The Candidates Forum

I was at the candidates forum Wednesday night (2/7). It was good, but with 14 people running, there was only time to give each person 4 minutes for a speech and 4 minutes of Q&A — not a lot of time to get to know them. But it was a good introduction anyway.

I’m not going to go over all the candidate’s platforms because it’s already been more than adequately covered on the Chamber of Commerce site and in the Community Word. Instead, I’d just like to give a few impressions I had of some of the candidates (sorry, I’m not going to hit them all).

As Gale Thetford got up to speak, I overheard a person sitting behind me whisper to no one in particular, “I sure hope she doesn’t get reelected!” Amen, sister. Thetford said she wants to strengthen older neighborhoods, but she didn’t say her idea of “strengthening neighborhoods” is to allow places like MidTown Plaza to be built. She said she didn’t raise taxes while she was in office, but didn’t mention that she lobbied and voted for the $6 garbage tax fee. She said she was disappointed the city cut funding to District 150 for crossing guards, and one can only wonder where she would have suggested the city get the money for that.

District 150 came up a lot with several of the candidates, actually. While they all made the obligatory caveat that District 150 is its own entity and the city can’t run the district, several spoke of the need for the city to help District 150 any way it can. What most of them didn’t mention was the need for that to be a two-way street. In fact, according to my notes, only Dan Irving made a point of saying helping D150 “should be a two-way street.” Irving also is a supporter of city-wide wi-fi, so I expect he’ll be endorsed by Billy Dennis.

Eric Turner got a cool reception, which I didn’t expect. After he got finished telling everyone that one way the council needs to address neighborhood concerns is to have an at-large councilman team up with the district councilman and meet with the neighborhood leaders to strategize, one audience member said, “Well, you’ve had a long time to work on that.” I guess, while there are benefits to incumbency, there are apparently also pitfalls.

I got to ask George Jacob how he answers those who would criticize his numerous abstentions on liquor-related issues because of his job. He said he had to abstain x-number times (I think it was something like 62 times — he gave me actual figures but I didn’t write them down), and most of those (47, I think) were on the consent agenda, which were unanimous votes. Of the 15 or so remaining votes, 8 were unanimous and the remainder were non-unanimous, but not controversial. The closest vote was 6-4 on the liquor license for the bar on W. Main St. So, he feels it’s a non-issue. I have to admit, I kind of like the guy. He’s unpretentious and he gets out in the neighborhoods. And, of course, he wins the award for “Most Expensive Campaign Materials.” Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Ryan Spain had a lot to say about economic development, but not much to say about anything else (Spain on crime: “Crime is a problem that needs to be dealt with”; Spain on city services: they are “an important commitment we need to live up to”). In fairness, he did only have 4 minutes, so maybe he has some fleshed-out ideas he just didn’t have time to share. But then I picked up his ad flier and saw that he’s endorsed by Ray LaHood, and that raised a red flag. It appears he’s being groomed for bigger and better things in the Republican party, and this is just the first step. He wins the award for “Most Aaron-Schock-ish Campaign.”

Gary Sandberg wore his trademark bow tie and had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I know of no one who lives in an older neighborhood (remember, this forum was held in the 2nd district) that doesn’t like Sandberg (don’t write and tell me you know someone — I know they are bound to be out there; I’m just saying I’ve never met one). He has an impeccable record for putting essential services first and supporting older neighborhoods, and he touted that record Wednesday night. He pointed out that he was the only candidate running in this election who can say he voted for requiring a supermajority to expand institutional zoning boundaries within 20 years of their filed institutional plan. He was also the only candidate who mentioned the Land Development Code, which is near and dear to my heart, of course.

Someone who came across as somewhat similar to Gary was Dan Gillette. He worked for the streets department before taking early retirement. He seemed to be a firm believer in putting essential services first and looking for forms of revenue other than taxes and fees of citizens. He gave the example of providing certain services (such as thermal striping of streets) to nearby cities for a fee. He’s worth further consideration.

Also worth further consideration are Charles Schierer and Brad Carter, with whom I spent a fair amount of time in conversation. Carter came to the last Blogger Bash (2/3), so I know him a little better. He is also an essential-services-first candidate, and he’s in favor of keeping the Kellar Branch a rail line, so obviously he’s clear-thinking. Schierer is a former accountant and current lawyer, which wouldn’t be bad skills to have on the council; he’s also a fan of form-based code. Incidentally, Carter wins the award for “Most Unintentionally-Humorous Campaign Materials.” You’ll have to get your own flier to find out why.

Those are just my initial thoughts, so sorry if they seem a bit sketchy. I’d be interested to hear if anyone else has met the candidates and has any further impressions to share.

18 thoughts on “The Candidates Forum”

  1. Funny you said that about Spain.

    When I saw the Observer article and photo with him and Bush I said to my wife, “Looks like we have the next Aaron Schock.” Maybe he could be Aaron’s Lieutenant Governor when the boy wonder runs. Or I guess Alexis Shazam could hire him.

    And LaHood needs to go.

  2. Its time we had more people on the council that are interested in essential services that are paid for with other than tax dollars. Too much of this community is being developed on credit and then we have to pay the bill later including interest and late payment fees. Get the basics in place and running before we bring on the frills.

  3. I agree with much of the analysis you put forthe, however, candidates who only clean up and wear a tie during election season are putting forthe a false image. I think someone who continually votes against the crowd is just doing so for notoriaty. Name one positive thing Thetford or Sandberg have accomplished for the good of the city. Thetford is dillusional if she thinks she has a chance of being elected at large. Sandberg will be reelected due to “bullet voting”. If they do away with bullet voting we will do away with Peoria’s biggest obstacle to growth, Councilmember Sandberg. You gotta wonder about a community that continually puts someone of his ilk in office. Lets start rolling up the sidewalks as he talks endlessly, about nothing, at every council meeting eclipsing the real issues in rhetoric. Get out the vote so the Thetford/Sandberg obstructionists ride off into the sunset.

  4. Rob: I strongly disagree in regards to Sandburg. He is the best friend the voter has on the council and frankly if he talks on and on about city personnel buying so much as a Pepsi without a receipt then that is what I like. These people spend our money sometimes with very little accountablity. Yes sidewalks are important but Sandberg uses that as a metafore more than anything to stress that the city should be taking care of the city and not some developer who is only interested in making money. There is nothing wrong with developement as long as it doesn’t come on the backs of the taxpayer. Sandburg is the most knowledgable person on the council when it comes to finanaces period.

    Now as to other candidates running I have to say Ryan Spain for one is a new voice and regardless of what people may think of his endorsement from LaHood, there are no party politics on the council. With what we have had on the council over the years I say it’s time to get some new blood in there and keep some of the most experienced blood also. I agree that Thetford shouldn’t have a chance in hell getting back on the council but either should some other do nothings that are on it now, like Turner.

  5. “Its time we had more people on the council that are interested in essential services that are paid for with other than tax dollars. ”

    yeah…we were supposed to have that after the last election. You should know by now candidates will tell you whatever you want to hear to get elected and hope you forget that they didn’t fulfil their promise 4 years later.

    CJ, I’m surprised you made it out of the forum alive by asking Jacobs that. I’ve seen him tear people’s heads off for asking that question (although he’s usually got a Bud in one hand and a stogie in the other when that happens)…seems to be a real sensitve issue for him.

  6. To all….

    I disagree that Ryan Spain is the next Aaron Schock. It is clearly obvious that when LaHood retires, the tourch will be handed to Aaron just as it was handed to LaHood my Bob Michael. Ryan I do not beleive is the same case. If you have ever talked to Spain in a one-on-one, he is a person that clearly cares about this city. After graduating from the U of I (WITH HONORS), Spain could have went anywhere in the U.S. Instead, he moved back to Peoria and devotes, even in his day job, himself to bringing people BACK to this city and making it a great place to live. I was NOT at the forum on the 7th but I have talked with Spain numerous times and in my opinoin, he is the new blood we need in this city.

    As for party politics, it is non-partisan election…IT DOESN’T MATTER people. But since it has been brought up, no one seems to mention (at least what little I have read) the fact that Lahood has appeared at George Jacob fundraisers AND Jacob has raised quite a bit of money for Lahood…I like George as a person but if you bash Spain for the Lahood connection, you CAN NOT overlook the man that wins the award for “Most Yard signs in a TEN SQUARE FOOT AREA!” Next he’ll be painting water towers and having people tatoo “Jacob” on their foreheads.

    People…this city needs new direction. I am willing to give the kid (Spain) a chance for 4 years. I mean, its not like Thetford is going to do anything but put us to sleep every Tuesday night…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!


  7. Wow, Rob. I’ve never heard anyone put Thetford and Sandberg in the same category before. That’s a new one on me. I personally think Sandberg would get reelected with or without the help of the cumulative voting system.

  8. The fact that Spain is so tight with LaHood is just enough reason for me to NOT vote for him.

  9. Sorry to hear that prego_man. If that is all it takes to change your mind about a person, then there is no reaching you. Spain is not “tight” with LaHood. I have had my picture taken with Ronald McDonald and yet we are not “tight”.

    Yes I agree, to put Thetford and Sandburg together is rather wierd. Reminds me of an old Star Trek episode. You can mix matter and anti-matter.

  10. Well, much as I don’t really care for McDonald’s stuff, Emtronics, you’d still get my vote, with or without the dude in pancake make-up.

    LaHood, on the other hand, is a different story. If Spain comes out publicly that he thinks LaHood’s time should be up in the House, I might re-consider.

  11. Also, Emtronics, I am a bit uneasy about his girly giddiness at being photo’d with the worst President in American History. The fact that he thanked Ray LaHood for the opportunity for two and half newspaper columns also makes me shake. Some might see this as simple young “enthusiasm”… I see it as being disconcerting.

  12. PREGO_MAN WROTE: “I am a bit uneasy about his girly giddiness at being photo’d with the worst President in American History.”

    Did Jimmy Carter visit Peoria recently? How come I don’ remember hearing about that?

  13. CJ,
    thanks for the kind comments. Now I cannot change my flyers because you’ve got everyone wondering. I would encourage everyone to come to a forum so you can meet all the candidates (and see my flyers).

    Emtronics – When you had your picture taken with Ronald McDonald, were you doing an internship for him?

  14. Emtronics says, “I have had my picture taken with Ronald McDonald and yet we are not ‘tight.'”

    No, but what if you were running for office and you were endorsed by Ronald McDonald? What would that tell the voters?

  15. Brad, I enjoyed talking to you at the forum — I meant to add to my message the fact that you live in an older neighborhood (unlike many of the candidates). I think that provides you a “reality check” unavailable to some of our North-Peoria-dwellers when the council talks about fair distribution of city services, such as road repair, snow removal, police patrols, etc.

  16. To David P. Jordan… I would have been almost equally thrown off by anyone getting silly about getting his photo with Jimmy Carter, near the end of his presidency. For those of you who might not recall… I remember hostages, 20% interest rates, and the bottom falling out. On the other hand, Carter wasn’t sacraficing young people for no good cause. Either way, just because the President shows up doesn’t mean you have to drool over the idea. Rein it in like a man… don’t fawn all over the situation like you’re a schoolgirl in 1966 holding hands with Davy Jones. I’m not sure I want that sort of silly thought process on the City Council. Do you?

  17. Thanks for the “vote” prego_man. CJ: If I were to run for office and Mr. McDonald did snap a pic with me it would simply mean that I like having my pic taken with a clown. I can “get along”. Hence LaHood. savy?

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