Peoria Pundit’s “NBA” theme: Nothin’ But Ads

It’s estimated that we see 3,000-5,000 mass marketing messages every day. Doing his part to help us get our daily quota, Billy Dennis has inaugurated a new ad-heavy theme:

Peoria Pundit Ad Theme

When I first pulled up Billy’s new WordPress theme, my first thought was, “what happened to the content?” It used to be that advertisements and content were, for the most part, separate. Content was in one column and advertisements were in another. With the new theme, advertisements are in all columns. They’re so prevalent, I can’t even see the content without scrolling down a full page. Billy tells me this is because my screen is too small, not because his ads are too big.

One wonders what the next step will be. When we click on a permalink, will we have to look at an ad before we can continue to the post? Will all posts have product placement (e.g., “While I was drinking a Diet Pepsi, I was thinking about Peoria’s budget process…”)? Will he start putting Flash audio ads on his site so we have to hear the ads as well as see them? At what point will the Peoria Pundit reach marketing saturation?

Of course, many of my hits are from Pundit referrals, so in closing, I’d just like to say, please read the Peoria Pundit, and be sure to support the advertisers who make that site possible. 😛

10 thoughts on “Peoria Pundit’s “NBA” theme: Nothin’ But Ads”

  1. He writes 3 to 5 new pieces a day. Does he have to write in his sleep now, too? I don’t understand this complaint. He has a right to make a living doesn’t he?

  2. Luvapet– Billy’s a friend of mine, and this was a tongue-in-cheek post just to tease him about the increasing presence of advertising on his site. Don’t take it too seriously.

  3. Whether it was a joke or not, I am sorry to say I don’t like the new format on the Pundit. I am a faithful daily reader and I am totally lost with the new format. Also those that have blogs and use light gray type that is of a very small font, make it very difficult for some of us old folks to read. I love the Peoria Chronicle and the Pundit and read them daily but am having more difficulty reading them.

  4. Billy is becoming that which he despises. Next thing you know he’ll be accepting an offer from Gatehouse and telling everyone how great they are and how they are teh best thing to every happen to Peoria.

  5. And when that happens, you can start your own blog and tell me what a jerk I am, it being a free marketplace of ideas. Or is that too much work?

  6. Bill’s parents spent all that money sending him to college to be a journalist which didn’t work out so he’s got to do SOMETHING to make a buck…. ;-D

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