Snow removal shows marked improvement

Snow PlowThe city did a very good job of plowing the snow the last couple of days. Everything seemed very organized. My alley was plowed before noon yesterday, and plowed again last night. The residential streets have had at least one pass, and I expect will be cleared curb-to-curb by tomorrow. The main roads are in excellent condition.

Perhaps the most impressive thing I saw was all the Cat end loaders and city trucks downtown last night actually removing the snow from the streets. I also saw little Bobcat-size tractors clearing the sidewalks. It was a sight to behold.

Congratulations to the Public Works Department on a job well done.

5 thoughts on “Snow removal shows marked improvement”

  1. We had one pass about 2 or 3 a.m., but that’s OK. When they go curb to curb it buries my driveway. I was out and about quite a bit yesterday, no problems. Streets are great today. All in all an A+ for the street department. Looks like third time was the charm.

  2. Maybe this shows you (and most of the blogging public) over reacted after the Dec. 1 storm and the amount of snow combined with the ice storm REALLY did make it more difficult. Maybe the Public Works department isn’t as incompetent as you want to believe.

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