The latest line drawn by the City

The Journal Star recently published the following quote regarding the Wonderful Development:

“The developer doesn’t need a reminder from the council of the hard deadline in place,” Mayor Jim Ardis said. “He knows he has to deal with any obstacles and put us in a position to close by the end of the month. That won’t change.”

Did you see that? This latest deadline is different than all the previous deadlines. This one is a hard deadline. We really mean business this time! No more of those phony deadlines of the past three and a half years! This is a hard deadline. Do you hear me, Mr. Matthews? HARD!

It is to laugh. Does anyone really believe this? It’s like that old Bugs Bunny cartoon:

5 thoughts on “The latest line drawn by the City”

  1. Will believe it after any more deadlines has been vote down by Bugs Bunnies on the council! Sam just needs to go over that cliff. Really feel sorry for the Pere Marquette and its former staff though.

  2. The “deadline” is a joke. I did notice a small change in strategy, Spain and Ardis weren’t tossing themselves into the cameras, tonight it was Irving and Riggenbach. Riggenbach’s statement of we are willing to do anything to help the developer…then quickly clarified “within reason.” No one buys that city wouldn’t vote to delay the Second Coming, if it meant that hotel deal would go through. It continues to show the poor judgement of this council and the committment to their buddy’s projects. HP pulled the head honcho back from promotion of the hotel after people began pointing out Spain’s getting the funding for the hotel that his company is pushing.

    Rahm in town was also a huge joke. He stated that we have a lot in common. Sure we do, all the public housing and the criminals that they have kicked out of Chicago and sent to Peoria with a one way bus pass, a Section 8 voucher and some pocket money. He should have noticed quite a number of fellow crooks on the street. Peoria strives to be like the Windy City and as they get more corrupt by the day, that goal is being reached. I did notice that Rahm stated they put more cops on the streets. I am sure the city council was suddenly noticing the floor tiles, how shapely they are and may have taken a moment to reflect on this week’s cocktail parties where it is decided which crony gets how much in the taxpayer’s money because NO ONe commented on perhaps adding officers would be a good use of our tax dollars.

    Get the lines drawn in the districts so that a new slate can replace these tired out spendthrifts.

  3. Every council member who supports this project should be voted out, starting with the district people.

  4. building collapses today on south end. Congrats City council on gutting code enforcement and inspections. Gunshots on both east and west McClure, gang activity, robberies, muggings, stabbings, dead kids. Congrats City council on placing public safety on the bottom of your list.
    More BS from Matthews. Congrats city council on such a wise and well thought out use for our tax dollars.

    6 new council members, Congrats on the citizens of Peoria for getting rid of corruption.

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