Tag Archives: Jeanne Williamson

And speaking of District 150 . . .

District 150 has hired yet another consultant.

Jeanne Williamson, an assistant superintendent of school operations at District 150 before she left in 2002 to become superintendent of Dunlap School District 323, was hired as a consultant. She retired from District 323 at the end of June.

Williamson’s job will be to devise a plan to reconfigure the district’s high schools, board President Debbie Wolfmeyer said. […]

Williamson is to be paid $350 per day up to a maximum of 120 days.

Given the number of administrators and consultants already on District 150’s staff, is there honestly no one in house who can do this job? Like, for instance, Ken Hinton?

Hat tip: MiddleAgedWomanBlogging