Here’s a picture of a large, beautiful old oak tree that has stood for at least one hundred years, maybe even two or three hundred. This picture was taken just a few weeks ago on Big Hollow Road, next to Michael’s, across the street from Barnes & Noble. Here’s what the same parcel looks like now:

The property was recently sold, and now it’s being cleared to make way for a new strip mall (because if there’s one thing Peoria needs, it’s another strip mall). The City of Peoria has no tree protection ordinance, although attempts have been made to establish one for many years. Eleven years ago, a giant white oak was removed from the Michael’s property, even though it was in the corner of the lot and not obstructing anything, and even though the developer assured neighbors it would be spared. Now another ancient oak is gone.
I don’t know if a tree ordinance is a good idea or not. The prospect raises a number of concerns about property rights and government power. I guess I just wish people would, of their own accord, value old trees like this and not so cavalierly uproot them in the name of “progress.” Commercial development that incorporated natural features of the land would be so much more interesting. But there seems to be a blueprint for strip malls that all developers follow. As a result, we’re treated to the same, generic look wherever we go, not just in Peoria, but throughout most of the country. It’s a shame we can’t be more creative… and less destructive.