10 thoughts on “Vacation”

  1. Just to remind that the Boys and Girls Club former Headquarters on the far south side has been closed for 2 1/2 years and the after-school programs have been shifted to Trewyn, a tax supported school. Yet the Director of the Boys and Girls Club continues to hold numerous fund raisers, one fund-raising promotion sponsored in part by Caterpillar listed the closed location on Grinnell as still being open.

    Why was it closed? I was told by the then President it had been taken over by gangs. Probably from Woodruff. (Joke)

    It would be interesting to see a financial statement, audited.

    I suggest an unannounced visit to Trewyn about 3:30 some day to watch what goes on. On my four visits, it was run mainly as a place to stash kids who came and went as they pleased.

    On my first visit I parked in front of the building. I was told by the Vice-Principal to move my car to the back because I was in danger of having my car vandalized.

    People feel good about making monetary contributions that appear to be worthy without ever looking into what goes on or trying to track the results of their donations.

    A volunteer ex-cop blew his whistle every 10 minutes to try to maintain some type of order. The big draw was free food.

    Sorry, I’m not politically correct.

  2. I am always called to contribute to the Boys’ and Girls’ Club; I always refuse; every time the caller says somethng to the effect of how much they have appreciated my previous contributions. I always say I have never contributed.

  3. For 25 years or more, the Noon Optimist Club donated a minimum of $500 yearly to the B and G Club. After the former treasurer of the B and G Club, a member of the Noon Optimist Club, no longer kept up with the happenings of the club, the Optimists just kept donating because it was “for a good cause”…Oh well, that’s why they are called optimists. Not even the former treasurer knew what was happening to the thousands of dollars collected from many different sources including the United Way. I have no proof that the dollars are mis-spent but I’d like to see how they stack up with other donor supported programs. What percentage for salaries, programs, etc. If someone sends me a report, I’ll print it on my blog site.

    The number of kids served means nothing because if a kid signs up as a member and shows up only one time all year he or she is listed a a member served making it easy to say you served 2000 kids a year..

    An audited financial report would clear the air. I asked for but never received one.

  4. Really big Jim Mcgongile writes


    Tell The ICC “NO WAY” to Ameren’s Proposed Rate Increase!!

    Ameren is back at the trough again — filing a formal request with the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC) for a $226 million rate increase that will raise YOUR electric and natural gas rates.

    AARP is urging you to contact the ICC and say “NO WAY!” to Ameren’s request.

    Less than a year ago, Ameren was granted a $162 million dollar increase.

    Now, they’re asking for a $226 million annual increase in service charges — a huge burden for consumers already struggling with rising utility bills in a tough economy.
    We need YOU to contact the ICC and oppose the rate increase!


    –Attend the ICC Public Hearing and voice your concern over the proposed rate increase!

    Tuesday, October 27th, 2009
    7:00pm Pekin City Council Chambers
    111 S. Capitol Street, Pekin

    If you cannot attend the meeting, call the ICC at 1-800-524-0795 and tell them “NO WAY” to the Ameren rate increase!

    I won’t be able to the electric pay to cook to keep me fat help vote no way

  5. Read Clare Howard’s column in the JS tomorrow about the lead abatement program that went not too well over the last few years. Bear in mind that 46,000 homes in Peoria County are above the lead content safety level.

  6. Sorry, look for Ms. Howard’s report in the next couple of days. It should be intertesing. We have 46,000 homes in Peoria County in need of lead abatement according to the health department.

    And only $625,000 to do with an average home abatement cost of over $10,000 each!

    C.J., enjoy your vacation. When you are back contact me about the latest happenngs on musuem progress. I will not blog on them until the minutes of the last meeting are sent to me.

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