23 thoughts on “Quote of the Day”

  1. Great quote. It certainly applies to a situation currently happening close to home.

  2. I’m willing to bet 90 percent of the “leaders” who nominally support the Museum tax know it’s a bad idea and secretly hope it doesn’t pass. So why do they support it publicly? Lack of integrity, mostly. Most leaders are actually followers. Leaders who lead are targets of scorn and ridicule because they lack the wisdom of mob, and because they don’t cater to fear, greed and ignorance.

  3. I understand where you are coming from with your comment Billy. We have had local leaders who took a stand on something but then caved in when too many people threw a fit.

  4. Does that mean that citizens that support the Museum are either integrity-less or dupes?

  5. Any quote of C. S. Lewis’ is a great quote–and this quote certainly is one to live by–and in this case–vote by. Ha!

  6. I guess all the great leaders around Peoria are the ones screwing around all day blogging.

  7. I wouldn’t say Merle is “screwing around all day blogging.” But he spends some time doing just that. And serving his constituents, and digging out the facts, rather than simply regurgitate the talking points.

    But I am sure he appreciates your concern abut his busy schedule.

  8. Great Quote. And yes, citizens that support the Museum are either integrity-less or dupes. Billy is right, most of the leaders who support it know it’s a bad idea for the community, but what he didn’t say is that a few are going to make a lot of money building it. That’s what it’s all about. Those people don’t care a wit what goes in the building, it could be house of ill repute or a slave labor camp; they just want to build it.

  9. The wrong road, eh? How very Lewis.

    Now someone like Thoreau or Sandberg might respond differently…

    Thoreau: if you are on the wrong road, seek a new destination…

    Sandberg: the only wrong road is the one you’ve already been down…

  10. Mouse sez: “And yes, citizens that support the Museum are either integrity-less or dupes.”

    I’m voting no, but that is probably the stupidest statement I’ve seen made.

  11. Sud: You are correct. Regardless of the issue, if we do not agree, then we can agree to disagree. We need to be civil and respectful and not name call or marginalize people for any given reason. Then people can feel safe to freely express their opinions. Regrettably, public speaking is reported to be the number one fear. Then if you feel that you will be under attack for any reason in voicing your opinion, just adds to the fear and the process is weakened.

    I already voted NO. Please tell your family and friends in Peoria County to vote NO too.

  12. Karrie, I really wasn’t trying to be disrespectful. Scott asked the question and I answered honestly. I suppose I could have changed the words to be less blunt, but sometimes you just have to face the cold, hard, truth.

  13. The Mouse – your post had nothing to do with the “cold hard truth” or the facts. It is purely your opinion that “those people don’t care a wit about what goes in to the building”. In fact it’s entirely possible that one of “those people” read your characterization of them and were offended. There are others that surely disagree with you. God willing on April 7th, we’ll see that it is the majority.

    Thanks, Karrie, for always striving to keep the rhetoric on a civil plane. You are a wise woman.

  14. Diane,

    Are you sure bringing God into this is a good idea?
    When last I checked, he was a NO VOTE on this particular museum plan.

  15. We could have simply stated that Scott A. hit the nail on the ‘big’ head….?

  16. P.S. I found the comment made by peoriafan extremely rude, childish and silly-ass.
    If I were Merle, I would sue his butt off.

    Anyone else going to come to Merle’s defense? Diane maybe?

  17. to clarify, Diane, those that don’t care what goes in the building are those who are going to make a lot of money on its construction.

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