The first quadrennial At-Large Prediction Contest

On the suggestion of my good friend Mahkno, I’m going to tear a page out of the Journal-Star-Cue-Section playbook and open up this thread for At-Large City Council Member predictions.

This will be kind of like the Movie Match contest the Journal Star does every year, only there are no prizes — just the satisfaction of knowing you called it right. Here’s how it works:

In the comments section, type who you think will be the five winning candidates in order of finishing in the April 17 general election. After the election, I’ll post the names (or pseudonyms, as the case may be) of those who either got it spot-on or came the closest to the actual results.

Fortune Cookie

Good news: You don’t have to guess how many votes they’ll get or how wide the margin of victory will be. Just the names in the correct order. No wagering, please.

Good luck, everyone, and let the games begin!

8 thoughts on “The first quadrennial At-Large Prediction Contest”

  1. Great idea….going to give this a little thought. You should also ask people to give their picks for the best five to be elected, not just those that we think will be elected.

  2. Here’s my call and in order:

    1) Sandburg
    2) Jacob
    3) Spain
    4) Thetford
    5) Montelongo

    The big story will be Turner’s loss.

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