More signs collected

From a press release:

City Crews continue to collect signs that have been placed in the right of way.

Today, crews removed 80 signs from locations throughout the City. The locations included University, Knoxville, MacArthur Highway, McClure, Forrest Hill and Madison.

Crews will continue to collect signs. Citizens can assist the City by calling our PeoriaCares line at 494-2273, and letting us know about signs that may be in the public right of way.

Since we now know that “City Crews” (an interesting title given its capitalization yet lack of specificity) have the time for this effort to purge our right-of-ways of the scourge of illegal signage, might they also be available for other, perhaps more important, city-improvement initiatives? Like code enforcement, for instance?

6 thoughts on “More signs collected”

  1. I agree…..if this is the biggest problem facing us then we all need to stop harping about the level of services in Peoria because clearly we’re on top of it and have no backlog. I’d much rather see that crew out there proactively addressing issues (code enforcement, sign replacement, road maintenance, etc.).

    I say fine the scofflaws placing signs in the right-of-way $15 per sign per day…..I’ll do enforcement for 1/2 of that amount and the rest will be new revenue to the city!

  2. Is there any reason why civic-minded people/groups could not begin collecting these illegal signs?

  3. Is there any reason why the signs have to be placed in areas of violation to begin with?  FINE ‘EM!!

  4. PI….do your civic duty and pull it out 🙂
    Course you’ll probably get arrested for destruction of private property and get your mug shot on the PPD website!

  5. Removing signs from the right of way can be important if they are blocking your view as you are driving and/or turning and trying to see oncoming cars. But I agree, FINE them and collect for the city cofers.

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