Violent crime declining in Peoria

Steve Settingsgaard. The police union gave him a vote of no confidence. Residents and some in the press criticized him for posting mug shots of prostitution and drug arrestees. Yet local government officials and many citizens defend him and even sing his praises. Why?

One word: Results.

In 2007, there were a total of 74 shootings and 16 homicides; 104 shootings and 18 homicides were logged in 2006. So far this year, there have been four homicides.

No doubt some will try to attribute these results to everything under the sun other than the police chief; and to be sure, the credit absolutely needs to be spread around. These outcomes aren’t the result of a one-man show. But you can bet if the trend were the other way, the fingers of blame would all be pointing directly at Settingsgaard.

So I say, let’s give credit where credit is due. Nobody’s perfect. We’re never going to agree on every tactic used by the chief. But let’s acknowledge and be thankful that our city has gotten safer under his watch.

7 thoughts on “Violent crime declining in Peoria”

  1. I would love to, but just can’t do that. Sorry. Maybe Peoria has gotten “safer” ‘under his watch’ but I cannot attribute it to him. There are just too many other factors. And if and when crime goes up, I also do not attribute it to the Chief of Police unless there are absolute reasons to do so.

  2. CJ,

    What really irks me about all this is hardly anyone is asking if this crime reduction is accurate, then what does it say about the character of the police officers that work in Peoria?

    To me, it says a huge thing about their character: that while they have no confidence in their chief, they still come in each day and night and do their jobs while getting results.

    Where else can people point this out?

  3. Did crime decline statewide? If so… that would suggest maybe it has less to do with local law enforcement and more to do with broader trends.

  4. …Did crime decline nationwide? If so… that would suggest maybe it has less to do with local law enforcement and more to do with broader trends….. LOL!! Give us see a power point man before we give any credit to our boy in blue.

    Thank you PPD and Chief Settingsgaard for work well done. You are appreciated by me.

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