Surprise! Cable rates going up

Well that didn’t take long. Comcast has sent out a mailing notifying its customers that it will be raising its rates effective April 2, 2008.

Basic service is going up a dollar per month, from $13.60 to $14.60. Expanded basic (formerly Classic Service) is going up two dollars, from $35.15 to $37.15. That means that a standard cable package that includes Basic and Expanded basic will be going from $48.75 to $51.75 per month, or about a 6% increase. DVR rental is going from $8 to $10. And all the various premium services are going up one or two bucks per month, too. There are various other changes in prices.

Comcast says, “Occasionally, we must adjust our prices to reflect the value of our services and the investments Comcast makes to bring you the best that technology has to offer.”

Meanwhile, satellite service only costs about $30 per month, and over-the-air broadcasts are free.

22 thoughts on “Surprise! Cable rates going up”

  1. “the best that technology has to offer”. You have to be kidding. This is the most screwed up company I have dealt with in a while. The first day they cut off my phone and my internet for two days. They couldn’t get their act together. Then they tell me that my bill is $15 more than original. They claim I signed up for the enhanced package, which I did not. Then they couldn’t find an IP address for me in the system. It has been pure He– for three months. Every time I call them I tell them I am in Peoria, IL., and I get sent to New England, or Indiana, or St. Louis or Louisville and then a guy in Louisville tells me that if I don’t like their voice mail service I should get an answering machine. Is this the way a company does business? Especially a new company to the area? I understand a few glitches as they take over, but this is ridiculous. I would really like to see where this best technology is at. Also, if the bills are going up how come they are advertising all these specials? And no where on their telephone ads does it say there is a charge for the unlimited long distance of $10. Its false advertising and I called them on it. Just a little frustrated with the whole thing.

  2. Congrats CJ,

    Once again you have scooped the local fish wrapper about news affecting many of us in Central Illinois!. The Steve Tarter piece on page B1 today concludes with the lie of “Comcast has stated that no changes in channel placement or prices are planned for the immediate future.” I guess they think April 2, 2008 is some time way out in the future!

  3. And they’ve been touting their better-than-Insight On Demand movie selection. IMO, the movies are the same but ever since Comcast took over, the audio on the movies is scratchy – for lack of a better term. They wait until halfway thru the movie and then the sound cuts out – just for a second, but every 3 seconds! Frustrating!

  4. Has anyone else noticed that the sound has changed? I have gone through all the channels and they are all the same. If it were a rdio I would think I was one point off the station number. Not a true sound with the picture.

  5. There is probably nothing more irritating than commercials except commercials that are cut off or over run. This has been happening for the past four months. Doesn’t make any difference what channel. Their traffic manager for commercials is not doing the job right.

  6. Well, my change went smoothly. My voice mail change went flawlessly. I switched my email accounts over to The phone service works excellent. My cable doesn’t go out on a hard rain (like Dish)and my DVR works wonderfully. I think considering they have to switch over 100,000 customers, it went pretty well. What were the odds some disgruntled customers posted here?

  7. I got the notice of the rate increases in the mail yesterday. :-/

    Maybe it’s just all the snow/ice thawing and everything being so soggy, but, I’ve been noticing a lot more cutting out of at least the audio and sometimes the video (just gets all blocky like the codec can’t make sense of things) on digital / HD channels.

    I haven’t switched over e-mail yet…that’s going to suck!

  8. Slip up I wonder? Dunlap was not listed in either A or B on the card I received.

    BTW talk about mixed emotions…I happen to own a chunk of ComCast stock.

  9. Oh? Gosh then I wonder why I had to send them $93.68 yesterday for their services since they took over Insight? And yes, I do live in Dunlap!

  10. If you are switching email addresses over to Comcast, then you might want to jump before your “user” name is taken.

    Log into and click on email, then log into it with your Insight user and password. There you can create your email accounts. If you use a POP program like Outlook, then the settings are;


    Just FYI.

  11. No, you have a Dunlap MAILING ADDRESS.

    All that area up north that likes to pretend it’s Dunlap is actually in the city of Peoria or unincorporated Peoria County.

    The City of Dunlap is served my Mediacom.

  12. vonster,
    I happen to live in Dunlap and I am on Comcast. Even my property tax bill attests to being in Dunlap – not “pretending to be Dunlap” nor any of your other misconceptions! ^oo^~

    PS – this will be my final comment to you


    If you don’t live in the pink shaded area, you don;t live in the Village of Dunlap.

    It’s a common misconception. People who live in the far northern subdivisions like Lake of the Woods think they’re in Dunlap. Actually, they’re in the City of Peoria or unincorporated Medina or maybe Radnor twp.

    The folks in Sommer Place sub off of Koerner Rd have Edwards addresses but they are in the City.

  14. LMAO Try selling homes out there!!! No one knows where the heck they live. Then they change the schools every year… crazy! Do we have Harry Whitaker to thank for this?

  15. Further confusing residents is the fact that a good chunk of northwest Peoria corporate limits is in the Dunlap school district.

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