PI reports on latest county advocacy meeting

I couldn’t make it to the latest museum advocacy meeting held at Bradley University Monday night. But PeoriaIllinoisan was there and turned in his own report. He doesn’t know it, but he’s a mighty fine citizen journalist. I found this particularly interesting:

One of the speakers pointed out that several fliers and information was available at the back of the room, which they were, and just to show that he was fair, he said a flier of a dissenting opinion was also there… it was… on another table was a small stack, blocked and shielded from view by a very enthusiastic Museum supporter who made snide remarks about Merle Widmer, Gary Sandberg, and anyone else who dared to question the “facts”.


UPDATE: I’ve been told by another source that it was county board member Andrew Rand — not Richerson — who made the comment about the flyers. PI has corrected his report and that correction is reflected in the quote above.

17 thoughts on “PI reports on latest county advocacy meeting”

  1. I attended the session. My recollection was that the opposition flyers were out & on a table, readily available for anybody to pick up. They may not have been on the same table as Build the Block materials, but both tables were alongside one another. I did not hear anybody making “snide remarks” about anything. Gary Sandberg in fact attended the meeting and contributed to discussion several times during Q & A. County CFO Eric Bush was objective in his outlining of the referendum facts. Brad McMillan’s presentation on the museum was from an advocacy standpoint as would be expected. Cat’s Mark Johnson piped in where appropriate and when asked. Questions were taken via the index-card system: after the cards had all been addessed and there was still time remaining, the floor was opened to verbal questions. Look, everybody could come away with their own impression, but I think it was handled reasonably objectively overall. I have no idea whether Karrie Alms had requested an opportunity to speak, but her group’s brochures were definitely available.

  2. If PeoriaIllinoisan isn’t aware of the difference between Jim Richerson and Andrew Rand, I’d be seriously suspicious of anything he reported from this meeting and am doubtful that he’s anything close to a “mighty fine citizen journalist”

    For a bit of additional infsight on this particular issue, you all need to be aware that the Museum Group had all their literature available at tables at the back of the room well before the meeting was scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm. Karrie Alms arrived just shortly before the meeting and walked throughout the entire room handing out her literature to people regardless of whether they requested it or not.

  3. “Whole Truth” — My comment about PI being a fine citizen journalist is not based on this account alone, but on the body of his work as a blogger; it was also a reference to his opening statement that he doesn’t consider himself a reporter or citizen journalist. I don’t think one mistake invalidates his whole report. Even professional journalists make mistakes and run corrections. He’s just a citizen — a neighbor — sharing his observations about the night.

    I find it interesting to compare his observations with Steve J’s. Steve came away with a much better impression overall. However, even he recognized that Brad McMillan’s presentation “was from an advocacy standpoint.” Karrie asked for a place at the table to advocate for the other side of the argument and was denied. If she did pass out literature like you say she did, I imagine she was just trying to even the playing field, since everyone had to listen to Brad McMillan’s advocacy whether they wanted to or not.

  4. Before the presentation began, Karrie Alms did indeed hand out literature and introduced herself by name as she handed the brochures out.

  5. I really admire Karrie. Despite the obstacles put in her path by the blockheads (ya, I just made that up) who support this boondoggle, she soldiers on. She is a real inspiration. And BTW, “whole truth”, so what that Karrie showed up “shortly before the meeting”? She has a life and has to make a living. Nobody is paying her to be there. For McMilllan and the other hired guns who put on these shows, it’s their “job” to talk us into buying this money pit.

  6. Diane — Yes, considering the meeting was billed as “informational.” Judging from the comments of PI and those quoted in the paper, it sounds like there were many people who weren’t expecting a sales pitch.

  7. I arrived a moment or two after the presentation began so I did not hear the introductions, nor was I able to receive a pamphlet from Karrie Alms personally. I readily admit that I could not pick out Andrew Rand or Jim Richerson from a police lineup because I have never met them before. I went to a meeting, not with the intention of blogging about it, but to garner information as a voter. I certainly heard the snide remarks in regards to Gary & Merle coming from the man who blocked Karrie Alm’s fliers from being easily accessible from the aisle as the Museum groups were. After I noticed them, I said excuse me, walked around behind him and picked one up. If you’re curious, no, I didn’t get his name either. He asked the second to last question in the form of a statement of praise.

  8. Whole Truth states that Karrie was “handing out her literature to people regardless of whether they requested it or not.”

    It seems to me, in all fairness, that the museum group has been pushing [C.J. says advocating] this museum project for years!

    I have been bombarded with street signs, TV adds, radio adds, assorted mailings, and squishy-balls at a parade. Now I have to take time out of my busy day working as a circus midget…to go and VOTE NO for the proposed sales tax!


  9. Yes, Karrie Alms is to be praised. To my knowledge and I do know Karrie personally, she has no outside job but is a full time Mother who home schools her large family. By the way I have donated $100 to her group so instead of just fighting people verbally here I put dollars behind my NO vote.

  10. Thank you, “without malice”. You are to be praised for putting your dollars behind your vote. Also, while Karrie may have no “outside” job, homeschooling is a job, and somebody has to pay the bills. My point was, the blockheads (ya, I like that) have paid hacks (could have used another word), to do their dirty work.

  11. PI and Karrie are trying to advocate for the general population as community volunteers and in addition to the many life responsibilities they have. They aren’t being supported by their employers (as are the Museum advocates) in their efforts. Critics are a dime a dozen. People who actually do the work are precious.

    I too am offended by the money spent on postcards and banners by the BTB advocates. The advocates have not listened to the general public and will probably lose because of their arrogance.

    BTW, why couldn’t the Children’s Museum be a part of this? That might be a way to branch out and garner support.

  12. Tulip,

    Careful….! Lets not ruin a good thing here! The Children’s Museum is doing just find stand-alone.

    I hear you though…!

  13. Thank you for your support. I did arrive around 6:30 pm. I did not ask anyone to hold the meeting for me. I asked people as I went along if they wanted an alternate view or another view and if people did not want a pamphlet I walked on by. If someone took offense that is their choice. I did not mean to give any offense. The meeting had not started and I passed out the fliers. There was a wide range of reaction and some people extended their hands to get a flyer. And our PR department is really swamped at present! 🙂

    You are correct I do not get paid for this effort. My advocacy for fifteen years is to have ‘open, transparent, inclusive government’ which might be too cheesy for people to accept. I take to heart that everyone is my neighbor even if you do not live next door. Be kind and help others. I think if citizens felt respected and engaged our city would look and feel very different.

    We can all lead by example in the talents which God has given to us and/or we develop along our life’s journey. We need to be respected that ideas of our community members can be brought forward without fear of retaliation, harassment, embarassment, mockery and so on. We are missing on using our best resource in our city and county and community — our people and their wonderful array of talents.

    without malice — thank you for your support and donation.

    No one knows what the block can become because the block has been under contract with missed goals and deadlines since 2003.

    A better block can be built for our posterity. Please vote NO on April 7.

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