as President?

    Also, you shared that you thought Linda Daley was an example to be looked up to as BOE President. Since you have accurately written that no one is a mind reader — what are the specific leadership qualities in your opinion that Daley exhibited?

  10. Ross sounds like a racist if not a somewhat paranoid person to me. I guess her reference to “300 years ago” is a reference to white people and slavery. I find it hard to believe that some blacks actually think that the white people of today are similar to the white people of 300 years ago. If that were the case she probably wouldn’t even be on the board today. Ross seems a la Rev.Wright to me. Anti-white, suspicious of whites and maybe hateful of whites. Good lord I thought we have advanced so much as a society but I there is still much time that needs to pass it seems.

    I grew up on the southside, went to Manual high the same time Stowell did (never knew him to be a prejudiced person), and the people I grew up with never saw color like some of the older white generations may have.

  11. Ya know, maybe I’m really not the good, non-judgmental person I consider myself to be, but I really take offense when those who are members of a minority (black, gay, female, etc) cry “discrimination” when they don’t get what they want.

    I don’t doubt for a moment that ignorant prejudices like racism, ageism, sexism, etc still exist because I’m smart enough to realize that they do. It’s a damn shame to have such things exist in this “enlightened” era, but they still exist. To suggest that the school board is guilty of discrimination against Mrs. Ross is preposterous. I don’t follow the board meetings, but I can assure you that I doubt the board voted for Dr. Gorenz because he’s white. Prime example, look at the past two superintendents. Dr. Royster & Mr. Hinton are both African-American, both hired by the board of education. Sure, Dr Royster left amidst controversy, but that controversy was not based on her being African-American or female, it was based on poor decisions on her part.

    I think I’m a fair minded person. I cannot stand discrimination… it has no place in this society. I can look at a resume, for example, and not see the person’s gender, race, marital status, sexual preference, religion, etc. I see “Education” and “Experience” and that’s what I base a decision off of.

    Maybe it’s time we all realize that this is 2008, not 1868. Slavery does not exist, women can vote and people are created EQUAL in this day & age, dammit! If all goes well, we will have our first African American president later this year and STILL people claim that whites are trying to hold back minorities.

    Get a reality check, maybe then we can all work together instead of against each other.

    *hops off soapbox*

  12. After following these comments this evening, I’m wondering if we are all operating under the same definition of “racism”?

    As an American of Northern European ancestry, I was surprised to realize that what I always thought the term racism meant, in fact wasn’t correct.
    Racism is much more subtle than using the “n” word or blatantly refusing to hire someone because of their race.

    I took some time and did a little online research, which I’ve copied below. This is not an attempt to criticize any of the posters, just an effort to get us all on the same page.

    Racism: The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term describes ‘the theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race’. There are two attitudes towards the concept of racism: one says that ‘racism’ is usefully applied only where it is derived from a perception of race and the ensuing fixation on ‘typical’ racial traits. Another school has argued that racism consists in intentional practices and unintended processes or consequences of attitudes towards the ethnic ‘other’.

    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia: racism. Any action, practice, or belief that reflects the racial worldview — the ideology that humans are divided into separate and exclusive biological entities called “races,” that there is a causal link between inherited physical traits and traits of personality, intellect, morality, and other cultural behavioral features, and that some “races” are innately superior to others.

    Philosophy Dictionary: racism. The inability or refusal to recognize the rights, needs, dignity, or value of people of particular races or geographical origins. More widely, the devaluation of various traits of character or intelligence as ‘typical’ of particular peoples.

    Racial Discrimination. Researchers, including Sendhil Mullainathan and Marianne Bertrand, at the MIT and the University of Chicago found in a 2003 study that there was widespread discrimination in the workplace against job applicants whose names were merely perceived as “sounding black”. These applicants were 50% less likely than candidates perceived as having “white-sounding names” to receive callbacks for interviews. The researchers view these results as strong evidence of unconscious biases rooted in the United States’ long history of discrimination (i.e. Jim Crow laws, etc.).

    Maybe it is past time for this to community to enter into a real dialogue about race. With over 60% minority student population in our public schools, we have to talk about it.

  13. Well, whoever the jerk is that impersonated me (PrarieCelt) thanks for proving that a person can only talk about black/white relations only if one is black or a “sensitive” white, pseudo-intellectual liberal who avoids all and any criticism of people of color for no other reason but that they are people of color. No one is more biased, predjudicial, closed-minded than you. I know you are not really the good, non-judgmental person you consider yourself to be.

  14. No one impersonated you, Tim. Even though you were the first “Tim” on this thread, the other “Tim” has been commenting on my blog for a couple months. So he might say you’re impersonating him! 🙂

  15. You emtronics couldn’t get the point if you were stabbed with it. The point wasn’t that they were the minority, the point was all White votes went to Gorenz and all Black votes went to Ross. You can’t get more racially divide than that. Also Tim(the second poster), just as PrairieCelt defined above:

    “According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the term describes ‘the theory that distinctive human characteristics and abilities are determined by race’. There are two attitudes towards the concept of racism: one says that ‘racism’ is usefully applied only where it is derived from a perception of race and the ensuing fixation on ‘typical’ racial traits. Another school has argued that racism consists in intentional practices and unintended processes or consequences of attitudes towards the ethnic ‘other’.”

    Just because Hinton was chosen as a replacement for Royster does not negate the appearance of racism on the BOE’s part. “The intentonal practices” of the board to use one Black to get rid of another Black, eventhough this Black in question did not hold the required certification or education, wreaks of racism. But the true racism came not from the Board but from you and everyone else who stood by quietly and allowed this board to not only violate policy and state and federal law, not to mention the great expense tolled on this community and district by hiring Fabish(who held the certification and was qualified to be superintindent) and Hinton. Fabish had to answer to the asst. superintindent (Hinton). When Fabish resigned, he was replaced by Hannah and Fischer but they still answered to Hinton even though they outranked him. These position came great cost too. A cost of which we are now paying for years later. Not to mention paying for Hinton to go back to school and get the required education and certification.

    If you weren’t so hell-bent on getting rid of that Black women, you never would have permitted this Board to get away making those kind of fiscally irresponsible decisions.

    Hinton was hired to quell the fire that was raging in the Black community period. No qualifications Emtronics but he still got the job even though he didn’t meet the requirements.

    And why would Cindy Fischer buy into this. Here is a women who was already an administrator working for the district with all the credentials yet should agreed to allow her certification to be used not to get her a job as superintindent but the less qualified Black man. If she was hired instead of Hinton, the would have cried out racism and been able to prove it. So Fischer obviously agreed to allow herself to be used to hide these covert racist acts because now she has become a part Hinton’s MCI Friends and Family plan. She can retire and pull down a pension from the district and still come back to Dist. 150 at a rate of $450-500 day.

  16. Okay CJ, you’d know better than I (since I only remember to check out these blogs on occassion). I’ll add a C.

    I apologize to all. It sure seemed like a theft of ID though. Rereading it now, it doesn’t come across sarcastic. I suppose there is a lesson to learn there on perceptions.

  17. Karrie: Why do you think Ross was qualified? I will then answer your question.

    sakgen: First, I could care less what color Ross or any of them on the Board are. Ross simply isn’t qualified. My point to you was, “What did you expect?” There has always been more whites than blacks on the Board yet you and others think Ross was booted by racism including Ross herself. I live in Ross’ district. What district do you live in?

  18. sakgen: Hinton is not qualified and was hired to quite the black community? Are you smoking a bong? Hinton has more education than most of the commenters here. You may not like him but he is qualified for the job. Maybe aliens are running the school board. You are reading way too much into this. Stay at home, behind your keyboard, you are dangerous.

  19. So the white members were exhibiting racism, while the black members were rationally voting their conscience? If you level the charge against the white members, why do the black members get a free pass?

  20. Hi Tim C… ironic, I’m Tim D. Hmm… interesting. Anyway, your comment came in about the same time mine did last night. I guess we kind of said alot of the same things, I just said them with more words.

    Sorry we’ve been impersonating each other, great to meet you!

  21. And FYI all, I don’t deny discrimination exists, nor do I condone it. I just wish that people would not cry “discrimination” over every little thing because it makes the *actual* cases of discrimination seem less valid… sort of like the little boy who cried wolf.

  22. A few random thoughts.

    Like nontimendum said, how are the 4 white people racist and the 3 black people are not? If one of the black members would have voted for Gorenz, what would Ross have said about losing then because it couldn’t have been race? And if one of the black members voted for Gorenz, would the outcry be, “How could you not vote for Ross”?

    PrairieCelt says “With over 60% minority student population in our public schools, we have to talk about it.” Forgive my math, but how is 60% a minority? People (yes whites and blacks) that use the race card want this situation. The minority of students represented by the majority. It’s role reversal. White students are the minority. This is what they want and now their mad because it doesn’t go their way.

    I truly don’t know who the better candidate was and I have no clue why ALL or any of the board members voted the way they did. Obviously Gorenz ran a better campaign. I don’t think Shock has been the best candidate but he has always ran the best campaign. Does it suck when your candidate doesn’t win? Of course but that’s politics.

  23. Although many of you may think a doctorate is not a prerequisite for a superintendent in a district as large as ours, it is most uncommon not to have one. Ken Hinton was not qualified when he was hired. He did not meet state requirements for endorsement. So we hired three people while he went back to school. One may question his credentials from Western University. Who did he do his internship with? (A required component of endorsement) Why did Chuck Fabish leave so quickly? Ken Hinton spent months not on the job due to physical issues. Word is that Gorenz had to go visit him. By the way when visiting Superintendent Hinton you have to leave the city of Peoria. He is the only superintendent we have ever had who has not lived in the city. I would once again state he is the first unqualified superintendent we have hired.

  24. Black person doesn’t get what they want = racism.

    Just like Colt 45, works every time.

  25. It was a vote and she lost thats all this issue is about. It became a race issue when Ross opened her mouth and made it a race issue. Just like any other voting process people win and people lose. If I recall she wanted this posititon before and didn’t get it and there were different people on the board. Instead of making it a racial issue she should take a look in the mirror and see what she can do differently so next time she will win the approval of the board. There is something we (the public) aren’t seeing when multiple boards don’t vote her president.

  26. I have for many years attended school board meetings and have expressed my concerns regarding a district that has not gotten it right for a long time. Do I believe that not voting to put Martha Ross in for president was a racist act? Absolutely!!! This district has not done what it is supposed to do, educate our children, for ages.The school board has not run a smooth ship for years and still has no idea of what needs to be done to educate children.
    Dr. Gorenz has been at the helm for three years. WHAT HAS CHANGED? What has he done to move this district forward? Absolutely nothing. So why not go into another direction. Those of you that continue to say that Martha is not in the schools don’t know what you are talking about because you are not in the schools to see if she is there. This school board is in complete denial. If this community does not believe that racism exist, I wish you could trade places with any Afrian American of any class, living in any part of the city. You would not be able to survive one day.!!
    Do I still believe that the board actions on Monday and in the past is done on the basis of race. Absolutely.

    I wish that we could just go about the business of educating children and doing what is right for this community. Peoria will not be the community that it should be if this continues.

    Race continues to be a factor and with that we will remain in the muck and mire and there will never be change for the good for the people in this community.

  27. If she wasn’t African American (whatever that means), she would have said it was because she is a woman, if she were a man it would have been because she was newer to the board, or didn’t go to the “right” college …. waah waah waah… this is what is making decisions (or not) regarding our children and schools… GREAT!

    I renew my suggestion: Dump the board of education and school districts at the local level and let the schools run themselves.

  28. Replying to Ernestine:

    You wrote:

    “If this community does not believe that racism exist, I wish you could trade places with any African American of any class, living in any part of the city. You would not be able to survive one day.!!”

    No one has stated racism doesn’t exist. The question at hand is whether or not racism denied Ross the presidency. We can bob and weave our way through all other issues, but at the end of the day that question is unanswerable.

    As for your second assertion; I see black people one day, and amazingly then again the next! How is it they’ve evolved in the face of such overt racism to steadfastly march on from day to day where others would fail. In other words, what is it you saying? Your anger subverts your point.

    Then you wrote:

    “Race continues to be a factor and with that we will remain in the muck and mire and there will never be change for the good for the people in this community.”

    Race is a factor, but so is class. This is the case in every society on the planet; some more formalized than others. And yet, progress occurs. I tire of the doomsday prognostications of comments like yours because they simply ignore the facts. While NOT minimizing the damaging effects of racism on an individual, and on a group, what I AM writing is I challenge you to present facts how racism has kept African American’s from participating in the effort to improve this specific community. The institutionalized racism you suggest doesn’t exist. Is there poverty, underachievement, crime, a loss of hope in the minority community; yes and that’s a tragedy. Is it because of a collective effort of one race to control the destiny of another? Please…

  29. She admits people don’t like the way she votes and then claims that she deserves to be President because she shows up at all the meetings. Judgment doesn’t matter? So if CJ shows up at all the meetings, does he get to be President?

  30. No one knows what is in the hearts and minds of people when they cast their votes.

    Nevertheless: All the white board members voted for Gorenz. All the black members voted for Ross. We can come to our own conclusions. In a perfect world, we wouldn’t see this kind of result. But the world isn’t perfect is it. Maybe during my lifetime, we’ll have gotten back this enough so that race doesn’t matter.

    Was Ross playing the race card? Or are her detractors playing the race card card?

    In Ross’s defence, I understand her position on expulsions NOW better than I did in the past. District 150 DOES need a way to punish students other then expulsions. Her “no” votes are protests, nothing more. I would vote to expell, without hesitation, but I see her point.

    As far as Hinton cutting off Ross, and for the vote to end the meeting before Ross had a chance to speak, this speaks volumes for the disrespect the majority of the board AND Hinton have for her.

    I have attended maybe more than a hundreds of meetings of city councils, village boards, county boards, zoning boards, hospital boards, community college boards and even airport boards. Most of them had unelected administrators or executive directors. And most of them understood that the role of the director is be subservient to the board.

    But school boards, I have found, tend to behave sometimes as if they have no right telling their superintendent how to do his/her job. At District 150, the board is subservient to Hinton. This is obvious in the way he treated Martha Ross.

  31. And to further muddy the waters:

    About 20 years ago, I covered the board of this small, private hospital near Robinson, Ill. At my first meeting, they elected the new president and vice president. One of the board members angrily denounced the results because he was not elected to either of those jobs, even though past practice had been to elect the most senior board members to these positions, and it was his turn.

    The racial make up of this board? 100 white.

  32. Emtronics I would argue that you are the dangerous one. You speak with a closed mind and can’t receive information.

    Hinton was not qualified to be superintindent. Can you comprehend that? Also, it doesn’t matter if there has always been more whites on the Board than Blacks. Did you not hear, Whites voted for the White candidate and the Blacks voted for the Black Candidate. If there had been four Blacks and three Whites on the Board and thay had still voted along the color lines, RACE IS AN ISSUE. On both sides. Can you comprehend that?

    Next, Martha Ross was not booted, she just lost another race for the same postion she had run for previously. If you heard what was said earlier, then you would have known that two years ago Gorenz was not qualified to be president because the rules stated you had to have served one year on the board and then another year as vice president to become president. Once it came to Martha Ross being the only viable candidate because the other’s had neither the time or position as vice president, all of the sudden they decided to change the rules so she couldn’t get the position. Remember this:

    “racism consists in intentional practices and unintended processes or consequences of attitudes towards the ethnic ‘other’.”

    You speak of me not liking Hinton. That’s not the case. You however, and you’ve shown it many times through your postings here, that you dislike Mrs. Ross. So much so that you are willing to overlook the obvious and allow district 150 to continue this conspiracy and downward spiral of theirs. And if this is supposedly about the children, just what are they learning? Don’t get your way change the rules regardless of the cost and who it negatively impacts.

    You still haven’t reponded to the issue of Cindy Fischer. Why would a women, who has all the qualifications to hold the position, would settle for second fiddle, or are you a massagonist also? Why not talk about the sexicm here? Oh that’s right only talks about racism bother you.

    One other thing, you still haven’t answered why we should pay for this financial fiasco?

    If you live in the first district and are so displeased with Mrs. Ross, why didn’t you run against her? Maybe you are the one on the bong?

  33. The Illinois School Code states that an individual must hold a Superintendent’s endorsement to be employed as a superintendent in the public schools. There is no question – it was clearly reported in the press – that when the BOE brought Hinton back from retirement, he did hold a superintendent’s endorsement. In fact, he didn’t earn that endorsement until the summer of 2006 (I think that’s correct – but it might have been 2007).

    Whether you like Hinton or not, the simple fact is he wasn’t legally qualified to be employeed as superintendent in August 2004 when the BOE employed him in such role. They had to bring in a “co-superintendent” in the person of Chuck Fabish (who was legally qualified), and when Fabish abruptly left, they had to scramble to get someone in place who was legally qualified as superintendent. Enter Fischer and Hannah.

    I agree with sakgen – I’ve never understood why either Hannah or Fischer agreed to stand as Deputy Superintendents – under Hinton’s supervision – when they were legally qualified for the superintendency and Hinton wasn’t. That isn’t logical.

    That whole mess was an expensive – and the taxpayers had to pay for it.

  34. There are such things as “provisional” certificates for individuals who are in the process of additional endorsements. Perhaps that was the case.

  35. Emtronics: The only requirements now to be president is to have served one year on the board, so you are wrong. Ross is qualified because she has more years on the board than any of them. Matter of fact, she most qualified because they changed the rules and lowered the standard to be president.

    I don’t mind you having an opinion nor that that opinion differs from mine, I do take exception to the spin you attempt to put on words and the accusations and personal comments you make.

    We can have discussion and we can repectfully disagree but if you choose to denigrate to personal barbs and attacks then I’d prefer you respond to other’s postings. I laid out the facts of what I believe and know to have happened thus far, not suppositions, and instead of engaging in enlightening dialogue, you chose to go negative.

    Can we engage in intellectual conversation like sane adults?

  36. Rixblix, that is true, there are now provisional certificates that can be issued. However, Hinton didn’t even hold a provisional when he was brought back from retirement. If memory serves, it was a period of time before he obtained a provisional.

  37. sakgen: you started with the barbs, something about being stabbed in the neck to get a point. You also have barbed me before on other blogs and posts. I call posters like you a troll. That said;

    I never said Hinton was a good at his job but he is qualified or the State would not allow him. Sorry the State didn’t check with you.

    I know how the vote went in fact I knew how the vote was going to go before the vote but since it was black for black and white for white you and others assume it is race. I say bull! How the heck do you know what they felt? Like CJ posted, you can draw lines here and there and unless you know for sure, then calling this racism is an opinion and just that.

    I am also aware of the 1 year requirement for Board President. That was changed some years ago and again someone (nameless) cried racism.

    The fact of the matter to be is that Gorenz is more qualified than Ross. Here’s why I think that:
    He is more civil at meetings. He is a Doctor which means he is very educated. Ross comes off as a pompous a$$ and her personality has rubbed people the wrong way. She is too emotional, IMO, and she wanted Royster to sue the Board back to the Dark ages. That was a public comment although not those exact words. I didn’t and don’t want this type of person running the Board. Gorenz on the other hand isn’t my first choice either out of the group but that was the two choices. Personally I think Rachael Parker would be an excellent Board President but that wasn’t the case. Oh my God! Ms. Parker is black. Now what? /end sarcasm

  38. Just realized a mistake in my post beginning, “The Illinois School Code . . .” It was supposed to read: There is no question – it was clearly reported in the press – that when the BOE brought Hinton back from retirement, he did not hold a superintendent’s endorsement.

  39. sakgen,

    FYI… YOUR name, no different than mine, wasn’t on the board’s roster! You’re as bad as Ms. Ross hurling unsubstantiated accusations, blaming others for Mr. Hinton’s selection, And dismissing Mr. Hinton’s qualifications as nothing more than being black.

    You need help! All this spewing venom because YOU dislike Ken Hinton. You’re no different than Ms. Ross. And, SHE still lost!

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