Ryan’s a crook and a creep

I see former governor George Ryan is back in the news. Seems a number of death row inmates he pardoned are now suing a group Chicago police officers claiming that Ryan’s pardon proves their innocence. So, the defendants want Ryan to testify as to why he pardoned them. That seems reasonable — his pardon is the lynchpin of the case.

So, what is Ryan doing? Claiming “executive privelege.”

Huh. Gee, thanks, guv’nuh. Is this your way of sticking in to the system that convicted you for your licenses-for-bribes scheme? Do you have nightmares about those kids who died because your little fundraising plan? I would think the least (and I mean the least) you could do for penance is cooperate with the court.

I hope they lock you up and throw away the key.

One thought on “Ryan’s a crook and a creep”

  1. CJ, I doubt he has any nightmares. The evil rarely do. You said it, he’s a creep. It’s a damn shame the taxpayers of Illinois are going to have to continue to pay his room and board. I wish they’d find a work camp for him where he could spend the rest of his days actually working for the State.

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