A 19-year-old Illinois Central College student is the sixth person to seek election to an at-large seat on the Peoria City Council. George Azouri of 3638 W. Cassadaga Ct. in the City’s fourth district filed his petitions with the Peoria Election Commission on Tuesday. He’s a student member of ICC’s Board of Trustees, and was recently appointed to the Mayor’s advisory committee on police-community relations.
Tag Archives: Peoria City Council
So far, five people are definitely running, and two definitely aren’t
City Council hopefuls have six days to file petitions to be placed on the ballot. Today, five candidates filed:
- Ryan Spain (incumbent)
- Eric Turner (incumbent)
- Chuck Grayeb (former councilman)
- Chuck Weaver (Zoning Board of Appeals chairman)
- Jim Stowell (District 150 School Board member)
Two incumbents are definitely not running:
- Jim Montelongo wants to pay more attention to his family and his business
- George Jacob is recovering from a motorcycle accident
Potential candidates have to collect a minimum of 165 signatures to be placed on the ballot, and they have until 5 p.m. next Monday (Nov. 22) to file. Incumbent Gary Sandberg is expected to file at 4:59 p.m. on Nov. 22, as is his usual practice. He likes to be the last name on the ballot. As for who will be first on the ballot — we’ll find out tomorrow. It will be one of three people: Spain, Weaver, or Grayeb. They filed at the same time, so their names will be placed in a lottery to determine their order on the ballot.
If more than 10 people run, there will be a primary on Tuesday, February 22, 2011. The general election will be held Tuesday, April 5, 2011.
Add Spain to the list
The Journal Star reports that Ryan Spain announced he’ll be running for reelection to the Peoria City Council.
“The city of Peoria needs leadership that is not afraid to make difficult decisions to position Peoria for the years ahead,” Spain, who was first elected to the council in 2007, said in the news release. “This means living within our means, streamlining services and investing in the future.” […]
Spain said he pledges to continue to “work hard to improve economic competitiveness” of Peoria and stimulate economic development and job growth.
Mr. Spain voted to continue funding ArtsPartners, advocated for development of regional branding (just imagine how much that would cost), and voted to give an East Peoria developer nearly $40 million to build a private hotel next to the Civic Center with an attached pedestrian bridge. Living within our means, indeed.
Liveblogging the City Council 10/12/2010
Good evening, Chronicle readers. I’m back at the City Council meeting this week, and there’s a relatively short agenda this evening. The meeting is starting a little early — the Town of the City of Peoria is having a meeting from 6 to 6:15 p.m., and then the regular City Council meeting will begin. The Town meeting is pretty interesting, actually. The Town Supervisor Joe Whalen wants to lease a new office on Glen Avenue for a couple thousand dollars a month, whereas they’re currently located in City Hall for free. Upon questioning as to why City Hall can’t accommodate his needs, he couldn’t give any good reason (people have to walk up and down stairs, and other horrors). When asked if he looked at city-owned property, he says he was offered space at the bus depot, but he was concerned about security. There were other locations downtown that were not considered because Whalen felt there wasn’t adequate parking.
I can’t believe (a) Town Supervisor is an elected position, (b) this guy got elected, and (c) that he makes over $80,000 a year. Van Auken asks why it’s okay to have child care at the bus station, but security is an issue for his office? Whalen says he doesn’t run the child care center, but he does run the Town Supervisor office and he doesn’t feel safe having “his girls” down there (an apparent reference to female employees). Despite all this discussion, Irving moves to approve leasing the building on Glen, seconded by Turner. It passes unanimously.
The space they’re leasing is 1,896 square feet at 624 W. Glen Ave. (near Sheridan), for $11 per square foot. That comes out to about $1738 per month, or $20,856 per year. They’re going to pay this despite the fact that they have ample space available in the Twin Towers (Whalen doesn’t want people to have to go upstairs and is concerned about kids running around) and the bus depot (as previously stated, Whalen is concerned about safety). What a waste of money!
There are several proclamations tonight which I don’t usually cover; once the meeting starts, I’ll update this post throughout the evening. Here’s tonight’s City Council agenda:
Liveblogging the City Council 9-14-2010
Hello all you lonely people who have nothing better to do than read a live blog about the Peoria City Council meeting. 🙂 Mayor Ardis is not here this evening, so Ryan Spain is filling in as Mayor Pro Tem. As always, I’ll be updating this post throughout the evening, so refresh often. Here’s tonight’s agenda:
City staff omits key fact about HOPC’s ‘review’ of museum design
Before the City Council can give away the museum block for $1, they first have to approve the “design concepts” for the museum. On the council communication, under “neighborhood concerns,” it states, “Heart of Peoria Commission reviewed the drawings prior to Council approval on April 4, 2006.” This is misleading. First of all, the design plans have changed dramatically since 2006. The council communication does acknowledge that there have been “some revisions,” but that’s rather understated, considering the size of the building decreased by 26%, retail development has been pushed off to a future phase, etc. Secondly, the Heart of Peoria Commission recommended denial of the changes that reduced the building size in 2007.
Why is City staff not providing council members with all the facts? What other facts have they omitted?
No liveblogging again… sorry (UPDATED)
Hi everyone. Friends from Massachusetts are in town, and we’re spending the evening with them. But I’ll do a recap of the meeting later tonight. You can hear the meeting live on WCBU (89.9 FM) or watch it live on Comcast cable channel 22.
UPDATE: Here was the agenda for Tuesday night with some summary comments about each item:
Finance Director Jim Scroggins explained that this public hearing is required by law. You may recall that the City agreed a few weeks ago to give Gary Matthews $37 million to redevelop the Pere Marquette and build another hotel downtown. The City wants to use $2,195,000 in Recovery Zone Facility Bonds (the maximum amount allocated to the City under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act) to fund a portion of that $37 million. Recovery Zone Facility Bonds are tax-exempt bonds. The entire City of Peoria is designated a “recovery zone.” This is not the time to argue the merits of the hotel project; this hearing is just about the type of financing that is used; specifically, the use of Recovery Zone Facility Bonds.
- Phyllis Pryde — Asserts the hotel will be a better investment than the museum because it will earn money and pay taxes. Spoke more against the museum than in favor of the hotel.
- Kenny Carrigan — He’s in favor of the hotel because it will provide union jobs and bring more activity to the Civic Center. Also speaks in favor of the museum because it will draw tourists, he said. Had positive comments to say about Gary Matthews.
- Savino Sierra — Supports the hotel because it will provide jobs to union workers and service workers.
That’s it. All three people were in favor of it. Hearing closed.
ITEM NO. 2 CONSIDERATION OF CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS BY OMNIBUS VOTE, for the City of Peoria, with Recommendations as Outlined:
A.NOTICE of LAWSUIT Filed on Behalf of TERRANCE JACKSON Regarding a Complaint Against the City of Peoria and Several Police Officers Alleging Excessive Force During a Traffic Stop and Arrest on January 26, 2009, with Request to Receive for Information and Refer to the Legal Department.
B.Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works with Recommendation to ACCEPT the LOW BID of R.A. CULLINAN & SONS, INC., in the Amount of $872,242.50, and Award the CONTRACT for the WEST HICKORY GROVE ROAD ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (West of Dunmore Drive to Knoxville Avenue) ALTERNATE A, and to Approve CHANGE ORDER #1, in the Amount of $172,033.74, with Additional Authorization of $52,213.81 (5% for Contingencies).
C.Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of a FINAL PAY ESTIMATE, in the Amount of $12,501.26, which is $10,683.43, or 15% Over the Approved Amount of $67,849.93, for a Total Contract Amount of $78,533.36, for GLEN OAK IMPACT ZONE PHASE I SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS.
D.Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Approval of the ADDITION of $140,000.00 to the CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT with J. C. DILLON, INC. for ANNUAL STORM SEWER REPAIR CONTRACT to Include the Repair at 1100 W. MacQUEEN AVENUE (24.6% of Original Authorization Amount of $570,000.00), for a Total Amended Authorization of $710,000.00. (Amends Item No. 10-118)
E.Communication from the City Manager and Corporation Counsel Requesting Adoption of an ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 31, Schedule A, of the Code of the City of Peoria Prohibiting the Use of Ground Water as a POTABLE WATER SUPPLY by the Installation or Use of POTABLE WATER SUPPLY WELLS or by Any Other Method.
F.Communication from the City Manager and Director of Planning and Growth Management with Request to Receive and File the GLEN OAK SCHOOL NEIGHBORHOOD IMPACT ZONE PROGRESS REPORT for the FIRST HALF of 2010, as Required Semi-Annually by Ordinance No. 16,461.
G.REPORT of the CITY TREASURER PATRICK A. NICHTING for the MONTH of JUNE 2010, with Request to Receive and File.
Riggenbach removed item F from the consent agenda. The remaining items were approved unanimously.
Riggenbach wanted to highlight the Glen Oak Impact Zone report. Recognized George Jacob and Bob Manning for starting this project. Stated the new Glen Oak School is scheduled to open on Monday, August 30. Highlighted sidewalk and street improvements around the new school. Says there are still challenges in the area, but things are improving. Says he sees fewer for-sale signs in that area now, and thinks that it may be because people are “feeling better about their neighborhoods than they have in the past.” (Or, maybe it’s because several blocks of homes were torn down, so there are fewer houses overall.) Wants staff to come back with “creative ways to increase homeownership in this area” and other improvements.
Motion to receive and file approved unanimously.
ITEM NO. 3 Communication from the City Manager and Director of Public Works Requesting Authorization for the Staff to APPLY to the U.S. DEPARTMENT of TRANSPORTATION for a $16,000,000 TIGER II GRANT for STREET IMPROVEMENTS in the WAREHOUSE DISTRICT.
No discussion. Passed unanimously.
ITEM NO. 4 Communication from the City Manager and Acting Human Resources Department Requesting Authorization for the City Manager to Enter into a THREE-YEAR AGREEMENT with the LOW BIDDER, PMA MANAGEMENT CORPORATION, to Provide THIRD PARTY ADMINISTRATION for the CITY’S SELF-INSURED WORKERS’ COMPENSATION PROGRAM at a Projected Cost of $216,000.00, for the Three-Year Term.
No discussion. Passed unanimously.
ITEM NO. 5 Communication from the City Manager and Acting Human Resources Director Requesting Authorization for the City Manager to Enter into a THREE-YEAR AGREEMENT with the LOW BIDDER, VRS-VERICLAIM, INC., to Provide Third Party Administration for the CITY’S LIABILITY PROGRAM at an Estimated Three-Year Cost of $142,000.00.
No discussion. Passed unanimously.
(10-057) Communication from the City Manager and Director of Planning and Growth Management with Recommendation from the Historic Preservation Commission Requesting Approval of the Following:
B. REQUEST to DEFER until NOVEMBER 9, 2010, the ORDINANCE Amending CHAPTER 16 of the Code of the City of Peoria Related to the DESIGNATION PROCESS.
Van Auken moves to approve. Also requests that Corporation Counsel give legal guidance to the ad hoc committee. Supports deferral so there’s adequate time for all parties to be heard. Motion passes unanimously.
Further unfinished business: Turner says they’re going to have another public hearing on Comcast’s cable service in October; specific date not yet set.
Turner thanks everyone who helped raise money last Friday (Elected Officials Got Talent); Gulley reminds everyone of the remaining budget open house meetings; Spain says he’s received complaints about barking dogs in neighborhoods; Ardis reminded everyone of the “Dine Out for Peoria Promise” fundraiser going on this week.
ITEM NO. 1 Communication from the Town Attorney Requesting Approval of a Resolution Calling for TWO SPECIAL MEETINGS of the TOWN ELECTORS to Approve a LEASE or PURCHASE for the TOWNSHIP RELIEF OFFICE.
No discussion. Motion approved unanimously.
Irving moves that the Town of the City of Peoria go into executive session after regular meeting not to return in order to consider purchase or lease of property. Motion passes unanimously.
Savino Sierra is the only citizen to address the council tonight. Complains about people walking in the street where there are sidewalks. Also speaks in favor of the Golden Corral restaurant coming to town.
The meeting was very short Tuesday evening. It adjourned shortly after 7:00 p.m. Gary Sandberg is on vacation didn’t say anything the whole meeting, and when he isn’t at the meeting doesn’t talk, pretty much everything gets approved with no discussion.
No liveblogging tonight
I’m sure you all figured it out, but I’m not liveblogging the city council meeting tonight. It’s on WCBU this evening and Comcast cable channel 22. I’ll comment on it sometime in the next few days.
Tonight’s special council meeting has been canceled
From the City Clerk:
The meeting was canceled due to a lack of a quorum, according to the city’s Communications Manager Alma Brown.
Liveblogging the City Council 5/25/2010
Hello everyone, and welcome to the Peoria City Council meeting for May 25, 2010. Hold on to your wallets, as a lot of your tax money is destined to be given to a private developer tonight. It’s also packed in council chambers. Outside there are a bunch of AFSCME employees chanting “chop from the top” very loudly to try to disrupt the meeting [note: the crowd was dispersed by the time the meeting got underway]. All the council members and the mayor are present, and we’re on our way. The clerk is reading the consent agenda now. As usual, I’ll be updating this post throughout the night, so please refresh your browser often to see the latest comments. Here’s the agenda: