More kids being kids (UPDATED 2x)

Remember when we were kids, and how much fun it was to point fireworks at police officers and firefighters and shoot them off?

What, you didn’t do that? Well, that’s just the latest incident of kids being kids here in Peoria:

A “major incident” involving a large group of people shooting fireworks at police and firefighters occurred near the Taft Homes just before 10 p.m. Sunday, about the same time the fireworks show on the riverfront was ending.

Police had to briefly shut down Adams and Eaton streets, near Taft, as they dispersed the large crowds.

No officers or firefighters were injured, dispatchers said on the radio.

At one point, police were ordered to tell those in the crowd to go into their apartments, leave or be arrested for unlawful assembly.

I’m sure it was just a party that was letting out, and this large group was on its way home, having a little fun. There was no property damage or injuries, so there’s no reason for concern. In fact, I wonder if the fireworks were really being shot at police and fire personnel at all, given that there are no interviews with neighbors who corroborate that story.


UPDATE: Another news source in town — 1470 WMBD — is now reporting that there were injuries. “One police officer was treated for minor burns and hearing loss, while police say a fire fighter was treated for hearing loss,” according to their report. They also say that police described the event as a “riot.” I question whether these reports are true, however, since the Journal Star said there weren’t any injuries. After all, the Journal Star has editors that vet these stories before printing them to make sure they’re accurate. They wouldn’t just print something they heard on police radio without verifying it with two other sources. Right?

UPDATE 2: The Journal Star has updated their story. They are now confirming that there were injuries to police officers and firefighters. And they have some video of the incident. I was most interested in the City’s plans to deal with this situation in the future:

The fire engine never made it to the burning trash bin. [Division Chief Gary] Van Voorhis said the fire was not threatening residents or property and was allowed to burn as officers assisted the engine in turning around and exiting Taft. […] Van Voorhis added that firefighters have been targeted by fireworks before, but that the magnitude of the incident Monday was unprecedented. In response, the department will review its policy of how to respond to crowded areas with fires that don’t appear to threaten anyone’s physical well-being or nearby property.

Peoria police, too, will devise enhanced security measures for Taft Homes next year, Burgess said. Revelers there have traditionally held private firework displays on the Fourth and previously made targets of police and passersby, though not to the same extent as Monday.

If I were on the City Council, I would also want to know why this “tradition” of illegal fireworks displays on PHA property and targeting of police and passersby has not been addressed before it escalated to this level. I would also want to know what effect recent cuts to police staffing levels have had in the police department’s ability to respond to this riot.

121 thoughts on “More kids being kids (UPDATED 2x)”

  1. Frederick writes …. I am simply stating that, should this be the second incident of an emerging pattern, there IS an underlying, unifying cause.

    Regrettably …. this is NOT ‘the second incident of an emerging pattern, ….’.

    I am not sure where you have been for the past twenty years …. this pattern has been with us for as long as I have lived in Peoria, my neighborhood and other older neighborhoods … the system allows for youth to become emboldened at a young age with the ‘point’ system … not enough points allow you commit a series of misdemeanor events over the space of a few hours … no consequence. Same goes for adult criminal activity. SOME police officers treat residents of older neighborhoods as if they are less than human because of where they live, that they cannot be bothered to help ‘those’ people regardless of skin color while other officers are excellent in their care and concern and people skills and get the job done with respect for all parties involved in an incident and are respected and greatly appreciated by the neighbors for doing their job and doing it well.

    Lack of a functional family structure, babies having babies for generations, abuse of public handout systems – working the system and all the handout programs, the set-up of the system itself (feeding vs. teaching to fish), entitlement mentality, no consequences for inappropriate choices, public policy not being enforced, public policy gone awry with elected officials spending $$$$ on bread and circus while defunding and underfunding the basics, annexation, denial, special interest groups, people being marginalized for bringing in field reports for twenty years or more and trying to get the attention of policy makers to wake-up, emperor’s new clothes syndrome … and …. and … and

    Regrettably inexhaustible list of causes for which we continue to elect out-of-touch policymakers who simply don’t get it for a variety of reasons. The insanity continues as people do not engage because it is not in my neighborhood. We are all in this together — all of us. You may become tired of Gary Sandberg continually ringing the bell about the misuse of public funds and being on the wrong track, nevertheless, he gets it and continues to stand-up for what we should be doing amidst the revolving door of elected officials and city managers who simply do not get it.

    For example a few years ago … A neighborhood activist had car tires slashed and the perpetrators called her a ‘B’ and other colorful metaphors, laughed and smirked and asked what was going to be done to them …. they already knew the answer … nothing. Just one incident of many …

    We have emboldened the youth and the adults to become increasingly lawless in their behavior and more dangerous to public safety.

    Sadly yet understandibly, yesterday I had a conversation with a resident who said that the Sheridan / McClure incident is totally believable. This resident continued that if he/she experienced a flat tire around Sheridan and McClure, there is no way that he/she would even get out of his/her car and would continue to drive on the rim until above War Memorial — that is one mile away.

    This situation has been brewing for decades and the whirlwind is being reaped.

    What are you going to do on an individual and collective basis to help return law and order for your neighbors whether they live next door or across town?

  2. Just Me, please read what I write–all, not just comments out of context. If you have read anyhthing that I write on blogs, you would know that I hammer at District 150’s unwillingness to mete out significant consequences for bad behavior. Next Monday night I will get up at the BOE meeting and say the same thing. Demanding consequences doesn’t mean that I don’t understand the underlying causes of these behaviors and that I can’t speak about both sides of the coin at the same time.

    Yes, District 150 bears blame for not providing learning opportunities for kids who aren’t going to college. For instance, Limestone offers welding courses, but District 150 offers nothing.

  3. @ Frederick Smith – if these folks are so poor and downtroden where in the heck did they get the money for the fireworks. These were not purchased in Illinois. Somebody had to spend a lot of money driving out of state and then spend THOUSANDS of dollars for those that I saw.

  4. “Here’s an answer for a few of Peorias problems. Tear down Taft. And don’t rebuild. Ever.”

    bad idea and lets not do that again. the tearing down of public housing has already destroyed the city enough. when the projects near adams st got torn down years ago, the troublemakers needed a place to live, and they got scattered throughout the city. we need to keep the troublemakers confined to a small and confined area so we know where they are, and we can keep a close eye on them.

  5. Leslie Smith, we all know how some get that money, don’t we? As I have said before, stop the drug trade (sellers and buyers) and we will resolve some of these problems. Remember that the buyers of the drugs are just as responsible for the drug trade as are the sellers–and we all know that the buyers generally aren’t poor or black. When you hear about high school kids at Notre Dame and Dunlap being on drugs (and we do hear that, don’t we?), where do you think they get the drugs?

  6. They shouldn’t be arrested. Instead, someone should line these fools up and fire commercial grade fireworks at them. Then burn down their crap homes. They don’t deserve homes when they attack firefighters who were only responding to a potential fire that could have destroyed them. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that shooting explosives off in an area that is filled with trash and debris is not a good idea. They don’t deserve their free housing and they certainly don’t deserve any pity.

  7. Sharon: Now you are blaming the drug buyers for the ridiculous behavior of the people living in/around Taft Homes? Let me get this straight; if the drug buyers from “Dunlap and Notre Dame” would quit buying drugs from the DEALERS in Taft Homes, then these problems would all disappear? If you believe any part of that rhetoric, then I have a nice bridge in Brooklyn to sell you….cheap!

  8. The problem is that we have created a “community” for this kind of behavior. These housing projects should be torn down and the people in them relocated throughout the city. If they aren’t all grouped together in one place then they can’t start mob actions and riots. They are also less likely to engage in other illegal activities if they don’t have all their buddies surrounding them encouraging it. If they were spread out they might know what it is like to live in a real community.

  9. “The fire engine never made it to the burning trash bin. [Division Chief Gary] Van Voorhis said the fire was not threatening residents or property and was allowed to burn as officers assisted the engine in turning around and exiting Taft.” Neet, the mob of people won and the police fire retreated. Guess it is OK to burn a private property item if it was not a problem. Is this a new policy? Guess so.

  10. Just Me, if you don’t get it, you don’t get it. It’s fact just the same–and I did say that “some” of the problems would go away with the end of the drug trade (which, of course, isn’t going away). Now you are excusing those who buy drugs–how can you say they aren’t part of the problem? Let’s see–a white guy held up a bank today in Peoria–why aren’t we decrying his behavior as significant. Why? Simple. We don’t blame all of white society for white criminals. I wish it were the same for blacks. Don’t you understand that I am not defending “black” criminals–I am just saying stop making color the cause. Color is not the cause and many people of color are model citizens. Can you, at least, acknowledge that?

  11. @ Sharon – BTW, yes I admit to having broken the law with fireworks. However, had the police shown up I would have put my “toys” away. I would not have attack them.

  12. @ CD – they have already done this and it has turned out poorly for the neighborhoods. It’s called Section 8 and Scattered Site. Have a few of each in my neighborhood and they still have no respect for rules or civilized behavior. We have new folks that moved in a couple months ago and I’ve already had to call 3 times for loud music at midnight or later! I don’t have the answer but shuttering the Taft and shoving them in the neighborhoods is definitely NOT it.

  13. I’ll take it a step further. Clean house at the PHA. They may be the biggest enablers in this town. Tear down Taft, get new leadership at PHA, term limits for residents, and sell the Taft land to pay for one wat plane tickets for any Taft resident to move wherever they want.

    I’m only half joking.

    The PHA doesnt need more Meghan Lundeens CONSTANTLY making excuses for their unruly residents. Does anyone see a problem that they sent people in there to clean up after these criminals?

  14. 1. I drove into Taft Homes earlier today; a maintenance man pointed out the area where the fireworks were shot off at. It was on the street between an apartment building and what’s called “The Big Field”.
    The Taft Homes display of fireworks would have never attracted attention if:
    a. The fireworks were of a much smaller scale;
    b. A dumpster had never caught fire
    c. If they had shot the stuff from a field closer to the river,
    and done it earlier or after the Riverfront Fireworks were over,
    and traffic had cleared out.

    2. Keep in mind many folks of all races and income status drive out of IL to get illegal fireworks. They are also stupid enough to shoot them off in their backyard close to their houses. So they risk damage to their property and themselves. But they also know that police forces are limited, thus enforcement is not strict. Again, Taft got attention
    not just because of the dumpster fire, but that police were in that area anyway getting ready to direct traffic out. The biggest mistake Taft residents made was pointing & shooting toward responding police/fire

    3. According to PHA, there were many in the Taft that weren’t residents.
    Perhaps someone who used to live in Taft, but now making $$$$, bought the
    fireworks for them.

    4. To those who think the answer is to tear down Taft Homes: please forward to the PHA the addresses of homes for sale or rent in your neighborhood, and they would be glad to move those residents close to you. Also, remember that there are many elderly/disabled (including
    other races) that live in Taft, and should not be branded as ‘troublemakers’. I’m sure they were just as upset as the rest of us.

    5. The DreamCenter Peoria & Riverside Church has worked with the youth
    & adults of Taft in various programs to steer them the right way. They are always looking for volunteers to help. Perhaps instead of constantly complain about Taft residents, maybe some folks here could help make a difference in someone’s life.

  15. Part of the requirement of being given free housing (and everything else) should be that they (those who are capable, not disabled) have to do service work for the community or local government to pay back the cost of their free ride. They say there isn’t work to be had? Well, I see lots of trash on the side of our roads. Pay won’t be good but then they are getting a free home so why should it be? There are a million different menial jobs that they could do but simply will not. And why should they when we just give them everything?

  16. Dennis in Peoria wrote:

    4. To those who think the answer is to tear down Taft Homes: please forward to the PHA the addresses of homes for sale or rent in your neighborhood, and they would be glad to move those residents close to you. Also, remember that there are many elderly/disabled (including
    other races) that live in Taft, and should not be branded as ‘troublemakers’. I’m sure they were just as upset as the rest of us.”

    Isn’t the (less than 10 year old) subdivision located just West of Moser’s shoe store subsidized housing. That is a pretty neighborhood. It could use more open space for additional parks, though. Why not just bulldoze more run-down houses and continue to build more subdivisions in that area?

  17. These stories from Peoria are interesting to those of us out of town because it is becoming clearer that nationally we have a problem with an out of control black ghetto culture. Not sure how else to put it.

    The national news doesn’t cover these stories so we wouldn’t know about it without Drudge.

    I’ve had a couple of opportunities to stay in Peoria and I really liked it, especially the older parts of town and some of the big old houses overlooking the river. It reminds me of parts of my city, St. Louis. We have had some issues of mob like activity here that haven’t made big news. Unfortunately, I’m figuring it’s just a matter of time.

  18. Isn’t taft supposed to become a riverfront park eventually?

  19. Just Me, you were careful not to speak of race or color, but you used all the code words, such as your: “Quit relying on the MAN, if they don’t want the MAN in their lives.” Obvious to anyone who knows the code words.

  20. Sharon: Actually I took the “word” man from another person’s post…sorry if it offends you. Really do not know the CODE words of which you are refering. I live by the philosophy: Live and let live, not take and keep taking.

  21. Just Me, I really think we can search and even find solutions to society’s problems without hatred and without feeling superior to others. I do not understand how throwing so many negatives around about any people will lead to soloutions. I am certainly for law and order and for a society in which people are held responsible for their actions. However, at the same time I believe in all Biblical precepts about how to treat people, especially the one about helping to bear other people’s burdens. I don’t believe any of us succeeded by pulling up our own boot straps–we all had others who helped us and continue to do so. Some young people don’t have those advantages. Some of them grow up to be criminals–of that there is no doubt. I know that I personally have counted on and continue to count on God’s grace. Racial harmony for our society is just one of those dreams of mine that I just can’t give up. I will continue to pray for it–maybe that’s the best I can do.

  22. Way to paint it up Dennis but you forgot. The fireman and police would have never been shot at or hurt by fireworks if they hadn’t showed up.

  23. Emtronics, I agree wholeheartedly that police and firemen should not be treated in this manner–both are dangerous jobs by nature and even more so when people do not have respect for laws or those who enforce them. Yes, I certainly believe that the guilty in this case–those who supplied the fireworks and those who threatened the lives and safety of police and firemen should have been arrested. Obviously, mob action makes it much more difficult to arrest, etc. Even I can understand anger as the response to such activities when there seems to be no way to make the guilty accountable. Mail carriers often have rightly refused to enter danger zones; I could certainly have understood why police and firemen would have been hesitant in this situation. Certainly, the city and those assigned to protect it need to get together to decide how the dangers of mob action should be handled. None of us should expect to risk their lives without a plan. Maybe next year the fireworks display at Taft will be anticipated (shouldn’t have been a surprise this year) and dealt with before July 4–worth a try, at least. I wish that all the people in my neighborhood, also, knew that they could be prosecuted for illegal fireworks. I have often lived in fear that a stray spark would make it to a house–yes, especially my house.

  24. The saddest part is that the fire didn’t destroy the place completely. The city should not allow the PHA to renovate these “temporary homes” into some half assed mixed-use plan. As seen by the other extreme ghetto makeovers around town, it has done nothing to revitalize the area around it.

    Tear them down, sell the land to private developers with NO taxpayer money (sorry Mr. Matthews). This is probably the best real estate in the city. The redevelopment and growth of the city depends upon it. Public housing in this format is a broken model and has proven to be in every city across the U.S. The racism will not change everyone is catagorized by their income levels and where they live even more now then ever. Expect behavior to get worse before it gets better.

    But since Peoria and its leaders are 20 years behind the rest, they’ll stumble ahead with one mistep after another.

  25. @roguemonkey – where do propose to move all the residents? They’ll just move into the neighborhoods more than ever and carry on their nonsense putting everyone else’s house at risk.

  26. PJS just put this plea up about Taft Homes incident: Anyone with information about the acquisition of the fireworks, the trucks or the discharge of fireworks toward emergency responders is asked to call the Peoria Police Department at 673-4521 or Crime Stoppers at 673-9000.

  27. @Leslie Smith – Poor and Downtrodden? Not my words. You don’t have to be poor to be a chronic jaywalker, curfew violator, scofflaw, etc. All you have to have is an attitude that says, “Nobody else cares, so why should I?” I have read a lot of rational and irrational thinking in the comments on this topic. What I have not heard is a suggestion that makes sense. Relocating people without correcting their behavior is not a solution, just moving the problem around. Tearing down housing and leaving people homeless is not a solution, but a way to create further resentment and hatred. The only thing I have read that was positive was the reference to the Dream Center and how they are trying to make things better.

    And incidentally for the record, I have witnessed white men and women downtown in business attire jaywalking and parking illegally “just for a second”. On a few occasions I mentioned they were breaking the law, and the reactions were to look at me in a way that simply said, “Mind your own F*&K*&G business.” Respect for the law begins as a mindset that says you will not only act responsibly, but set an example for others to follow. Behaviors are learned, not inbred. Next time you need to cross the street, in a hurry, have to get somewhere, and don’t think about the example you are setting, you should be aware of the those immediate consequences.

    “I’m looking at the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways.”

    Still looking for the bigger can….

  28. Ah, yes. That old chestnut. ‘If we could just get those evil landlord to not rent to those people who cause trouble, all out trouble’s will be over.’ Well, good luck with that.

  29. This incident was just mentioned on Fox and Friends this morning. Once again, our city gets national attention and not in a positive light.

  30. Thank you Chicago for displacing these “thugs” by removing their housing. Illinois politics.. take care of Chicago and to hell with the rest of the state. Remember this come election time.

  31. Waukesha — While newly elected Mayor Jeff Scrima refused newspaper requests to release a June 18 memo he wrote about City Administrator Lori Curtis Luther’s job performance, Luther released it on her own accord Wednesday.

    The record, and her written comments about it, show continuing tensions between the two that may have peaked with the Common Council’s unanimous decision June 29 to strip Scrima of any supervisory authority over the city administrator.

    Scrima’s memo, written about two months after he took office, cited “observations” that apparently concerned him. He told her that if she made changes he suggested, “it will give us an opportunity to create a healthier and more productive office.”

    Among the specifics, Scrima said that Luther spends much of her time outside her office, has exhibited “outbursts that concern me,” and does not seem to interact much with their shared administrative secretary. He also cites a lack of office communication.

    Scrima told Luther to hold her department director and budget meetings in her office or adjoining conference room, which is near his office, and more thoroughly fill out her computerized calendar for him to see in approving her paycheck.

    He contends she angrily entered his office on May 17 “saying there is more money?.?.?.?to be made in Kansas.” He said she knocked a clock off the wall, breaking it, “as you left angrily for the day at 2:30 p.m. without notice.”

    He also directed her to have regular meetings with him, turn off her phone during staff meetings, and “no working from home unless authorized by the mayor.”

  32. Yes, I’ve been researching Luther in the Waukesha papers. Interesting reading! The council is happy with her performance, and even gave her a raise recently; it appears that it’s only the mayor that is unhappy with her — and the council is certainly unhappy with the mayor! Well, she has some other detractors, too, if you read the blogs up there. Some say she rules by fear and intimidation, but you never know if that isn’t just sour grapes from a disgruntled employee.

  33. You know C.J., I think the old adage applies here: If you are a “strong” man, you’re a LEADER but if you are a “strong” woman, you’re a B***H, double standard as well as keeping ye ‘ole glass ceiling in place. My personal opinion, Lori Luther will do the job she was hired to do, regardless of what anyone here or Waukesha thinks of her.

  34. skeptical the idea that you are blaming Chicago for the behavior of people at Taft is laughable. How many residents of Taft homes came from Chicago? Any idea?

  35. Sorry no concrete numbers. I just have heard alot of the kids from there say they moved from Chicago. They also reference the lack of housing and crime in Chicago for their family’s reason for moving. Home grown maybe a few, thugs definitely quite a few. Unfortunately they are more or less squatting on relatives that are not really doing anything wrong other than trying to give thug family members a place to crash. PHA needs to do sweeps to get the riff-raff out of here.

  36. As a district 150 teacher, I have had many students from Chicago in my classroom over the years. Many times they leave and come back. I had a student that left twice and returned twice, all in the same year. I recommended him for retention because he didn’t even go to school when he was in Chicago(D150 passed him on anyway). Sometimes it’s because a parent is in jail and they have to stay with a family member in Peoria or Chicago. These poor kids are being shuttled back and forth between Chicago and Peoria like ping pong balls….no wonder they stuggle in school. Oh, wait, lets blame the teachers.

  37. Why not??? The teachers have the most time with the kids.The teachers make alot of money for only working short hours andthey only work part of the year. It is the teachers fault they don’t behave, bring materials to school or even have enough to eat.(sarcasm)

    However, there are teachers that lend these students money to eat, give them pencils and paper and even buy them clothes. Then some struggle to pay their own bills because we actually care about the well being of these students and do so without any expectation of reward. Meanwhile, businessman, politicians and some school administrators blame us for the downfall of society and rape the working class of a liveable wage all so they have a cush life and not really have to get their hands dirty.

  38. Billy, my own perception (just that) is that a goodly number of Peoria arrests for violence and drug-related crimes (selling often) list Chicago as the city of residence for those arrrested. It would make an interesting study for statistics.

  39. Wonder if anything would have been done if,(1) No dumpster fire,(2)no launching fireworks toward police or firemen?

  40. @Martin Palmer – there would have been no need had they not set the dumpster on fire with their illegal fireworks. Love the fact the they now know it was two trucks and $80K in fireworks. Of course, it was an “outsider” but really if you’ve got $80K to drop on fireworks is the first place you think of shooting them off the hood?

  41. This isn’t only in Peoria, Yes it went National, how ever so did a lot of other cities..That truck must have made a stop up my way. Because it looked like down town up here.. I called the police at around 1o/ 30. I was told it would be at least 2 hrs. Due to an er.I only called after they[ thugs] starting shooting their guns off..People have no respect for their own well beinging , Why would they care about yours. The fire works hurt dogs, kids ,older people and the people who have jobs and need sleep..We can blame it all on our system, how ever it begins at home. I often wonder how many famles have supper and talk of what they did that day.. I grew up in the Warner and Taft Homes, i didn’t turn out that bad, i still have a big mouth..We had issues back in the day also.. Its not race, its human bad behavior, try to change that.. I still clean my house Motown music..Its like a dog chasing its tail.. life..

  42. WMBD is now reporting that the $80K worth of fireworks at Taft were brought in by someone from Chicago and that 200 people from Chicago came, too. WMBD, also, reported that many Taft residents were not at the “event”–either in their homes or at the Peoria fireworks display. My question–why is WMBD reporting the news but the PJS so far is not? My guess is that this event was drug related–or does anyone believe that someone from Chicago would bring just $80K worth of fireworks?

  43. Based on this latest info from WMBD (News 25 also reported last night, I believe), it is my opinion that retractions and apologies are in STRONG order from those negative commenters, and especially the Drudge Report and Fox Nation. Will it happen? Hell, no.

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