My favorite music artist died 25 years ago today

Keith Green pictureAnyone who knows me well knows that my favorite singer/songwriter is Keith Green. Most of you have probably never heard of him. My uncle got me started listening to his music when I was in my pre-teen years. I borrowed his albums (yeah, for you youngsters out there, we used to listen to music on these round vinyl things with grooves in them called “albums”) for some time. It wasn’t until my twelfth birthday that I first got my very own Keith Green album (“No Compromise“).

The next day, July 28, 1982, Keith Green died in a plane crash in Texas. He was 28.

Since this is the 25th anniversary of that fateful day, I thought I’d post a little video biography of Keith that’s out on YouTube for anyone who would like to learn a little more about him. It’s a pretty interesting story, actually, even if you’re not into Christian music.

Update (7/30): The Associated Press reported over the weekend: “EMI/Sparrow Records is painstakingly going through recordings saved by [Keith’s] wife, Melody. An iTunes release with music never before heard by the public is planned for August. More material will be released next year, said Bryan Ward, director of artist development with EMI Christian Music Group.” This is great news for Keith Green fans!

It’s split into seven parts; here they are: