Tuesday open soapbox

Sorry I haven’t been posting for a couple of days. Other things have kept me busy, plus I didn’t feel particularly well yesterday. Hopefully I’ll get back into the swing of things this evening.

In the meantime, here’s an open thread for you to hop up on your soapbox and comment on whatever is on your mind.

17 thoughts on “Tuesday open soapbox”

  1. I see executives of AIG spent $440,000 at a California resort a week after the taxpayers bailed their butts out.  “Little” people go to jail
    for a long time for embezzling a few hundred dollars.  How many of
    these clowns will be prosecuted?  Who is going to police these bailouts?  The stock market went down over 500 points today.  Gee, I guess we really restored investor confidence with these bailouts, didn’t we?  Remember folks, Shock supported this, and “deer in the headlights” Callahan could only sputter how we “had to do something”.  Maybe that Green guy isn’t such a bad alternative? 

  2. It’s not about restoring investor confidence, it’s about keeping money flowing and saving the banking industry which is in dire straits, which in turn affects affects everyone. When the banks fail and/or pull lines of credit and loans from business owners big and small, it will affect everyone, even you, Mouse.

  3. The intervention plan didn’t cause this week’s stock market action any more than today’s rain caused last year’s drought.

  4. Wake up PeoriaIllinoisan, THE PARTY IS OVER!  The bailout isn’t going to change that, it’s going to make things worse.  It’s really nothing more than legalized theft.  And no, it didn’t cause the market drop today, my point was the bailout didn’t prevent it.   And until we address the underlying problems, the financial system will continue to deteriorate.

  5. Mouse:  The underlying problems like living within your own means, no pork added to bills to get them to pass — or ….

  6. And those who have enough clout to manipulate the markets are buying when everyone else is selling…. you know of course for every one selling stocks and other investments, there is someone willing to buy them.

    Just like in 1928, someone and their children are going to get VERY VERY VERY rich from this… oh, I meant to say RICHER, RICHER and RICHER.

    Create a panic, encourage mass sell offs and quietly buy everything up…. ahhhh, THE FREE MARKET!

  7. kcdad, you have to know which ones are going to be “rescued” and
    which ones are going to go to zero.  Doesn’t matter how cheap you buy if the company goes bust.  Pelosi, Reid, Bush and the crew seem to be deciding that now, and using our money to do it.  NO, PeoriaIllinoisan, I don’t want the financial system to implode, but that is what will happen if they continue these bailouts and don’t address the problems, such as Karrie stated.   You keep assuming these bailouts will help.  Your assumptions are invalid.  

  8. KC, you could invest in your conspiracy theory by investing in an ETF that replicates the performance of a banking industry index.  Opportunities such as the one you describe aren’t the exclusive province of the wealthy. 

  9. SOMEONE is buying these stocks and funds as they go down and down. No one can sell without someone buying. There is no net loss or gain in the stock market.
    Call it conspiracy if you want to… when people get together to manipulate the market… what would you call it?

  10. I checked my savings plan today and I’m glad I have 15 years to make up the amount I’ve lost.

  11. Yes, there are a buyer and seller in every transaction, and when the price of a security is dropping it simply means the bid/ask direction is down due to any or a combination of countless factors.  My point was that if you really believe that manipulation is occurring, there are ways that you, too, can capitalize on it. 

  12. I was just reading an article in The New York Times about investors pulling out of the market for safe and insured bank accounts… next to it was the government’s announcement that it was going to start buying up interest in banks… next to it was an article about the stock market falling another 600 points (noticeably missing was any comment about who was buying all these  panicky sold stocks)…
    and I suddenly thought to myself… our government is buying up control in banks! We are going to have a truly national bank for the first time in our history… But wait! WHO is going to control these banks? Congress?  Paulsen? No. The Federal Reserve Cabal, which already runs our government, is going to absorb all these other banks and along with the International Bank of the Settlements and the World Bank, will own everything.  wow

  13. Can anyone explain why the SOLD sign has been taken off the MaGoof For Sale sign out at the old Menards? I mean the sale to the owner of Green Chevy was recorded well over a month ago, but the huge MaGoof’s sign is out by the road. Is Green trying to dump it now?

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