Museum Square: Boondoggle in the Making, Part III

Of course, the truth of the matter is that this underground parking deck isn’t for the Central Illinois Regional Museum at all — it’s for Caterpillar’s visitor center. As councilman Sandberg pointed out, Cat originally wanted an above-ground [underground] parking deck built on their portion of the Sears block and paid for with federal dollars. But they found out that federal rules prohibit the use of those funds for [public] parking decks on private property. Furthermore, the Heart of Peoria Commission strongly recommended there not be any surface parking on the site. So Cat, rather than doing away with the parking, now decides to put the deck underground on the public half of the property and use property tax dollars (through the TIF) to pay for it.

The rest of the council is, of course, perfectly okay with that. They had all kinds of justifications for it. Councilwoman Van Auken said that removing the cap on the TIF wouldn’t take money away from essential services like fire station staffing. Bill Dennis has the best response to that spurious argument.

But the most embarrassing justification was the “we- have- to- approve- this- plan- or- Cat- will- move- their- headquarters- out- of- Peoria” reason. To hear Chuck Grayeb talk, for instance, you’d think Cat was poised to pull up stakes and move out of town any second, and that Peorians should be sacrificing their virgin daughters on an altar outside Cat headquarters and paying tribute money to keep them here.

Let’s face it — Caterpillar is a very large employer and has been very generous to Peoria civic projects and charities. I’m all for giving credit where credit is due. But that doesn’t mean our council should just rubber stamp every Caterpillar request. To do so makes the council a mere figurehead government that represents Cat and not Peoria residents.

2 thoughts on “Museum Square: Boondoggle in the Making, Part III”

  1. CJ,
    A very small correction, Cat had an “underground” one or two story parking deck (depending on howmuch pork LaHood could deliver)within their building footprint under the first design, NOT on grade parking as your post stated. Cat applied for and received Federal $$$ to construct this parking facilty only later to find that the Fed’s wouldn’t allow Fed $$$$ to be used for “public parking” in a private owned building on private land. (no doubt unless deck is in Iraq).

    SOLUTION>>>>>>>> Let the “Cash Rich” City of Peoria pay to build a public parking underground deck under the Museum on PUBLIC owned land BUT DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO THE CAT EXPERIENCE PRIVATELY OWNED BUILDING.

    Instead of the City getting out of the “parking business” and back to the basics, with this vote and subsidy after the vote to subsidise the Doctor’s deck, you can not only guess the appetite to subsdise the Headquarter Hotel Parking Deck and then every other “developer” that can promise “economic vitality” and the City will build their parking decks also.

    Maybe it will take a year or two, but I figure my request that the City start building parking garages for single family homes is not that far at the current pace of very bad decisions.

  2. Gary, I would like to expand my attatched garage and will be contacting the city regarding funding for said project.

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