When I heard that McCain was considering Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, I started reading up on her, and I must say, I’m impressed. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I think she would be a brilliant choice both on the merits and as a political maneuver. Palin is known for her high integrity and staunchly conservative credentials. She’s 44 years old, female (obviously), and as a governor she has experience that none of the other candidates have.
Read her bio on Wikipedia and I think you’ll agree, even if you’re not Republican, that it’s an inspired choice for the party’s VP nominee. It’s official.
Sarah Palin
Ben, in any election, this is a legitimate question.
Quite frankly, you can even ask yourself a similar question. Obama or Palin? McCain or Biden?
If 100 people respond to Sarah Palin’s nomination in Peoria, Illinois, and not one says the nomination changed or clinched their vote, how good a choice was it? Has everyone that comments here already made up their mind?
Anon E. Mouse –
Your deliberate inclusion of the “babygate” comment in you rebuttal regarding my previous comments inferred I had make a statement pertaining to said rumor. If you want to attack me on something I posted, don’t do it by some vague and unsubstantiated innuendo.
If you want to label Bill Bell, a veteran of Vietnam and former chief of the U.S. Office for POW/MIA Affairs a questionable “credible source” regarding McCain’s estimated combat flight time, then find me someone somewhere that even gives a hint of a “credible” alternative number. At least I’ve made an effort at fact checking. “I pretty much discredit the flimsy accusation that he only had 20 hours of combat service.” is based on what in YOUR personal experience, your time at the TOP GUN fighter pilot school or Windows Flight Simulator? Though my only experience in aviation is as a low time licensed private pilot and one time A/C mechanic apprentice, anything involving flying can happen fast; good or bad. When it involves high performance military jets, it happens even faster. So show me any source that counters the “estimated 20 hours” or quit being a revisionist historian to suit your myopic perspective of McCain’s military record.
I never questioned nor have my stated sources, the medals McCain was actually awarded. I credited him with 28, you only 16. What are you bitching about? Military personal get standard performance medals that are usually dwarfed in the record against more significant “above and beyond” commendations.” My guess is that would account for some of the discrepancy in the actual number. The debate Mr. Mouse, is not in the number of medals, but the circumstances under which they were awarded. Try a little harder to get it right will ya…
Regarding the USS Forrestal incident, I gave McCain the benefit of the doubt and DID NOT attribute the resulting carnage to McCain as you so previous stated. A modern aircraft carrier in wartime is the most hazardous piece of real estate on earth. Accidents happen. If all you’re willing to listen to is one side of a record, you’ll never be capable of presenting a rational and substantive argument or credibly defend it. The point was to document McCain’s military record in number of A/C losses and under what circumstances. If you can only do that through the benefit of rose colored glasses, that’s you choice. I myself want as many sources, especially those contradictory to my initial perspective so as to make a more educated and ACCURATE assessment. I won’t apologize for not getting all my information from alleged “fair and balanced” right wing conservative sources.
McCain has a long history of relationships with strikingly attractive women. Regardless of what Carol McCain says, John McCain’s behavior displays that appearances DO matter and Carol had become a liability both physical and socially. If you want to absolve John McCain’s adultery and subsequent desertion of a severely physically handicapped spouse because she publicly says it’s OK to do so, then what measure of a man do you need to fall to the level of a “piece of shit” for a husband?
I have to concede the Cindy McCain’s/Rush Limbaugh’s hillbilly heroin history lesson was a bit vengeful and directly unrelated to the defense at hand. I just though it would be nice to have an honest “fair and balanced” perspective to the conservatives criticisms of Obama’s voluntary admission of experimental drug use in college. My bad…
As to your claim of “…I have exposed the truth in these matters.”; I think the only think exposed here is your backside.
As to being “outraged”, I have to concede that point as well. Anyone that espouses an incomplete or conjectured truth as to have “exposed the truth in these matters.” really does get me “outraged”. Touche.
You have a pre-conceived perspective on McCain and his history and no amount of rational debate or accurately contextually stated “facts” are going to change that. Following an earlier comment by me on this site; there is little left to do other than stamp a “crazy” label on your forehead and move on…
C.J., your response of “Sarah Palin” validates what many have already considered when trying to assess your state of mind.
You are, indeed, certifiably looney.
I have successfully rebutted many of Mr. Shepler’s claims (or the claims of the sources he lists) and he. Simply restating the same claims over and over again does not make them true.
Anonymous: Maybe so, but at least (1) I don’t hide behind anonymity when I criticize others, and (2) I know how to spell “loony.”
I’m not sure why Democrats think Biden would make such a great VP or has such fabulous judgment. Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t he vote for the Iraq war? And didn’t he do that while he was the chairman of the Foreign Relations committee? I thought Dems considered that war the epitome of bad judgment. And what about Biden’s plagiarizing? What does that say about his judgment? I guess the real reason why Dems are defending Biden is because… well, he’s a Democrat.
anon e. mouse-
In regard to McCains 20 hours of combat duty, if you reread the quotes from Mr. Bell you will see that out of 23 flights he only spent approx. 20 hours over enemy territory. That is where they are coming up with “only 20 hours of combat duty”.
A great blog (it is leaning to the left so viewer’s discretion is advised) site for following Gov. Palin developments in Alaska by an Alaskan is:
Dr. Strangethug or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the McCain Ticking Time Bomb.
Grisman – thanks. Sounds like an odd way of calculating “combat duty.”
I think that is commonly referred to as TOT (time over target).