More endorsements for Schock

From a press release:

Aaron Schock Earns Support from 9 Unions

(PEORIA) Representative Aaron Schock picked up the support of nine unions in his bid to succeed Ray LaHood as Congressman for the 18th District.

The unions include:

  • National Education Association, NEA, the largest union representing teachers in the 18th District
  • Illinois Education Association, IEA
  • The International Union of Operating Engineers
  • The National Association of Police Organizations, NAPO
  • The Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Union
  • The Peoria Police Benevolent and Protective Union
  • The International Association of Fire Fighters, AFL-CIO, FIREPAC
  • United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners
  • Airline Pilots Association International Union

In issuing their endorsement, the NEA wrote to Schock saying, “The NEA and IEA are proud to support the election of federal candidates, like you, who measure up to the issues that most concern our members.

The NEA and IEA are the union representing the largest number of teachers in the 18th District.

Schock recently was the keynote speaker at the Illinois Police Benevolent and Protective Union’s annual convention in Springfield earlier this month. He received a warm welcome and rousing ovation for his remarks to the members and the leaders held a news conference with Schock announcing their endorsement.

NAPO represents more than 2,000 police unions and associations, 241,000 sworn law enforcement officers, 11,000 retired officers and more than 100,000 citizens who share a common dedication to fair and effective crime control and law enforcement.

The International Union of Operating Engineers; the Carpenters Legislative Improvement Committee of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners; the National Education Association’s NEA Fund, and the International Association of Fire Fighters AFL-CIO FIREPAC also sent the maximum allowable $5,000 contribution to Schock’s campaign fund.

“I am honored to have the support of working men and women and the support of these organized labor unions,” said Schock. “I had a productive relationship with union representatives as a State Representative and my door will always be open as I try my very best to represent all the people of the 18th District.”

41 thoughts on “More endorsements for Schock”

  1. The conventional wisdom in each of Schock’s elections has been that he couldn’t win or it would be close. But then he wins with huge percentages.  He has lots of Democrats supporting him or he wouldn’t have won in a Democratic district for State Rep twice.  All those mayors and now unions make it impossible for Callahan to win.  Even an incumbent Democratic State Rep crossed over to support him by telling how great he is in a TV ad.  

    Then there is Callahan herself who has clearly demonstrated she is nasty and has nothing positive to offer.  Especially with all her shrill attacks, she has not come across as likeable.  All she has done is criticize Schock about things that have nothing to do with the big issues.  The sum total of her campaign to me is “I don’t stand for anything but Schock is a demon so it doesn’t matter.”    

  2. “I had a productive relationship with union representatives as a State Representative…”

    Productive relationship?!?!?
    How in the H_LL could this guy have a PRODUCTIVE relationship with anyone?  Wait a minute!  I apologize.  I forgot about ALL of those years he served Dist #150 [so well], and ALL of the MANY, MANY years he served us with such distinction as a state rep. 

    This proves what I have always believed about politics…endorsements don’t count for squat.  Maybe a little more cash, organization, but do they make Schock the man?  Hardly.    

    We are sending junior to Washington D.C. to represent the 18th District.   “That guy works his butt off?”   “Aaron does work hard.  He truly will do a great job?”  Are you kidding me?  You people act like we are sending him off on a Peace Corp mission.

    Is Callahan the right person for the job?  Probably not.  I am scared to death that the lack of any QUALIFIED candidate is going to sink this area even further. 

    The next thing you people will be writing Schock in for sainthood.  I don’t know if you guys look desperate or just plain silly.

  3. Give it up New Voice and give the guy a chance. The world won’t end in Jan. when he takes office. He will be one of 435 members of Congress. He has run a good campaign without resorting to little girls picking petals off of flowers like his opponent. Back to the farm for her and good riddance.

  4.  I am sure Callahan is a good person, but just not cut out to be in Congress. 

    Honestly, with the passing of her mother and probably loosing the election, it must be a hard time for her.  Politics aside, we should all keep her in our thoughts and prayers.   You have to give her credit for trying, I wonder how many of us would brave the torment of running for office. 

  5. Point of Order,
    YOU give the guy a chance.  The world may not end, but I doubt it is going to get any better [at least for the 18th].  You guys love to knock Callaha; her ‘evil’ campaign, her lack of platform, etc.  I have listened to Schock speak on more than one occassion.  I have yet to hear just what he intends to do for HIS Congressional district – OUTSIDE of the usual Party rhetoric.  Schock’s ‘platform’ is as generic as he is. 

    Just another case of money doing the talking…………………….

  6. Give the guy a chance… sounds like a dad asking the coach to put his kid in the lineup.

    Little Aaron Schock in Washington????  … how about solving one problem before moving on to the next? The school board is a mess, Illinois is a mess… The US Congress is already a mess…

    And when they put him up for VP in the next campaign or in 2016, will you admit then that this was merely and ambitious little kid trying to impress his daddy?

  7. kcdad, Springfield has been a mess for as long as I can remember.  If you have to wait to get that place in order before you can run for Congress, we are going to have a real shortage of candidates for Congress with legislative experience, and a lot of elderly state reps. 

  8. “Illinois is a mess… ”  kcdad – I take it you wouldn’t dare vote for Obama then?  Cause he was in the IL Assembly as well….

  9. Why did he run for State Rep? Just as a stepping stone to Congress? Why did run for the school board, simply as a stepping stone to State Rep?

    And then why is he running for Congress, now?????


  10. That’s right… the choice for President is much clearer… Arizona???? or Illinois??? I prefer Illinois to Arizona anytime.

  11. So kcdad – Obama’s moves are ok (hasn’t even fulfilled first full term of Senate) but Aaron’s moves are not?  Mmmm…..

  12. Most of these comments have absolutley nothing to do with the original post, which simply announced Schock has garnered several more key endorsements.    He has an enourmous advantage in the numbers, and significance, of the endorsements he has recieved.
    The voters will ultimaelty decide on Election day, when the few remaining peole who have not early voted do so.

    My prediction:
    Schock   61%
    Callahan 34%
    Schafer     5%

    If the Callahan attack ads contiue to run through election day the Schock total will be even higher.  Just my opinion folks, not asking any of you to agree.

  13. Would you rather have apples or oranges?

    Compare Obama to McCain or Shlock to Callahan… it is rather idiotic to try to compare Obama to Shock.

  14. EP Blondie,
    I am SO tempted to point out you MUST be BLOND, but I will resist.
    Comparing Schock to Obama?  Are you getting enough sleep?  I will do the compare/contrast if I have to, but most of this info is well known…
    Look at the age, education, actual political experience, maturity, etc, of Schock vs. Obama…..  you are comparing ‘elephants to donkeys’.  In other words…no comparison. 

    True, these new endorsements add to Aaron’s already bloated treasury, but I gotta love the Callahan mailer I received today…

    Rep. Ray LaHood on Aaron Schock – “IMMATURE”

    – Which is one of my biggest problems with Schock.  Exactly what we need representing the 18th in Congress.  Of course, if you consider the seat Schock is running for, my neighbors dog [who is a Republican] could run and clean up…  Next he will be teaming up with the local ‘Mayor Squad’ and begin passing the hat for the soon-to-fail museum project.

  15. New Voice ,

    You are so damn cynical and soured.  But at least you are creative and entertaining in your dialogue.  I would like to somtime attack the whole premise that Republicans are inherently bad and wrong.  I do not think all of us are.  That is one of the main reasons I support Aaron.

  16. I know you don’t believe this, but I am a Republican, registered and have NEVER voted for a Democrat… in… 32 years.

    However, if I were truly a Republican (that is, a “party guy”) I would be supporting Shlock and McCain as well. However, I am a person of principles first, a person who once saw the Republican Party as more capable of promoting and executing those principles… little did I know they would be promoting themselves and executing liberty in this country. 
    The best quote of  the campaign so far came from Bill O”Reilly… he was talking about the extremists on both wings of  the spectrum… and he said the leftist extremists are hurting the Democrat party, while the right wing extremists are helping the Republican Party. That is just too scary for me.  What does that say about the Republican Party?

    If I were a politician, I would want those ignorant extremists on my side every time… after all, God loves fools; he certainly created enough of them.

  17. kcdad,

    Well thank you for calling me an  ignorant extremist for a post I directed to New Voice.  I was not accusing you of being an ignorant extremist.  But thanks for stepping on my post to New Voice.   God you are so angry.   I am glad you did not trick or treat at my house tonight, because I am sure my full size candy bar would not have been enough for you. 

    Geez man , lets have a dicussion and debate without anger and vile.  Tell you what I will do, I will carbon you on all my other  direct posts  to whoever, so you can pipe in unsolicited, as you have a want to do.  And you know what,  it is pretty lame how you can’t argue against someone without calling them names.  Calling him Shlock clearly shows your bias and takes away from your argument.

     I am an extremist fool on the side of Aaron Schock, if that is how you want to define me.  I would rather engage you in the arena of ideas and debate, without name calling.

  18. Just so there is no misunerstanding we gave out full size candyy bars at our house tonightr for trick or treating.  Full size candy bars at 50 cents apiece, before the new tax code with wealth redistribution included .  And we gave them to everyone, Republican kids, Democrat Kids and Independent kids.  No questions asked!!

  19. As I have posted here before on the early voting thread I’m a LONG TIME Republican and I have already voted for Callahan as I have had numerous personal business dealings with Schock.  I hate to say he will probably win due to the rosey portrayal that a million plus dollar campaign has generated for him.  OTOH I  know what a  arrogant little phony he is,  but at least he didn’t get MY vote and THAT gives me satisfaction! IMHO his election will be sooooooooo sad to the 18th district, but time will reveal his true character to the blind followers.

    Now, with that said will someone please tell me what “business” is going in the large lot in front of Menard’s at the corner of Allen Road and Townline Road. Thank you…

  20. You are a good citizen SCR.
    kcdad: I think the point of the prior post was to suggest that your premise, a lack of longevity at any one level of public service, is not being maintained consistently.  Based on your most recent post, being a lifelong Republican, who dislikes McCain, it prompts the question who you do support. (obviously not Obama since you’ve never voted for a democrat and appear to be concerned about civil liberties) Can you name us any politician who exemplifies the virtues that you see lacking in virtually everyone else?  In fact, that might be a good thread to run, name a politician who best exemplifies your ideal and why.

  21. Callahan is a dynamic, persuasive speaker who has a chance to make a tremendous impact in the House. I am so excited to vote for this woman who has lived a normal, ordinary life. After an agricultural-oriented career and after raising a family in the tornado-blown American heartland, she has a chance to represent us in Congress. That is exciting stuff. She is the real deal. Watch out, Washington. I know she will be able to connect with Hillary and Barack and help enact meaningful change for her constituency.

  22. Tulip, what you smoking?  Callahan may be a very nice person, but she is a deer in the headlights when it comes to running for Congress.   She could not more stand up to the party bosses that appointed her to run and funded her campaign than she could grow wings and fly.  As a Congresswoman, she would be nothing but a pawn.   At least Shock has won constested elections and has legislative experience.

  23. Had Aaron Schock been running for re-election in the 92nd District against the person the Democratic Party nominated, I probably would have voted for Schock. You know, now that I think about it, I’m certain I would have. After two terms, he was just building the experience and tenure he needed to be be effective. And perhaps a decade from now, the GOP would have re-captured control of the Illinois House, making Schock eligible for some sort of leadership position.

    But he pissed all that away to to be a career Washington politician.

  24. Tulip…Callahan will connect with Hillary and Barack?  What are you smokin girl?  or you doin acid?  That pollyanna fanstasy stuff is a bit rich. At first I thought you were plagiarizing from Alice in Wonderland.  But then again, you mentioned being “tornado blown.”  Maybe you are confusing Colleen Callahan with Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.  But remember, that’s just fantasy.  Hey, a girl can dream. 

    Billy, by your logic, Obama should have stayed in the IL State Senate. 

  25. matt: a politician I think exemplifies virtues I think are lacking in others?

    I think that would be a very short list; none.

    I don’t seek or support candidates because of their imaginary virtues.
    I seek or support candidates based on their desire to seek solutions to the problems of large numbers of people living together.  That is the purpose of government. Some seek classist or militaristic solutions, others seek justice. I prefer the justice oriented solutions.

    AS for you, SCR… how did you assume on that I referring to you as ignorant? Are you saying you are a right wing extremist?

    I am glad you had a good time giving away refined sugar and corn syrup to all the little children…

  26. oh… so you chose to respond to the “candy issue” but not the “right wing extremist issue”?

  27. SCR,
    “Cynical and soured?”  Me?  No way.  I just think Aaron Schock is not quite congressional material.  I do not despise the guy, just his ‘politics’.  I feel like Schock is having too much fun ‘playing’ at being a politician, and YOU people are egging him on.  I am [almost always] happy-go-lucky.   Go USA. 

    Billy Dennis just summed up Schock’s career rather well.  I don’t want to put words in Dennis’s mouth, but his post confirms what I have always thought about Schock…ambition first; EVERYTHING else a distant second.  Schock has gotten pretty adapt at buttering everyone’s buns.

    Are YOU going to compare Schock with Obama as well?  Sorry…don’t see it.

    Point of Order,
    “I believe that he is a Represenative in the Illinois House which deals with legislation…”  –  How could I have forgotten all about Schock’s extensive experience as a ‘law-maker’ in the Illinois House?!?!? 
    I am a board member of our Homeowners Associate; have been for almost 8 months……does that count?

  28. New Voice,

    I would have to say with certainty, that Aaaron Schocks two terms in the Illinois  House counts for more than your 8 months on your homeowners association board.   But I am not scoffing at  your service as you have a want to do to Aaron’s record of public service.
    Would two terms in the Illinois House have more significance if it was anyone other than Aaron Schock?  If it was a candidate you were supporting I am sure it would.

  29. SCR,
    Come on now……. we both know that political experience is only part of it.  True, I am critical of his lack of in-office experience, but I also realize that everyone must start somewhere. 

    I have lived in Peoria/Peoria area all of my life.  The last few years of ‘politics-as-usual’ in Peoria has cost this city a great deal.  The last few conservative, self-serving mayors, the mish-mash of inept council members, and the general tone of the local civic/business leaders with their condescending attitudes towards outside opinions or suggestions [the museum is just ONE example of this] has put a lot of people on guard. 

    I can only speak for myself, but I see Joan Krupa as old-hat Republican and Schock as a young guy who is absolutely the product of his [political] environment.  No more, no less.

  30. New Voice,

    I too have lived in the Peoria area my entire life.  My only point was to say 4 years in the state legislature is relevant and significant expereience.

    “The last few conservative, self-serving mayors, the mish-mash of inept council members, and the general tone of the local civic/business leaders with their condescending attitudes towards outside opinions or suggestions [the museum is just ONE example of this] has put a lot of people on guard. ”

    Hard to argue that point with you.  Many, but not all, of these same self serving types in the Republican hierarchy, did all they could  to undermine Aaron in the primary , only to see him win with 70% of the vote.

  31. I love the last minute media blitz by Aaron… kissing fat ladies.

    At one point last night (or Sat) I couldn’t avoid it… there he was on every channel I went to, kissing or hugging another fat lady. (The look in Aaron’s eyes DURING the actual hug was priceless. )

  32. SCR,
    I hear you, but that is what a PRIMARY is for…the chance to ‘stick-it’ to someone in your own party.  Schock took the polls.  Who do you believe the local Repubs support NOW?

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