Quote of the Day

President of Iran“The real cure for the conflict is the elimination of the Zionist regime, but there should be an immediate ceasefire first.”

–Iranian President Ahmadinejad,
reported by Aljazeera

He might as well have added “Sieg Heil” to the end of his statements. Anyone notice the frightening similarity between “real cure” and “final solution”?  Any questions as to why Iran should not get nukes?

4 thoughts on “Quote of the Day”

  1. “The real cure…” is to nail Ahmadinejad’s nuts to a 50HP outboard motor and take him for a spin around the Karun river at about 20 knotts for a few hours, so he’s incapable of producing any retarded offspring.

  2. By “immediate cease fire” he means only on the part of Israel.
    He is clearly a Hitlerian figure, but, as someone pointed out recently, Americans have no concept of the prevalence of real hatred among the Islamofascists. Notwithstanding the media hype, real hatred is almost non-existent in this country (OK, maybe some left-wing radicals really hate George Bush), but, seriously, few Americans can conceive of the kind of deep-seated hatred that animates people like this Ahmadikook. He hates Jews because they are Jews. Until Americans come to grips with that, we are going to be at a distinct disadvantage, and will resort to comments like “Anonymous Poster” gave us. For the record, historically, many leader’s offspring have taken other routes. Benjamin Franklin’s son was a loyalist in the American revolution; Kruschev’s son is an American, as are many of Castro’s relatives. I could go on but you get the point. We have to deal with this guy and those of his ilk that infest the Middle East, or they will get and use Nukes, you can be sure of that.

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