Park District can walk lapdog Journal Star on new trail

The Peoria Journal Star has published another article on the proposed Kellar Branch conversion. Of course, it is information that was on the blogs two weeks ago. However, since they’re a full-time, mainstream media outlet, and not just doing journalism as a hobby, they had the time and access to contact several people for quotes about the project, including Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis, Pioneer Railcorp attorney Bill Mullins, Park District director Bonnie Noble, and head of the inscrutable Kellar Branch Corridor Corporation Tom Leiter.

Here’s what the Journal Star didn’t ask any of these people: Why did Pioneer Railcorp (who has steadfastly opposed trail conversion) change their mind? What is the purpose of the Kellar Branch Corridor Corporation? It’s been reported that Leiter’s company “bought out” the interests of the parties on the Kellar Branch; how much did that cost? Will those costs be passed on to the taxpayers? If so, why has that agreement not been publicly disclosed?

These are all questions that a watchdog media would have asked. But the Journal Star, which has long been a lapdog for the Peoria Park District, took a pass on doing any investigation that would hold public officials accountable for disclosing what’s being done or going to be done with our tax money. No doubt they’ll report on the costs after the fact, the same way they put a big article on the costs of a new charter school the day after the school board voted to approve it.

16 thoughts on “Park District can walk lapdog Journal Star on new trail”

  1. However, since they’re a full-time, mainstream media outlet, and not just doing journalism as a hobby, they had the time and access to contact several people for quotes about the project…

    Why would it take the PJStar TWO WEEKS to do that?

  2. they had the time and access to contact several people for quotes about the project, including Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis, Pioneer Railcorp attorney Bill Mullins, Park District director Bonnie Noble, and head of the inscrutable Kellar Branch Corridor Corporation Tom Leiter.

    CJ – Did you attempt to contact any of these people and were turned down, or did you just assume they would not answer you?

  3. I don’t care for the billions spent on NASA, C.J., and feel it’s been a tremendous waste of money, and a useless loss of life But, I can’t seem to put an end to money being blown on the stupid program.

    I’m assuming that’s how you feel about the trail.

    I would say it’s impossible to make everyone happy about how tax money is spent. Wouldn’t you?

  4. Prego– I agree that it’s impossible to make everyone happy about how tax money is spent. I don’t, however, think it’s impossible to inform everyone how their tax money is being spent. Is it too much to ask that the price I’m paying be disclosed? Do you think NASA and Congress should hide the cost of their space missions from the American public because some people might not be happy about the expenditure?

  5. given the record “lapdog” is rather mild. Of course, Peoriafan takes being a lapdog for the establishment to whole new level. If I ever needed a “yes” man, I’d hire him. He never had a critical thought in his life.

  6. CJ writes: “Is it too much to ask that the price I’m paying be disclosed?”


    How about the senate offices in the bowels of the capitol?

    “No one will talk about how much the taxpayers are spending to create the new offices. The famously discreet Senate Rules Committee, which distributes hideaways and handles all related matters, refused comment. A spokeswoman for the Architect of the Capitol’s office, which performs the renovations, referred a reporter to the Rules Committee.”

    “Discretion about hideaways is a courtesy senators expect of each other, one that some believe is more important than the public’s right to know.”

    When and where does it end?

  7. One of the more ridiculous articles written by the PJStar regarding this. Maybe they should go ahead and just print a weekly “Trail Update”, telling us how close we are to having this.

    Maybe they’ve cut a deal to have paper boxes on various parts of the trail.

  8. Maybe they’ve cut a deal to have paper boxes on various parts of the trail.

    LOL, Mazr!

    Or, maybe actual PJS employees set up at strategic points along the trail offering a free newspaper and 3-month subscriptions to hikers and bikers!

  9. marie; Wear a monkey mask and goggles.

    The PJStar is just practicing survival skills… they are disappearing fast and are hoping someone in the city can give them jobs when the paper goes totally internet.

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