Nice guys finish last

So, on Friday morning, Jenny Davis announced to the Heart of Peoria Commission that she was promoted to Lifestyles editor at the Journal Star and would no longer be covering city hall.

“Can I put that on my blog?” I asked.

“I’d rather you didn’t,” she said, “because it hasn’t been posted yet at work.”

Sure, I’ll be happy to play nice. When someone asks me not to blog about something, I’ll respect that.

So, what do I see today? Jonathan Ahl gets the scoop. He didn’t ask Jenny if it was okay; he just blogged about it.

Lesson learned. Nice guys finish last. No more Mr. Nice Guy.

5 thoughts on “Nice guys finish last”

  1. She told me Monday morning. I asked her if I can tell people, and if its common knowledge. She said yes, and it was okay. So I did ask. Nanny-nanny boo-boo.

    Maybe I didn’t specifically ask if I can put it on my blog, but then again, Ms. Davis should know better to tell a journalist something and expect them to keep it quiet. 🙂

  2. “No more Mr. Nice Guy?” CJ, tell us you’re not going over to the dark side!
    If you lose your integrity, where do we go?

  3. I believe bloggers and journalists should honor their promises. For example, Mr. Ahl made me promise that I would never reveal that’s he’s moonlighting as the “Can you hear me now?” guy in verizon commercials.

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