26 thoughts on “Obama begins paying back Springfield”

  1. Obama paid $9,000 to the water services dept for services contracted for, NOTHING for the $60,000 in police protection.   Don’t hold your breath.

  2. CJ, I assume you will do another post when the city of Springfield does NOT get paid.

    Sort of like the follow-up posts you did when the States Attorney’s Office told Collen Callahan to go jump in a lake. Oh, wait a minute, you didn’t DO any follow up posts. Never mind. 😉

  3. I would like to see a bill to Schock.  I’ll bet the city has never sent him one nor has he paid a dime towards his PRIVATE party.  PRIVATE PARTY.  I would trust by ten miles Obama will make good on his debts before Schock does.

  4. DV – Emtronics would never consider putting his money where his considerable mouth it.

  5. Wouldn’t one think that with all the cash-on-hand, the truly groundbreaking thing to do that would really show a different style would be to have paid the city for this bill before this became an issue?

    Instead what’s the response from his camp and supporters?:  The other side never paid anything, why should we?

    Now that’s admirable.

    And how many other times did a sitting president come to the city of Peoria for a fundraising party?  I’m only 40, so please enlighten me.

  6. How much do one of those “Aaron Shock” signs cost?  I wonder if he knows it is illegal to place those things in the yards of people without the owners permission……?

  7. Diane, thanks but no thanks.  I don’t gamble except while driving Peoria’s streets and Joe, don’t you have a shitter that’s clogged someplace?  On the other hand, let’s see what happens in Springfield and let’s just wait and see if Peoria even bills Schock.  Normally, if the Bush/Schock event was free and open to the public, I’d say Schock doesn’t have to pay, but it was a $500 ticket to get in, so that makes it private at least to those who don’t have 5 bills to get in.  We’ve been done this road before. 

  8. Oh and by the way…to Joe the Plumber…you don’t have to troll the blogs and answer for me.  I am capable of answering all by myself. Now get back to that toilet!

  9. Sort of like the follow-up posts you did when the States Attorney’s Office told Collen Callahan to go jump in a lake. Oh, wait a minute, you didn’t DO any follow up posts. Never mind.

    …Said the blogger known for her unbiased and evenhanded coverage of the 18th congressional district race.  🙂

  10. Even though political campaigns have never reimbursed municipalities for police protection ordered by the Secret Service, shortly ater the cost of police protection became an issue, Aaron Schock asked Mayor Ardis to send him a bill for city police protection for the President’s visit in July.  The Schock campaign paid in full $38,252.47 on October 3, 2008.

    If you look on Obama’s FEC disclosures you will see not a cent of reimbursement to any municipality for police protection to assist the Secret Service for any of his presidential campaign events for the past two years.  That includes exclusive Obama fundraising events at $28,500 per person.  

    The same applies to Hillary Clinton’s fundraisers in the primary.  Her campaign events with her husband who is a former President, required top level protection.

  11. Sentinel, once agaIn, I said if anyone knew of a sitting president who came to the city of Peoria for a fundraising party.

    The old familiar “so, look what they did” line gets trotted out once again.

  12. Sentinel… source, please. I am looking for this “news” and can’t find it anywhere except anonymously posted on a blog.

  13. I just hit the link to the SJR article – 53 comments.  Here 21 comments.  If we checked all the postings at this site and other “Peoria blogs” I would bet that by far the most commented upon story of the last year was whether Schock should reimburse Peoria for the Bush trip.  At the risk of sounding a bit pretentious, I don’t get it?  All the issues facing this state and country and the one that really rocks our socks is whether politicians should have to pay for their own police protection when they come to town.  I know, I know, Obama was different because his event was open to the public and Schock is a Republican.  Yada, Yada.  My conclusion:  either people are so myopic as to hyperfocus on some relatively unimportant issue to the point of hyperventalation; or the issue is just an excuse to rip on (or defend) Schock and/or Obama.  Which one is it?     

  14. Re: “How much do one of those “Aaron Shock” signs cost?  I wonder if he knows it is illegal to place those things in the yards of people without the owners permission……?”

    My husband saw someone in their Suburban from Wilton Mortuary running down and over the large Shock sign placed on their property on Knoxville. 

  15. dd,
    Yada yada?  Maybe all of this blogging back and forth is going on because one of those yahoos [Schock or Callahan] is going to represent us [18th District] in the U.S. Congress.  Don’t be so quick to dismiss everything.  Afterall, what’s good for a nation-wide presidential race…is good for the 18th Congressional District.

    Precinct Committeeman with a sense of humor?!?  Who ever is impersonating PC please stop.  He would not appreciate this one bit. 

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