Park Board may be East Bluff neighbors’ ace in the hole

If the Peoria Park District decides not to sign an intergovernmental agreement with Peoria Public Schools, then the possibility of putting a replacement school adjacent to Glen Oak Park for the Woodruff attendance area is essentially dead.

It also means the school district may come crawling back to the city asking for that $500,000 from Councilman Manning that they turned down.

It also means the school district will have purchased eight properties adjacent to the park at twice their market value for nothing, and will only be able to recover a fraction of what they paid for them.

For those of you keeping score, here is the vote count so far according to the Journal Star:

  • 1 against sharing park land with the school district (Roger Allen)
  • 2 in favor of sharing park land (Jackie Petty, Robert Johnson)
  • 2 undecided (Tim Cassidy, Jim Cummings)
  • 2 unknown (Stan Budzinski, Matthew Ryan)

East Bluff residents who are against the school locating in the park may want to start lobbying the Park Board trustees now; it sounds like a decision could be made on Dec. 13.

5 thoughts on “Park Board may be East Bluff neighbors’ ace in the hole”

  1. If the Peoria Park District decides not to sign an intergovernmental agreement with Peoria Public Schools, then the possibility of putting a replacement school adjacent to Glen Oak Park for the Woodruff attendance area IS dead. How could they proceed without an agreement?

    The $500,000 from Councilman Manning that they turned down is most likely gone now. PPS has “burned the ground” with the City of Peoria, why in the hell should the City even think of them after the last offer the school proposed. Even if the whole deal between the school & park district is consummated I strongly feel that the City will NOT vacate the streets there.

    The school district purchased eight properties adjacent to the park at twice their market value for nothing, was the purchase done legally? It was totally foolish to buy property without an agreement with the PPD. I think Bonne & Ken have a “handshake” agreement on the whole affair. Now the deal may fall apart.

    One “player”: was left out is Director Bonne Nobel, in my opinion she has been working with #150 behind the seine on this whole scheme since day1.

    It is strange that the school possibly can’t get the need information to the Park board by the December 13th meeting? The school district & Ken Hinton were hell bent on a fast schedule and purchasing property with the plans to break ground in October for the “Birth – 8th school. Has the school district now realized they are in a pickle and can’t get out without looking stupid?

    As an East Bluff resident and advocate who is against the school locating in the park, I have been lobbying the Park Board all along. I always felt that the Park District was the key to the whole affair. Peoria Public Schools # 150 could give a shit less for what the citizens, City leaders and taxpayers say, they put on the spin “its good for and what the children need and deserve” and to paint anyone that opposes their plans as anti children. Nothing could be as far from the truth. No one in the opposition to the park plans says there is not a need for an improved school in the East Bluff just where it is located and if the old building can be used in the renovations. Without the PPD the whole deal falls apart.

    The lawsuit brought against the Park District is still in play and has made this whole affair in the forefront. If the lawsuit was not filed and no one complained to the park board, it would be a “Done Deal” and the school would steam roll ahead.

    If I was a State Senator, Representatives or Governor I would look with great question as to #150s plans and tactics and not pass SB2477 during the Fall Veto session by Sen. Shadid, Rep. Leitch and Schock.

    The parents meeting recently at Cenrtal Hi also shows what the public thinks of #150 when only 2/3 parents show up. The Meeting at Woodruff Hi about the Park-School with a court reporter and not answearing question in person tells how the district wants to inter-act with the public. The only reason that meeting was called is to satisfy what Sen.Shadid wanted. #150 has a major issue with the taxpayers and public as a whole. That’s why I quiti talking to the school board in public. Why waist my time.

    It sounds like a decision could be made on Dec. 13 by the Peoria Park District. With politics anything is possible and it could be put off until the spotlight is off. I attend any and all PPD meeting unless it conflicts with our neighborhood association meetings.

    Martin Palmer, President.
    East Bluff United Neighborhood Association.

  2. So let me get this straight, you are hoping this is defeated so the new school will not be built, PPS will be stuck, nothing gets improved and the general health of District 150 slides into the toilet. The city can not afford to turn it’s back on the schools not matter how shity the District treated their offer. Better hope that this goes thru so money spent on homes doesn’t go to waste and at least the East Bluff gets a new school for if this fails and District 150 fails futher into disaray, so goes the city. Is this not why people are leaving the city for the burbs? Better schools? Yeah crime is up there also but property values are directly related to the school system. Crappy schools, low property values….

  3. If District 150 falls further into disarray, it is from their misguided and inept decisions. The Park District and the local residents aren’t to blame.

  4. Mahkno — I agree. Elected officials are sworn to uphold the U.S. Constitution et al — and please remember the Preamble’s first three words, WE THE PEOPLE … not we the seven of the D150 Board and we the seven of PPD Board — somehow common sense and talking with one’s constituents is passe or foreign or whatever. It is a real head scratcher that elected officials from either board did not talk with their constituents prior to the March 29th announcement of the school in the park proposal — what’s wrong with this picture?

    Plenty. Neighborhood leaders and organizations are well known in the city, so why are these fourteen elected officials ‘playing dumb’ or like an ostrich with its head in the sand? ‘No one has called me’ is the mantra heard. Well, once people knew, there was plenty of calls and new information that the peasants did not like the idea.

    Emtronics — I believe Marty is not saying — you are hoping this is defeated so the new school will not be built, —- D150 spent money on properties that some D150 Board Members indicate they didn’t quite understand that that is what they voted for —- say what?

    So, let’s spend more money down a rathole — you know throwing good money after bad — because of a poor choice then compound it by building a school in the wrong location which will further destabilize the neighborhood — all the information and research that has been presented contrary to D150’s and PPD’s decision to build there — where is the data —- hard data which supports their unsupportable outdated decision? Let’s build a multi-million dollar over the projected budget school to provide questionable benefits at best due to being in the wrong location.

    D150, in my opinion, would be hard pressed to get a referendum passed, because there is really no firm — finalized plan for this school development in the East Bluff — it is like a chameleon, changing all the time, like the horse of a different color in Oz and so on — let’s get a firm plan, firm details, firm cost, tons of community input — this has been done all over the U.S. — I recall a blog about it being doing done in Texas where that District saved and rehabbed several historic schools and built new schools and went to the people with the detailed and comprehensive plan first and guess what —- the taxpayers approved the referendum of many millions to redo the entire school district. I believe that many citizens and taxpayers realize that change must occur in D150 — nevertheless they are not willing to pay millions for unspecified goods — can you blame them?

    Really at the end of the day, let’s do the people’s business in public. Let’s gather all the stakeholders and make the best decisions by being inclusive rather than totalitarian and thinking fourteen people know best without having hard data, substantiated data, citizen input and so on. I think you get the picture —- respresentative government of the people, by the people and for the people.

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