Stranded. Out of Gas.

That’s what the sign said the woman was holding as she stood on the median at the corner of War Memorial and Glen Hollow this afternoon. Apparently, when she got ready to take her car trip, she had the forethought to remember a large piece of cardboard and a permanent marker just in case she might need to make an emergency sign to ask for money, but failed to check the gas guage or bring any extra cash or credit cards. Genius.

I wonder if she was related to this panhandler.

2 thoughts on “Stranded. Out of Gas.”

  1. A common scam in the big cities for years. Try this for FUN. Tell them you will put gas in the car, but will not give them cash. They will get angry and tell you to go away and generally give you all kinds of excuses as to why you can’t do that.

  2. I knew a couple panhandlers down in Carbondale. They considered panhandling their job. Everyday they had a set routine, nothing illegal, but they rotated locations. Doing this they made $10-$20 an hour, which at the time was far more than you could make at any of the local factories or other hourly work. As a bonus, they could still collect welfare benefits, which was better than the more respectable work as well. These two were far from stupid.

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