Stupid criminal of the month

This made me laugh:

Jermaine D. Mitchell, 21, of 4417 W. Rockwell Drive called police about 9:40 p.m. to report he had been robbed at gunpoint in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Park, located in the 200 block of South MacArthur Highway.

Mitchell told officers the robbers stole his money, $48, and the nearly 40 grams of marijuana he just bought, police reports stated.

…Police also arrested Mitchell on a charge of possessing more than 30 grams of marijuana for admitting to having the drug.

Note: If someone steals your illegal drugs, don’t call the police.

8 thoughts on “Stupid criminal of the month”

  1. I would love to hear the other side of this story… it sounds too… well… like something Rush Limbaugh would make up.

    Since when can someone be arrested for “saying” they possessed drugs?

  2. That doesn’t make any sense, should the policee NOT arrest someone who admits to murder??

  3. Murder?
    He was arrested of a victimless, status offense. A crime that wasn’t a crime and then was and sometimes isn’t… On what evidence? A statement that is in admissible in court.

  4. KCDAD says: “He was arrested of a victimless, status offense.”

    He admitted to the purchase of illegal drugs which are a major cause of the crime in the Peoria area. The victims are everywhere of his “victimless crime”. Burglary, robbery, etc…

    KCDAD – Why don’t you go down to that “park” late on a Friday or Saturday night and just walk around for a while. See what happens. Open your ultra-liberal eyes a little to the real world. These people are the true victims of the socialism that you believe in and speak so highly of on this site. They have not benefited at all from the expanse of government social programs and neither have the rest of us.

  5. The statement is not inadmissable in court. It was a confession and would be heard in court.

    This isn’t the United States of KCDAD, you can’t make up the laws as you want them. This guy broke the law admitted to an officer of the peace and was justly arrested and will be tried.

  6. So he is guilty of being in “that park”? Illegal drug… gimme a break. According to our state legislators, marijuana isn’t legal in this state. Are these the guys you want deciding what is right and wrong for you and your family?
    “In 1937 the F.D. Roosevelt administration crafted 1937 Marihuana Tax Act the first national US law making cannabis possession illegal in the US via an unpayable tax on the drug.”
    It is illegal because it can not be taxed. It can be cultivated by the user… what a great reason to ban something. (And then make it a racial issue by using a Mexican word, instead of its more common, Cannabis name.)

    What is wrong with you? It is an ounce and a half of marijuana… not a nuclear bomb or 750 billions dollars or a Senate seat.

    AS for you 11bravo, you might want to check into what the court accept as confessions… a spontaneous statement to the police is different from a un-Mirandized confession. You have no idea what happened, so don’t tell me the facts of the case. I bet you were a good 11 bravo. Us 13 Charlies and Echoes were taught to question authorities, not just blindly obey them.

  7. Once again, relying on personal attacks out of frustration. First, the miranda warning has no place in this conversation it doesn’t apply and was not necessary, second since you claim I have no idea that happened because I wasn’t there I suppose you were, third I am sorry you didn’t have what it takes to join the Infantry and settled for a lesser job, not can handle it.

    If you would prefer to sling mud and make ad hominem attacks feel free to continue. It only hurts your argument and credibility.

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