Peoria Pundit changing hosting companies

I got this e-mail from Billy Dennis this morning:

Please leave a message on your blog saying that I am alive, but my hosting company has taken a dump on customer service. They have a known issue with a program they use that it essentially preventing my site from loading in [Firefox] and also preventing it from working well in Internet Explorer.

They’ve informed me that there is nothing they can do. I’m spending all day on NEW YEARS DAY trying to get presale questions answered so I can move my site, which will take at least another two days once I find a place that won’t quit on me when I have issues.

I’ve experienced trouble with Billy’s site lately myself. I can’t get to any of his permalinks using Firefox (my browser of choice), and when I tried to leave a comment using Internet Explorer, it never went through. If these are the “known issues” that his current hosting company (A Small Orange) is unwilling to fix, then obviously it’s time for the Pundit to head to another hosting company.

The comment I tried to leave Billy said that my hosting company is BlueHost, and I recommend them. I’ve been with them for a year and will be renewing for another year this month. They’ve always been responsive to any service issues I’ve had. In fact, one of the things I like is that I always get a human voice when I call, not dreaded voice-recognition menus. I’ve only had two outages in the past year, and both times my site was back up within two hours.

Good luck, Billy. And I hope you get some time away from your hosting problems to enjoy New Year’s Day. Happy new year!

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