
I realize this is old news, but I just have to lodge my disappointment that not a single person filed to run for the District 150 school board from District 3. I really am at a loss for words over this turn of events, so I’ll just reprint this paragraph from the Journal Star’s editorial last week:

Yet not a soul in District 3, the most affluent of the three neighborhood zones from which School Board members are chosen, could muster the interest to jump in the race. It would be one thing if everybody was happy with the status quo in a school district on top of its game, but that clearly is not the case. It suggests that Peorians have checked out on District 150. If that doesn’t spell doom for the district, neither does it characterize a healthy situation.

That pretty much sums up my feelings, too.

138 thoughts on “Nobody”

  1. Dist. 150 has sent an official release to media on this, so I guess I can post it now, too.
    “Remarkable Times” coming to Comcast Cable 22 starting Sunday, Jan. 23rd 5 pm on CAPtions. This new reoccuring segment includes:
    Steve Ptacek talks about the Richwoods IB program; Dr. Sharon Kherat updates viewers on Manual activites, as does Randy Simmons on PHS.
    Host of this 30 minute segment is Dr. Grenita Lathan, Superintendent of Dist. 150. Various video clips of classrooms are also included in the broadcast.

    The rest of CAPtions features host Andre Bohannon & Engin Blackstone of the Quest Charter Academy.

  2. I’ve known Lee Wenger for over 40 yrs and I can tell you that if he says his wife was disrespected, then it’s true.

  3. Yes, at least, the stories that I have heard is that this young lady has gone way beyond what most would consider disrespectful. I hope that Denise has many referrals that will prove the point that discipline in District 150 has no chance of improving without a viable alternative school. There just aren’t any consequences that prove to be deterents to such behavior–such behavior is just repeated over and over every day.

  4. And to charge him with battery is just ridiculous… I wonder if the police communicated with 150 before charging Lee…

    I hope Lee and Denise file assault charges against the girl.

  5. I hope that someone (and someone probably will) describe some of the behaviors that this student has exhibited over the semester during class time–and the number of times she has been sent to the office and been returned to class.

    As I was finishing these comments, a friend (not a 150 teacher) called because she had just heard the story and had previously heard a bit of the background that I believe led to this recent situation.

    To me, this situation is proof of how much District 150 needs an alternative school–there just aren’t any other appropriate consequences for this type of behavior that undoubtedly isn’t going to change just because of multiple trips to the dean’s office or even suspensions. I even believe that far too many students have emotional problems (clinically defined problems) that cannot be resolved or tolerated in classrooms.

    Yes, it is extremely unfortunate if Lee (whom all of us who know him know him to be a rather mild-mannered man) took this situation on by himself without any school personnel to step in to remove the student from the situation.

    I hope that all the truth comes out about this situation and I hope that District 150 understands the significance of this event.

    This situation is probably the end of a long tradition (begun, of course, at Woodruff) that brought many community members out for an evening of entertainment and an opportunity for many students to have the experience of being in a first-class musical production. There aren’t too many such events in District 150 any more and this will be yet another that will fall victim to the problems that District 150 can’t or won’t handle.

    Of course, I view the situation as yet another negative result of merging two high schools

  6. “Yes, it is extremely unfortunate if Lee (whom all of us who know him know him to be a rather mild-mannered man) took this situation on by himself without any school personnel to step in to remove the student from the situation. ”

    If you read the legal statute on battery, you will see that Lee actually had an OBLIGATION to step in and keep this 14 year old from hurting herself or another.

  7. Why is it that District 150 would place credibility in a student, with a history of unruly, disrespectful behavior over a man known to friends and the community for decades as a respectful and respected individual? To force Lee off the school premises and keep HIM out of the play is yet another example in the #150 chronicles of “How the Inmates Keep Running the Asylums”.

  8. Sounds like the Wengers just got the traditional good old Peoria High welcome and f*** you b****. It’s nothing personal.

  9. The camaras will tell the story.

    Yes, the girl is a problem child, but Mr Wenger needs to control himself. He is not security and this was not self-defense.

  10. Most men will not stand idly by while their wife is dissed. Been that way since the cavemen.

  11. A camera never tells the whole story. Discipline in Dist. 150 has been out of control for years now. Teachers and the public have been begging for an alternative school for these students. The attitude of many parents is, “What did you do to my child to piss them off?” Something tells me alot went on before Lee’s temper got this out of hand. The fact that students feel they have the right and can get by with their rude, insulting and out of control behavior is what is sad. If Mr. Wenger is no longer allowed on Dist. 150 property, it should be a heads up for any Peoria citizen to watch their Ps & Qs when volunteering for this school district.

  12. I have had 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th graders say, hey f**k you B@@@ch MANY times. Always called home and spoke with a parent OR most of the time a voicemail (they don’t answer when they know its the teacher). But when I do get to talk to them, I usually hear the, this will NEVER happen again speech and they will be punished from the parent, yet the student shows up the next day and says, my daddy says you ain’t nuttin but a cracker. Yep, lots of respect for their teachers shown at home…..

  13. Touche: You are so right….and lucky to even get a voicemail. My most common scenario is that the number has been disconnected or no longer in service. The parents send the disrespecting students to school without any way of us contacting them directly. I finally get a response after calling everyone on the emergency card two or three days in a row and Mom gets the idea she might need to call the school. The number which is left is a cell phone number that she’s probably had for weeks and not bothered to give us. I got the exact response of “I will talk to her about this for sure!” The very next day the student continues with her outbursts, defiance, and statements to the entire class that they were stupid. I am sure the punishment the students get is given at the same time the parent is talking about that f-ing teacher and I had better never have to talk to that b…. again about your behavior. It is obvious no one is talking to my students about respecting their teacher and adults at the school. Trying to bring parents “on board” with the children’s education isn’t working in about 90% of the cases. I teach 1st grade and I’m scared to think what these kids will be doing when they are a bit bigger and capable of actually hurting someone.

  14. “He is not security and this was not self-defense.”

    Yes, he is when he is the adult in charge of the activity and she is a 14 year old participant.
    (anticipating the next…)

    He is the director of the program.

  15. Sorry, Charlie, his wife is the director. He is an actor in the play. He made a huge mistake and is paying for it.

  16. That’s right! Never reprimand a smart mouthed, arrogant, disrespectful punk kid! You are better off if you stand by and do nothing! The students are well aware that you cannot touch them and they test you every chance they get all while laughing in your face. Teachers put up with it every day of their lives. Some parents even encourage that kind of behavior and blame “the system” for their problems. We have an entire generation of smart mouthed, arrogant disrespectful punk kids who will soon be adults. Maybe we can send them to China. They might be able to find work there with Caterpillar. Otherwise, what is our society going to do with them? How will they ever fit in and not end up in trouble?

  17. District 150 Observor and Apologist: First of all, we don’t know what price Lee Wenger will pay for his actions. We do not yet know how the courts will view this situation. I do believe that Lee erred. I’m sure he believes that, too, right now. None of us really knows what we would have done in a similar situation, so personal judgments carry little weight–only the decision of the courts.

    However, I would like to pose some questions for which I would like some answers from anyone who might have been present:

    How many students were in the auditorium at the time?
    Were these students from PHS music classes and were students from the class(es) automatically cast members as a matter of course requirements? In other words, was this particular student in the play by choice or was it a class requirement?
    How many referrals and/or suspensions had this student already received to-date this semester? I realize that any answer to that question doesn’t give Lee the right to handle the situation–just an interesting question.
    Denise Adams was obviously busy directing the rehearsal–didn’t have time or shouldn’t have been asked to handle discipline at the same time.
    Were there any PHS or district employees (security guards, etc.) present to handle disruptions, etc? If not, why not?
    Have any of you ever been in an auditorium full of young people and had the misfortune of being in a supervisory position that required you to ask disruptive students to leave the room? I have been in that situation and what usually happens (because the student needs to defend himself/herself and show off for his/her peers)is that the student begins to protest loudly and to refuse to leave.
    I am not saying that happened here but it seems as though she was being disruptive and needed to be removed?
    My question still is who should have asked or forced her to leave the room? Also, it is quite possible that Denise did take on the role of “asking” and probably experienced what I just described. Unfortunately, Lee was probably incensed by what he heard–as most of us would be.
    District 150 should view this situation as a serious problem. And it certainly shouldn’t view Lee Wenger as the “serious” problem. Lee’s problem will be resolved in the courts. District 150’s problem will not end that easily or that quickly. Behaviors such as led to Lee’s actions happen over and over in the district every day at more than one school.

  18. Sharon, Lee has already paid. He has been publically embarrassed, and at a minimum, is going to spend a substantial amount on lawyer fees.

    His wife, who was already in a tough spot at Central, is now in a tougher spot.

  19. Lee has absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. Anyone who has anything to do with District 150 knows full well that many of the students’ behavior is unacceptable and out of control. He was standing up for his wife. There is no embarrassment in that. He did what was done years ago when children “disrespected” adults. He did what many wish they could do. Lee Wenger is extremely popular in this community. Many that I have spoken with are cheering him on 100%. I’m with Sharon in hoping that this is a wake-up call for District 150, that the time has come for them to do something about the behavior problems.

    Shame on you, observer, for twisting my words. I thought you were more literate than that!

  20. Lee is a good guy. He is, and should be, embarrassed. Arrested for battery and booked. Article in the PJ Star. If that doesn’t embarrass you, nothing will.

  21. I would usually say that someone should be embarrassed for this charge. And because Lee is a good person, he probably is embarrassed. However, he will have more than enough support to take away some of that sting in this case. District 150 employees face similar situations every day–it is to their credit that they avoid the temptation. This is one of the reasons that I believe teachers are foolish to ever try to break up a fight between students–they could easily be charged unfairly (or seriously injured).

  22. District 150 observer… I really hope you have some real interest in the administration and can be named in a lawsuit… Your attitude is exactly what is wrong with 150.
    Just an actor? You must have been the idiot that suggested they get an understudy with less than 24 hours notice to fill in the role of KOKO. “Just call the symphony… they must have someone who could do it”.

    Lee is the DIRECTOR. And even if he weren’t, he is an adult. A responsible adult who doesn’t have to put up with the disrespect and rude behavior of a 14 year old brat. That you would defend her is just pathetic.

  23. “He is, and should be, embarrassed.”

    YOU should be embarrassed. You are an embarrassment.

    There is no way he committed battery. He knows it. The definition of battery precludes him being convicted of it. I am not sure what he did even qualifies for assault, although that would have been a more appropriate charge,. The fact that charged him with battery only goes to show that they are ignorant, lawless bullies.

    I can them now when the case is dismissed… uhhhh…. we did it intentionally knowing it would be dismissed, but we had to do something to look like we were responding to the girl’s complaint.

  24. Sometimes a little street justice is in order. D150 Oberver, you are an idiot. I seriously doubt he is embarrassed. I’ll bet he would do the exact same thing again. I’m curious, Observer, what would you do if it was YOUR wife?

  25. If what is being reported here about daily student (mis)behavior at D150 schools is true, and I believe it is, then there should be assault charges brought on students in droves. Do people know that an assault charge need not involve any physical contact? The mere mention of what you intend, or wish you could do to another, is grounds for assault (as explained by a 30-year veteran of the PPD). Know where the cameras are stationed and have your personal camcorder on standby. D150 is trying to recruit volunteers and involved parents. That’s a real knee-slapper.

  26. Sharon–did you see Dave Haney’s most recent School Days blog entry? It is regarding the new D150 variety show, despite their unwillingness (I mean inability) to broadcast board meetings. Dave Haney for public office (I wish).

  27. @2cents: I agree. Tit for tat. Teachers need to start calling 911 when a student starts cussing, screaming, spitting in their faces and have THEM arrested. Parents want to tie everyone’s hands when dealing with their rotten, ill-behaved brats..don’t you touch my kid EVER! Fine, then we’ll just have the police come and arrest them and then YOU, the parent can explain to a JUDGE why your progeny is so obnoxious. I had a kid arrested for punching me and YES, he was walked out of the school in handcuffs… elementary school student. Guess what? No more problems. Judge put him on probation and held parents accountable.

  28. 2 cents, how do you bring assault charges against first, second and third graders? Some of these kids bite, throw chairs and garbage cans, pinch, kick…. etc. It is next to impossible to get kids into spec. ed. By the time these children are in high school, is there any saving them when problems are not dealt with at the primary stage?

  29. You guys are pretty funny. Some of you need to think before you post. Better to be quiet and have people think you are a fool than speak and prove it.

  30. Charlie, 2Cents, Touche, Send ’em to China, Just Sayin, PHS graduate,
    Teaching Rocks, and Sharon! I loved reading your comments because you all “get” it. I hope our new Superintendent also is astute enough to see the situation as it REALLY is because that is the only way change can begin to take place. Thus far, she does not seem to shy away from change; I do wonder/worry as to who has her “ear”. I hope she’s reading your comments. Hopefully, she will see through the ridiculous faux charge of “battery” against Lee as yet another “sop to Cerberus” and gather her team, teachers,students, parents, and community members to move toward a SOLUTION.

  31. Here’s how Wenger’s own WCBU reported the incident.

    “The Peoria Police Report says he pushed the student into a row of lockers and began to scream at her for disrespecting his wife. The student says Wenger then raised his fist to her face and she thought he was going to hit her. The police report says school security camera video footage confirms the student’s account of the altercation. The incident happened during play practice for Peoria High’s dinner theatre production of “The Mikado.” Wenger’s wife directs the annual production.”

  32. Jon, most of us already knew that there is video camera footage–doesn’t change my opinion about the environment that created Lee’s outrage. As I’ve said before, Lee will pay his debt to society, so to speak. However, who is going to resolve the problems in District 150? The courts will mete out Lee’s justice, but I hope District 150 doesn’t make him a scapegoat, thus escaping to admit its own culpability in this incident.

  33. I can’t speak from experience as a teacher. But as a (former) small business owner, when an employee or customer threatened anyone with physical harm, they were asked to leave the building. If they refused to leave, the police were called. One time, the police said I could file assault charges on an employee for threatening me with physical harm. He went to her home and explained this to her. Problem solved. Why should teachers be expected to work under any other conditions? You have a right to do your job in an environment free from threats and intimidation. Otherwise, your employer is negligent.

  34. Still waiting for Observers answer to “What would you do if it was YOUR wife, or daughter, or sister….?”

  35. Jon, let me teach you how to read something with an adult’s critical eye…

    “The Peoria Police Report says (THE POLICE REPORT-WHERE DID THE COP GET HIS INFORMATION?)he pushed the student (AN RUDE, UNRULY, LOUD, VULGAR, CHRONIC DISCIPLINE PROBLEM 14 YEAR OLD) into a row of lockers and began to scream (RAISED VOICE?) at her for disrespecting his wife. The student says Wenger then raised his fist (SHOOK HIS FINGER AT HER) to her face and she thought (THAT’S ASSAULT, NOT BATTERY.) he was going to hit her (GUILTY FEELINGS ON THE GIRL’S PART, OR IS SHE EXPERIENCED WITH VIOLENCE AND PROJECTING?). The police report (THE POLICE REPORT) says school security camera video footage confirms the student’s account of the altercation (THAT IS REAL EASY TO SAY ESPECIALLY WHEN THE CHARGES ARE DROPPED AFTER BEING USED TO FORCE DENISE OUT OF HER JOB). The incident happened during play practice for Peoria High’s dinner theatre production of “The Mikado.” Wenger’s wife (THE ONLY CURRENT DISTRICT 150 EMPLOYEE in the cast) directs the annual production. (There is a difference between who is the “official” person in charge and who actually is.)

    Do you understand what police reports are? They are a primarily a hegemony producing fiction. While purporting to be ‘official’, they lend inappropriate credence to the personally involved, subjective police officers’ account of his actions and decisions.

  36. If it were my wife who was being “disrespected”, I would not push or threaten the student. The teacher shouldn’t either. There are mechanisms in schools to handle a student who says something out of line. Randy Simmons would have been notified and the student would have been disciplined. A spouse should not have intervened in a violent way.

    The choral music program at the Prepatory School for the Arts was in enough turmoil this year with the changeover in teachers before this happened.

    I know all about “problem children” within District 150. Violence is not the answer and the situation is even more bizarre from a spouse.

    Lee is a good guy but he made a huge mistake and is now paying for it. Shame.

  37. Teaching is not an easy job these days in inner city schools. That said, teachers (and, oddly enough, their spouses) need to show self-control and follow the disciplinary structure at the school. The good thing here, I guess, is it was Lee Wenger who did this, so his wife’s job should not be in jeopardy.

  38. Yeah, I have learned a lot, Jon, over the years from many people. Charlie is not one of them. 🙂

  39. Agreed District 150 Observer. I would have calmly gone to the school to offer my family member support (especially if it was something he/she couldn’t handle); and stood back while my family member notified Randy Simmons and wait to insure the issue was handled (I have no doubt that Simmons would have handled it expeditiously).

    What if the parents of this child now decide they now want to be violent as a result of their daughter being manhandled by a person who was a visitor on school property. This opens the District up to liability. What about the “good kids” that were present and witnessed this? I would imagine it would be somewhat traumatizing.

  40. I was involved in a minor traffic accident. I bumped the car in front of me after I had already stopped(my foot slipped on the brake and I rolled into her about 3 mph). My car was new, hers was 12 years old, held together by rust. We went into a parking lot of a business and I handed her my insurance card, she didn’t have any. We spoke, infact a salesman from the business came out and asked if everything was ok and she said no problem. There was NO mark on her bumper or mine. We laughed and got back in our cars and went home….end of story? NO. She got home and decided she had “whiplash” and went to the police station the following evening AFTER she worked all day. She filled out a Police Report that was HER SIDE ONLY (which after litigation was proved to be a lie). She lost, her attorney got nothing, and the chiropractor was out $10,000. Could it be that this 14 year old and her mom are looking for a “payday”? Just asking…..

  41. Police reports are exactly that–reports of what the person filing the report stated. They serve their purpose well.

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