My birthday gifts

Wondering what I got for my birthday? Well, I’ll tell you anyway.

I got David McCullough’s new book, “1776.” Looking forward to reading that. I read his biography of John Adams and it was most enjoyable presidential biography I’ve ever read. You really felt like you knew the man after you finished reading it. He’s a gifted writer.

And, at the other end of the spectrum, I also got the “Golden Collection” of Warner Brothers’ “Looney Tunes.” Boy do those take me back to my childhood. 🙂 I remember watching the Bugs Bunny/Road Runner Show every Saturday morning. Whatever happened to Saturday morning cartoons? Or Saturday morning kids’ programming in general? Anymore, it’s just infomercials, news, or perhaps a poorly-animated commercial masquerading as a kids’ show.

I also got gift certificates from my parents to use in jewelry stores in Kansas City and lots of affection from my oldest daughter. I think she was just happy that my birthday provided another excuse to have cake and ice cream.