Maybe this is why Schock and other Republicans aren’t signing on to HB 5766

A bill in the Illinois General Assembly, HB5766, would extend the current electricity rate freeze three more years (providing relief for Illinois families) and is supported by the Citizens Utility Board. However, our representative in the 92nd district, Aaron Schock, isn’t signed on as a co-sponsor, nor is any other Republican.

I’d like to say I remembered to follow the money immediately, but to be honest, it wasn’t until challenged by a commenter on Billy’s blog that I actually checked Schock’s campaign contribution record.

According to his Jul-Dec 2005 and Jan-Jun 2006 D-2 Semi-annual campaign contribution reports, Schock received:

  • $1,300 from AMEREN Illinois PAC ($1,000 in 2006 and $300 in 2005)
  • $1,250 from MidAmerican Engergy Holdings, which provides power to the Quad Cities ($1,000 in 2006 and $250 in 2005)
  • $800 from Exelon PAC; Exelon owns Commonwealth Edison, which provides power to Chicago ($500 in 2006 and $300 in 2005)
  • $500 from the Illinois Energy Association ($250 in 2006 and $250 in 2005)

That’s a pretty good chunk of change. I imagine he’s probably going to vote against HB 5766.

44 thoughts on “Maybe this is why Schock and other Republicans aren’t signing on to HB 5766”

  1. According to his reports from the same period, Spears did not receive any money from energy companies. He has, of course, received quite a bit of money from labor unions.

  2. I’ll post it here too. Republicans (at the federal level anyway) haven’t passed a bill that benefitted the working class since they pushed through the bill that created the national parks system in the 1960s. Can’t speak to state or local Reps.
    I have seen republicans consistently support corporate interests over the people, since Reagan was in office and I became politically sentient. They always spout off on how supporting the free market will bolster the economy and thusly the average Jill.
    Ain’t happening. Certainly not under the current administration. And I don’t see it happening locally either.

  3. Those tax breaks for the rich sure helped my working class bottom line as well as every other working class person. Yes, really. Check your tax rates before and after it took effect and then you should write the Republicans a thank-you letter for the extra cash (that was yours to begin with) they allowed you to keep. Look at how many people don’t even pay federal taxes anymore! Every single one of those people should be voting the Democrats right on out so they don’t have to start paying taxes again.
    So what if a really rich guy got a tax break? That really rich guy probably went out and started a new business or two with his extra cash and…. hired more people! Any time you let the people decide what to do with their own money, they invest it, creating more jobs and then more taxes come from those new jobs to make up for it.

  4. Couldn’t resist another post, what with MDD and Vonster making such good sense! CUB supported the dereg bill because of rate freezes and received $7 million from a fund that was set up by ComEd when they sold their plants. The $7 million was part of the deal for supporting the dereg bill. Contributions come in all forms.

  5. Stop drinking the Kool Aid folks. The gap between the rich and poor, the haves and have nots is growing annually. The most recent CIA analysis of this gap puts the US in the same bracket as third world countries with totalitarian dictatorships.
    It’s getting harder for you, me and other average joes to make ends meet, while corporate profits are growing exponentially.
    And honest to God – I don’t want a tax break if my kid can go to a better school. If I could take a freakin’ train to Chicago. If there were more funding for my local library.
    Deregulation hasn’t worked. Didn’t work in Cali. Won’t work anywhere else. Utilities should be state/city/county owned and regulated for reasons such as this. A 55% rate hike is highway robbery and I have no idea how any sane person with any shred of civic responsibility/pride could possibly buy into it. Like I said, Ameren’s Kool Aid is well spiked apparently.

  6. Oh, and that rich guy who went out and started a few businessess is likely paying the sad fucking minimum wage in this state or isn’t unionized or hired his brother.
    Just because someone starts a new business doesn’t make them a saint. Question – when your kid is ready for college, are you going to expect fed’l financial aid because “you’re a taxpayer?”
    It’s people like you who want all sorts of lovely services, pretty parks, good roads, good hospitals, enough police to protect your ass, good schools BUT don’t want to pay for it.
    Anti-tax republicans like yourself will be the downfall of Western Civilization as we know it. No social ethics – every man for himself, selfish bastards.

  7. Please, do not compare today’s Republicans (at the federal level) to free-market capitalists. The GOP has been taken over by what people commonly refer to as neocons. They spend as much as Democrats, start wars that are not in the US’s best interest, and care more about their religious ‘morality’ than about personal freedom.

    It seems like commies and fascists are the only ‘mainstream’ options nowadays. How sad is that? This year will be the first time I vote strictly third-party.

  8. cgiselle12 -What part of “the tax revenue increased to a record level” do you not understand? That means the feds have more money without raising taxes.

    The minimum wage was never intended to be for anyone but entry-level workers. It was intended to level the playing field between companies that were looking for entry level labor and to allow young, inexperienced people to get a first job. That person would then gain experience and get a better job – not stay in the same job for the rest of their life! If a 30+ year old person is still making minimum wage, they either have not tried too hard to better themselves or have some serious personal issues that are hurting them? Name a McDonald’s or Wal-Mart that even hires at minimum? They pay MORE! Let the market decide. If you don’t like the pay, don’t work there. There are plenty of jobs available in this area.

    If we artificially raise the minimum wage, all prices will increase. This is called inflation and will then hurt the same people you believe you are trying to help.

    If you don’t like the corporate profits, either don’t buy their products or buy their stock so that you are an owner of the company and benefit from the profits.

    We were talking federal taxes, not local taxes. My property taxes have increased $200-$300 per year for 6 years straight. We don’t need an other trail or musuem that cannot support itself.

    In answer to the college aid question you ask of me – No. I am planning ahead and saving for them, like my parents did and my grandparents did. If I didn’t, I would expect them to go to a community college. I went to ICC anyway and paid for it myself although I could have had help and gone to a 4 year university.

  9. cgiselle12 said “And honest to God – I don’t want a tax break if my kid can go to a better school. If I could take a freakin’ train to Chicago. If there were more funding for my local library.”

    Quit pretending (to yourself, apparently) that you are so high and mighty and fight for such good causes. If it was such a big deal, you would DONATE that extra money you are so willing to pay in extra taxes. Every one of the taxing bodies WILL accept your donation.

  10. I dont’ know exactly how anyone is going to vote, especially if it is never called to a vote. I outlined the issues with only just freezing the rates and noted comprehensive legislation is needed to resolve this complicated issue on the pundit. And I am glad that you qualified the financials to this quarter. Let’s see what they end up being.

  11. Thank you Republicans, thank you. I just reviewed my FED tax returns from last year and the year before. I paid more. Must have missed that tax break. What tax break are you guys refering too? I didn’t have any capital gains or anything, so what break?

    We shall see in November how this country feels about the Republicans and their policies. Gee, last July, the Alaskan pipeline was broke and oil demand worldwide was up. Gas was $3.05 a gallon. Now, almost a month away from the elections, the gas pipeline is still broke and oil demand is even higher but gas is now around $2.10 a gallon. I know, not even Bush can do that right?

    The nation debt is at a all time high. How is a Bush taxcut going to pay for this? Is this like maxing out all your credit cards and applying for another to pay off the maxed out ones?

    $8 billion a month for Iraq, What does Bush plan for that? Does he have a plan? Stay the course? That’s what the Captain of the Titanic did.

    Please please tell me again how good I have it. I seemed to have missed that extra spendable cash I am recieving every payday. If I do find it maybe Ameren will take it in January.

  12. When they are losing a debate, you can quickly spot a true liberal.

    They always resort to personal attacks instead of facts, because they have no facts. At least I can spell “stupid”. Maybe you are a product of District 150?

    Let’s keep sending kids to school in crappy buildings and tell them they get a new building after they do a better job (when they won’t even be in the school anymore). Some incentive, huh? Give them some new, nice facilities that promote learning and make them feel wanted and appreciated.

    Oil speculators control the price of oil, not oil companies or even countries. I notice that the liberals have quietly stopped trying to blame global warming for the oil price increases now that the “terrible hurricane season caused by global warming” never happened?

    By the way, look at the tax rate, not the amount. If you had no capital gains, maybe you should try saving and investing your money for your retirement. Wait, that’s now the government’s job, as in Social Security, so why bother? The government will take care of you.

  13. Neil, is it possible that CUB was for dereg because they thought it would lead to competition and lower prices, and now that competition has not happened and it’s leading to higher prices, that is why they are for continuing the rate freeze now?

    I’m not really wanting to enter a Republican vs. Democrat debate, but I have to comment on this one thing MDD wrote:

    Let’s keep sending kids to school in crappy buildings and tell them they get a new building after they do a better job (when they won’t even be in the school anymore). Some incentive, huh? Give them some new, nice facilities that promote learning and make them feel wanted and appreciated.

    First of all, District 150’s buildings are not “crappy,” unless you believe “crappy” is a synonym for “old.” I live in a house that is older than most of District 150’s buildings and it’s well-maintained and beautiful. Are you saying the District’s school buildings are “crappy” because they’re not well-maintained? That’s the district’s fault, not the buildings’. If they can’t afford to maintain the building stock they have, how can they afford to build multi-million dollar new buildings? If their buildings are in such sad shape, how were they able to easily convert one of their “worst” buildings (Blaine-Sumner, one of the first to close) into an office building, complete with air conditioning?

    Secondly, there’s no correlation between the mere age of school buildings and student achievement. It doesn’t provide an “incentive” to “do a better job.” New buildings don’t make children “feel wanted and appreciated” — teachers do. And I’m not quite sure how a building that was created as a school building somehow doesn’t “promote learning.” So, for over 100 years the students who have been going to District 150 have been in buildings that don’t promote learning? That’s quite an indictment.

  14. No way CUB was or is for competition. They live off of continued regulation. Free markets would extinguish the need for CUB. They backed it because of the $$ Com Ed threw their way.

  15. It’s unbelieveable how passionate everyone is here over GENERALIZATIONS.

    My taxes have gone up $200 over the last 2 years. Not necessarily because the rates have increased, but the value (assessment) of my home has increased.

    My taxes have not changed significantly in years. I got an xtra $400 this year. Guess where that goes this year… Utilities and health insurance premiums. Income does not keep up with inflation, when utility inflation is 55% and insurance inflation is 12%. The gap is growing because what is considered to be middle class keeps moving “up” while wages move “up” at a much slower clip.

    Extremes: Jokers making minimum wage for 30 years deserve it. At the same time, there is a social ethics issue that isn’t being explored. What is the duty of a company? What is the duty of an employer? Is it only to make money for the sake of making money?

    There needs to be a disconnect between corporations and company campaign donations. This is a government for the people by the people. Not for the corporations and subsidized by the corporate interests. We need to understand what the root functions of government are. It’s to serve the people and the ensure the people are able to obtain quality life, liberty and happiness.

    Failure to seperate the desires of coporate interests from the desires of the populace will surely erode the quality of both. A top down approach to economic stimulation is a foolish as a bottom-up. Myopic visions and creeds have destroyed our decision makers ability to choose wisely and causes them to choose along party lines.

    Rant over.

  16. Thank you The Guy – for a rational analysis.

    I apologize to Vonster and MDD for the personal attacks. They are uncalled for. Had a bad day yesterday, and you got swept into my bad mood.

    I agree wholeheartedly that a govt for the people and by the people is responsible “to serve the people and the ensure the people are able to obtain quality life, liberty and happiness.” Many conservatives I know generalize low income people into “the lazy ingrates” catgory. Low income people are individuals and have myriad reasons for their situation. If you have been in a minimum wage job for 20 years, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are lazy – it might mean that you had a bad home life (absentee parents) and were a stupid teenager, skipped out of school and now that you are in your 20s or 30s, you’re stuck. You can’t go to school because you have to work to support yourself and or your family. But you got a shit education and aren’t capable of jobs over minimum wage. Let’s not even talk about people hit with a disabled child or a parent whose work injury debilitated them almost completely.

    And don’t give me the “you should wait until you have enough money to have a family.” I have a freakin’ master’s degree and I’m white and middle class. If I followed that theory, which my mother promoted, I’d still be waiting.

    And study after study after study in this country has shown that poverty is a cycle that is a bitch and a half to get out of. For whatever reason, you’re stuck in a minimum wage job – which in every community in the nation puts you at the poverty level. So you have no extra money to buy the really expensive gas to get your kid to school or pay for aftercare while you are at work. So they get involved in a gang. And you are struggling just to pay rent, so when your tv goes out, you have to get one from Rent A Center because that’s the only way you’re going to be able to get one – since you have no credit cards. And Rent A Centers charge ugly amounts of interest, so you end up paying double for the tv in the long run.
    And you probably bounce one or two checks a month, because you’ve gotta have milk, juice, eggs and bread and something for dinner, but your paycheck is four days off. SO there’s about $60 in bank charges you’ve gotta put up with every month.
    It’s fucking expensive to be poor in America, precisely because of conservative Republicans who lump the poor into one mass lazy group and take away/reduce a whole variety of public welfare programs and benefits. Sure, some of them are lazy – but plenty, given one small opportunity, would make the best of it and somehow improve their situation. Everyone will try to work the system, rich people do it to. They just have lawyers to help them figure out how to get away with it.
    People are individuals. I’m sorry I did not respect your opinions yesterday, Vonster and MDD. I only ask that you do the same, and know that many individuals out here know that a 55% rate hike in electrical rates will benefit NO ONE BUT AMEREN.

  17. Things I forgot to mention –
    We were all stupid ass teenagers. Don’t some of them deserve a chance or two. Lots of them will jump at such chances. My friends are teachers who work with them.
    Also, lots of community colleges are developing programs for this kinda kid. Programs where 23 year olds with kids, who never finished high school, can come back in and get an AA or a BA despite not having the HS diploma, so they can get back on track. And they can’t sign people up fast enough.
    If the Fed’l gov’t has so much money from our taxes, why then do we have the biggest deficit in the history of the US?
    And I volunteer a shit load of my time, MDD, exactly because I have no “disposable income.” I’m behind on a number of bills and just can’t seem to catch up. I struggle to buy gas and groceries at the end of every month (I get paid once a month). My husband and I have three grad degrees between us, drive cars that are over 10 years old, have never spent extravagantly (no fat gold rings, no flat screen tvs, our boys don’t have the latest toys by any stretch). Our quality of life has tanked under the current administration despite our greatest efforts.
    But nonetheless, I volunteer with the local chapter of the ACLU, my church, for my son’s hockey team, organize protests against the war and the administration and send letter and fax after letter and fax to Obama/Durbin/Lahood arguing for a whole variety of mostly Democratic issues. And if I could donate money, I’d be giving it to Mercy Corps,, my church, various political candidates, Crisis Nursery downtown, OxFam, you name it – I’d send them $10. But I can’t, because it’s a choice between that and milk and eggs. I’m dead bloody serious.

  18. SA & Neil– You raise a very interesting point; however, I cannot find any independent verification of this. You say ComEd did not directly give CUB any money, but set up a “fund” that gave them $7 million, and this is why they backed the dereg bill? What fund was it? Where can I get more information on it?

    Secondly, while that’s interesting and I do want to learn more about it, it is somewhat beside the point. Do you think something should be done to regulate, or at least mitigate a 55% increase in, electric rates? You have to admit this will be hard for the common person’s budget to absorb, and even worse for the elderly who live on fixed incomes. If CUB’s plan should be rejected, what do you think should be done?

  19. I don’t like the manner in which the “energy auction” was handled and sure don’t like the idea of a 55% increase. That is why I am doing things to drop our overall energy usage. So far, we have achieved nearly 30% reduction in our average monthly electric useage.

    I recall hearing about the CUB millions years ago while I lived in Chicago. Thanks for bringing that back up. Good info.

    cgiselle12 – Isn’t volunteering for the ACLU a contradiction vs volunteering for your church?

    Our “poorest” people have cars and television. Wow.

    If we leave Iraq now, does anyone really think the terrorists will leave us alone? Did they leave us alone during Clinton’s presidency? I shudder to think what would have continued to happen to the Kurds under Saddam who had already murdered hundreds of thousands. Seems it was OK to go to Bosnia since Clinton did it, but not not Iraq because Bush did it?

    Instead of protesting against the war, volunteer to help our troops win the war. The USO does great work. Write letters to the troops, thanking them for their dedication. They need our support – they are your friends, neighbors and maybe family.

  20. Ummm, EM…..I think the pipeline’s fixed now. I’ve heard a number of reasons that collectively have brought the pump price down and most seemed pretty plausible. On the other hand if you really need to believe the conspiracy theories…

  21. @MDD.

    Our poorest most likely have a TV, but they don’t have cars. Also, it’s all relative. What is poor to 3rd world countries is living on dirt here. Our poor are poor. Some see this as their existence, some see it as the starting point on the bottom on the way to sustainable middle class living.

  22. Part of the Electric Service Customer Choice and Rate Relief Law of 1997 (note the irony in the title):

    (2) In the calendar year in which the trust or
    foundation is first funded, the trustees shall contribute $1,000,000 to the Citizens Utility Board within 60 days after such trust or foundation is established; provided, however, that such contribution shall be made after December 31, 1999. In each of the 6 calendar years subsequent to the first contribution, if the trust or foundation is in existence, the trustees shall contribute to the Citizens Utility Board an amount equal to the total expenditures by such organization in the prior calendar year, as set forth in the report filed by the Citizens Utility Board with the chairman of such trust or foundation as required by subparagraph (3) of this subsection. Such subsequent contributions shall be made within 30 days of submission by the Citizens Utility Board of such report to the Chairman of the trust or foundation, but in no event shall any annual contribution by the trustees to the Citizens Utility Board exceed $1,000,000. Following such 7‑year period, an Illinois statutory consumer protection agency may petition the trust or foundation for contributions to fund expenditures of the type identified in paragraph (1), but in no event shall annual contributions by the trust or foundation for such expenditures exceed $1,000,000.

  23. The electric utilities structured their wholesale electricity purchase contracts to end 12/31/06, in anticipation of starting to purchase their electricity supplies via the auction effective 1/1/07. The auction had insufficient participants, so the price was higher as a result, as we have seen. The bidding generators will make handsome profits at these prices. The utilities will pay those high prices and pass them through to you and me. While the utilities won’t profit directly from the high prices, their sister company generators, who were part of the auction, will. The state could block all or part of the pass-through, but that will only cause the utilities to lose money on every kWh bought and resold. That is exactly what happened in California in the late 90’s, which caused Pacific Gas & Electric (at the time the country’s largest electric utility) to go bankrupt. The utilities could refuse to pay the high prices, but the generators will withhold the power and we will have blackouts. The answer is probably at the federal level, which regulates the wholesale power industry. I suppose the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (or Congress) could declare an emergency and decide to at least temporarily re-regulate wholesale power sales, or as a more extreme measure, nationalize the generation business and sell wholesale power at cost. Who thinks that is going to happen?

  24. To more directly answer your question as to what I think should be done about the 55% increase, CJ, I think it is too large and the government should step in to lower it. I’m a free markets person, but this is too extreme an increase for a product that everyone needs. I don’t have the answer as to what form the gov’t intervention should take in the short term, but we don’t want to disrupt the electric grid and cause power interruptions either. Beyond the immediate need, I think the auction process should be made more transparent, plus I think the regulators should take a more active role in assuring the auction is real and try to ensure the largest number of bidders as possible. I know the bidder qualifications were very onerous so only the most highly capitalized and sophisticated companies could in fact participate. Maybe something could be done there. Lastly, the country needs more high-voltage transmission plant to permit more generators to get their power from the source to the load. Transmission is a victim of NIMBY, and we need to free up the physical bottlenecks that inadequate transmission infrastructure causes. This is the case, for example, with wind power. Some of the best locations for giant wind farms are in western Minnesota, northwest Iowa, and the Dakota’s. But there aren’t many electricity customers in those places, and it costs a lot to transport power from there to Chicago. We also should put more R&D into transmission to allow more electricity to be transported longer distances economically.

  25. A great overview in the Christian Science Monitor regarding national electric deregulation: It would appear Illinois is not the only state in a mess. SA has a much better handle on this than I do, but logic tells me another 3-year rate freeze will be disastrous, particularly if the utilities have to buy the power at more than what they charge. Maybe a reasonable increase in 2007 (restoring what the utilities were forced to cut would be a start) with a mandate that the legislature fix the problem rather than playing games as it did in 1997.

  26. SA, beat me to the punch. I was going to say

    “CUB’s approval of the bill for $1 million/year (not conjecture- it’s written right into the bill PA 91-50/111.1 Section 2 (c)). ”

    Keep diggin CJ. This is not a nice onion and again I state it was developed with bi-partisan support, but pushed by Chicagoans bent on bailing out the big Chicago utilities. The rate freeze the that democrats are pushing is not a comprehensive solution, but in my opinion an attempt at a quick fix. Proposed legisilation regarding this issue, needs to be well researched and may require several pieces passed as a package. While there isn’t a comprehensive plan I believe the Republicans are at least working on it vs. just touting what they think the people want to hear paired with personal opponent slams or childish jabs. If I wanted that I would have Jerry Springer as a write in candidate. Sorry, if I don’t want someone like that representing us because I don’t think we will all be represented. We need someone who is going to think things through, listen to the contituents and the experts and make intelligent choices.

  27. Re: recent changes in fuel prices discussed by MDD, Vonster, Emtronics –
    Trying to predict why gas prices go up and down is like trying to grab onto a greased mutant eel that can turn invisible and phase through solid objects. Woah … I’be been watching the sci-fi channel too much! Anyway, there are several obvious factors contributing – (1) lower demand at the end of the summer due to less travelling & less air conditioning use, (2) full re-opening of the Prudhoe Bay oil fields, (3) “end” of the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict.

    There are probably 8,000 other factors, but I don’t think we can either blame or credit (depending on your political persuasion) the current changes in prices on George Bush. Keep blaming him for the things he deserves to be blamed for – sending thousands of American soldiers to their deaths needlessly and making the world a MORE dangerous place while at the same time taking our Constitution and flushing it down the toilet. I think that’s scornworthy enough. I don’t need to dig for anything else.

    In the long run, however, demand for fossil fuels is just going to keep going up & up & up – there are 2.5 billion Indians & Chinese who all want a car, a dishwasher, big houses with central air in a tropical climate, etc, etc, etc. Thats why we really need to be serious about alternative energy sources, energy efficiency and conservation of energy utilization – much more serious than Bush & Co or anyone else proposes. I’m talking Manhattan Project level effort x 100.

  28. CJ: The info below is from the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation website, which is what was established with the $225 million ComEd contribution. Interesting to note the mission of the foundation (alternative energy, environment, etc.). Not sure how CUB plays into that. Also interesting to note in the post by SA that after 7 years an “Illinois statutory consumer protection agency” can petition for the $1 million. Not sure if that includes CUB, but I believe it does. The foundation’s website is

    Organization Project Grant Period Amount
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2000 – 12/31/2000 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2001 – 12/31/2001 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2002 – 12/31/2002 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2003 – 12/31/2003 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2004 – 12/31/2004 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2005 – 12/31/2005 $1,000,000.00
    Citizens Utility Board (CUB) Annual Funding 1/1/2006 – 12/31/2006 $1,000,000.00

  29. Texas is the only state in the continental US with it’s own energy grid. I don’t have time, but someone might want to research how it’s working for them.
    Don’t know if it’s public or private or whatever. But I know for a fact, Texas is completely independent from all the other states on the energy grid. The rest of us in the 48 contiguous all gotta deal with each other.

  30. Knight – I don’t how you can be so clear-headed on gas prices and so fogged-in about the war but thanks anyway. ‘-)

    Giselle – thanks – no problem. I get a lot worse around the ‘sphere.

  31. CJ,
    Rep. Schock released an add noted he would support a short term price freeze while an appropriate solution was found.


  32. Why dont we just freeze the rates for another 30 years. then we all may be in the dark, without electricity but low low rates. The ICC & the State office holders are the blame along with the power co’s. We in the USA only react to problems (9/11). This has been a storm brewing for the last 10 years. Now it is here it is a problem. Finger pointing is useless. Unless we all deal with this problem we all may be faced with a power problem soon. heck just put it off and wait for a blackout or brownout. Bring back CILCO and the good ol days of a regulated utility.

  33. Wasn’t the whole black out thing in California a few years back, followed by the Enron mess, all about the same sort of deregulation that we are facing today? The auctioning of energy in California was a colossal failure.

  34. Sorry about the miss-spell of STUPID in my previous post. Hey I type too fast and didn’t notice it. Guess I didn’t realize I was being graded for spelling. I went to Bergan so I guess I’m a product of that school.

    Vonster: Pipeline fixed?? Could have sworn that BP said it would take at least 2 years to repair….. If it is fixed, glad it’s in time for the mid-terms.

    MDD: Thanks for the spelling lesson. I was going to call you an ….oops, there I go, almost sunk to your level of posting. Never mind.

    You can’t fix stupid.

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